Local music Player, not a stream player

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Local music Player, not a stream player

Post by fargle »

A media player for local audio content.
Maybe I'm showing my age, but perhaps something like this, maybe not so elaborate.....note that this is actually running in a browser.
Webamp.jpg (63.9 KiB) Viewed 2692 times
This isn't Winamp, its Webamp, a somewhat limited clone of Winamp 2.9 done in JavaScript.
Clicking the link will show it working. The site demo music is pretty cool, although not my cup of tea!
I tried it "as is" in Dashticz, and it worked but the periodic reload wiped out the playlist....

Music shown is from a Samba share. Local version of Webamp via lighttpd on the Dashticz server.
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Re: Local music Player, not a stream player

Post by fargle »

Ploughing my lonely furrow, here's one solution I found. A Madsonic client in a big frame. The Chromium browser that was in use wouldn't work properly, ignoring the guest URL auto logon and spawning logon windows all over the screen on my pi box. However Firefox worked fine, and the latest firefox-esr fully supports Kiosk mode. Its only been running for a couple of days so far, but looks promising.

Possible downside: it does need quite a lot of screen real estate, so not really suitable for Tablets etc. There are alternative players for portable devices that can be used with the Madsonic server.

It does have CORS issues inside Dashticz which cripples some features: direct access works fully after one Firefox parameter was changed:
Open div in fullscreen on firefox2.jpg
Open div in fullscreen on firefox2.jpg (13.95 KiB) Viewed 2627 times

Uncaught DOMException: Permission denied to access property "innerHeight" on cross-origin object playQueue.view:606
initMouseListener http://192.168.1xx.xxx:4040/playQueue.view:606
jQuery 3
This stops the playlist from automatically popping up, and updating the "now playing" info when run inside Dashticz.
However it works OK with playlists and folder browsing.

dashticz - madsonic.jpg
dashticz - madsonic.jpg (183.18 KiB) Viewed 2651 times
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Re: Local music Player, not a stream player

Post by fargle »

This is definitely overkill, and probably unusable in this form on a Tablet-sized screen, but it works well on a regular-sized monitor. Its Ampache, which requires a complicated install - unless a Docker image is used, which is the way I went. There are apps available for mobile devices which take up less screen space. Currently trying out a Subsonic client app with it.
It uses the media ID3 tags for cataloguing the music, and it's very picky about those tags. Sorting my local files is taking much longer than the install did. Here it is working within Dashticz - fullscreen on a 20" screen.
2021-02-13 13_50_16-Greenshot.jpg
2021-02-13 13_50_16-Greenshot.jpg (33.44 KiB) Viewed 2540 times
And despite what I was originally looking for (a self-contained player), Ampache can stream all over the place, if set up that way.
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Re: Local music Player, not a stream player

Post by fargle »

Actually, the solution was in front of my eyes all along. :roll:
And it will play almost anything.
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Re: Local music Player, not a stream player

Post by RayleeAdams »

I still prefer Winamp for listening to music, it has a lot of useful features to improve the sound of music.
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Re: Local music Player, not a stream player

Post by topstik »

If you're looking for a local music player that can play MIDI files and retain audio information, here are some options:

Foobar2000 - a highly customizable and efficient audio player for Windows
VLC Media Player - a cross-platform, open-source player that supports a wide range of audio and video formats
Winamp - a classic and highly popular local music player for Windows
AIMP - a lightweight, fast and powerful audio player for Windows

Clementine - a modern music player for Linux, Windows, and macOS with support for MIDI files.
Note that while these players can play MIDI files, they may not have built-in support for retaining the audio information in a MIDI file after editing it, as that feature is not a standard in MIDI files. In such cases, you may need to use a third-party plugin or a different DAW.
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Re: Local music Player, not a stream player

Post by houk »

Additional funcionality to play some file on device switch on? Many of devices to show daszticz have speakers.
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