notify single mobile

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notify single mobile

Post by Vandaag »


I have looked at this for a long time, but I have no idea how I am able to notify a single domoticz app directly.

It should be possible as you are able to send a test message directly to a mobile device, but I have not yet found the way. Can anyone tell me if it is possible annd if so, how.


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Re: notify single mobile

Post by waaren »

Vandaag wrote: Saturday 19 December 2020 20:02 I have looked at this for a long time, but I have no idea how I am able to notify a single domoticz app directly.

It should be possible as you are able to send a test message directly to a mobile device, but I have not yet found the way. Can anyone tell me if it is possible and if so, how.
Have a look at the dzVents domoticz.notify method and specifically at Google Firebase notification subsystem.
And at this post
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Re: notify single mobile

Post by brjhaverkamp »

In dZvents I think it was already possible for a while. use the extradata parameter and put "midx_xx" in there.
xx is the index of the phone that you want the message sent to. You can find it in the mobile devices screen.

a few weeks ago I created a pull request to add this capability also to MQTT. It is in the development branch now.
With this you can easily notify mobiles from Node-Red through Domoticz with an MQTT message.


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