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Dimmer function
Posted: Sunday 08 November 2020 17:35
by sschouten
i have a ikea dimmer, connectd with zigbee to domoticz,
now i want to dim a ligth in domoticz, i cant find out how.
kind regards
Re: Dimmer function
Posted: Sunday 22 November 2020 21:53
by Wous
Same issue here. I've found several solutions, which can't compete the functionality of the hue bridge for example.
1st. Domoticz recognize the dimmer and gives the tradfi a selector switch. For each button you can give a json command. But for a dimmer, you want a relative dimlevel changed from the current position.
2nd. I've found a script which uses the lasting time of holding the button and uses that time for setting a dimlevel. Nice, but still not answering my need.
3rd. I've found a script for the hue dimmer switch Because I haven't got a good interaction between Zigbee2Mqtt and the dimmer switch I haven't been able to evaluate this script.
Finally I am doubting using Domoticz to manage my Zigbee devices....
Re: Dimmer function
Posted: Tuesday 24 November 2020 20:10
by waltervl
I have no Ikea dimmer but a aqara switch with single click, double click, long click and 4 click function.
I switch a dimmable bulb with a long click by first getting the current dimlevel with dz.devices(id).level and then add 25 percent.
A double click always goes to dimlevel 25%
a 4-click always goes to 100%
See my dzVents script below.
Code: Select all
return {
on = { devices = { 102 }}, -- Switch
execute = function(dz, device )
EKDimlevel = 0
if dz.devices(102).state == 'Click' then -- 1 Click
dz.devices(93).toggleSwitch() -- Zigate Lamp
if dz.devices(102).state == 'Double Click' then -- 2 Click
dz.devices(93).dimTo(25) -- Zigate Lamp
if dz.devices(102).state == 'Long Click' then -- Long Click
EKDimlevel = dz.devices(93).level
dz.devices(93).dimTo(EKDimlevel+25) -- Zigate Lamp
if dz.devices(102).state == '4 Click' then -- 4 Click
dz.devices(93).dimTo(100) -- Zigate Lamp
Re: Dimmer function
Posted: Tuesday 24 November 2020 20:32
by klaasvaak
I created the following script for Hue selector switch, could be updated to ikea dimmer.
I'm an amateur in coding, so can be improved probably
Code: Select all
return {
on = {
devices = {
503 --Hue selector switch
--States selector switch:
-- off-press
-- off-press-double
-- off-press-triple
-- off-hold
-- off-hold-release
-- down-press
-- down-press-double
-- down-press-triple
-- down-hold
-- down-hold-release
-- up-press
-- up-press-double
-- up-press-triple
-- up-hold
-- up-hold-release
-- on-press
-- on-press-double
-- on-press-triple
-- on-hold
-- on-hold-release
logging =
level = domoticz.LOG_DEBUG,
marker = 'Philips switch',
execute = function(domoticz, device)
-- variables change settings
knopid = 503 -- id of the selector switch IMPORTANT! Also change @devices
lampl = 'keukengroep' -- lamp you want to control
delta = 33 -- percentage to increase / decrease lamp brightness
min = 1 -- minimal brightness
max = 100 -- maximum brightness
-- end vairables
lampdim = domoticz.devices(lampl).level
if domoticz.devices(knopid).state == 'on-press' then
-- turn light on last state
elseif domoticz.devices(knopid).state == 'up-press' then
-- turn light on to last state if off or increase brightness with delta
if domoticz.devices(lampl).state == 'Off'
then domoticz.devices(lampl).switchOn()
else domoticz.devices(lampl).dimTo(domoticz.devices(lampl).level + delta)
elseif domoticz.devices(knopid).state == 'up-hold' or domoticz.devices(knopid).state == 'up-press-double' then
-- turn light on to max brightness
elseif domoticz.devices(knopid).state == 'down-press' then
-- turn on to minimal if off or decrease brightness with delta
lampdim = lampdim - delta
if lampdim < min then
lampdim = min
elseif domoticz.devices(knopid).state == 'down-hold' or domoticz.devices(knopid).state == 'down-press-double' then
-- decrease brightness to minimal
elseif domoticz.devices(knopid).state == 'off-press' or domoticz.devices(knopid).state == 'off-hold' then
-- turn of light