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Moon image size

Posted: Tuesday 29 December 2020 8:25
by brjhaverkamp
Hi all,

A small question that I couldn't figure out yet:
How can I scale the image of the button.moon ?
I found how to center it, but I also want to make it a bit bigger.
(I have set width to 4, to fit my currentweather. but the moon image could be a bit larger then.)

Any hint is appreciated.

Kind regards,


Re: Moon image size

Posted: Tuesday 29 December 2020 11:53
by altonschaeffer
Have you tried to do the same with length? Or play with a scale.

Re: Moon image size

Posted: Friday 14 January 2022 19:58
by stephanvdplas
I simply use this code:

blocks['moon'] = {
width: 5,
height: 5

This is what it looks like:

Re: Moon image size

Posted: Friday 14 January 2022 20:31
by Lokonli
This indeed is a recent fix in the beta version.