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Xiaomi Mi Temperature and Humidity Monitor 2

Posted: Monday 26 October 2020 23:02
by Attis92
Hi All,

I'm new to this forum!
I just want to share with you a useful script for Xiaomi Mi Temperature and Humidity Monitor 2 sensor!
It is my first Github repository, so let me know if you have any feedback! :)

Re: Xiaomi Mi Temperature and Humidity Monitor 2

Posted: Friday 30 October 2020 11:14
by ruramos
What firmware you use on Xiaomi Mi Temperature and Humidity Monitor ?

Re: Xiaomi Mi Temperature and Humidity Monitor 2

Posted: Thursday 31 December 2020 9:53
by rjblake
@Attis92 - many thanks. Am trying it out on a few devices. A few notes as follows (for others who might run into issue):
1. Requires Python 3.6 or higher
2. May need to edit the first line "#!/usr/bin/env python3" depending on Python setup for cron to work
3. Does not work with ATC firmware (from Aaron Christophel) Note that work is ongoing to improve power consumption and BLE transmission power, etc. so in long run this may be a better firmware than the stock one from Xiaomi

Re: Xiaomi Mi Temperature and Humidity Monitor 2

Posted: Wednesday 13 October 2021 11:33
by Milan
@Attis92 - super script. It's running ok. I tested two devices. But I had to add this library before install bluepy:
sudo apt-get install python3-pip libglib2.0-dev.
And I added rights to run py script and write to the folder.
I bought Xiaomi gateway v3, but unfortunately it's not compatible with Domoticz. And this solution is perfect.

Re: Xiaomi Mi Temperature and Humidity Monitor 2

Posted: Sunday 06 August 2023 0:16
by Lacman
Hi Attis92,

The python code seems to break for some reason, the log file stops showing anything after the password:
2023-08-06 00:07:59 INFO ***************************************
2023-08-06 00:07:59 INFO Start script...
2023-08-06 00:07:59 INFO Input parameters:
Domoticz Server IP: 127 .0 .0 .1
Domoticz Server Port: 8080
Domoticz Server User: ****
Domoticz Server Password: ****

Did everything according to your instructions on the github page, and the tweaks mentioned here.
I can reach the Xiaomi BLE device, can read its data, also I can modify the values in Domoticz by the format what the script should spit out and use in the end.
I am not that pro to debug python scripts such like this one.

Looking forward for your response,

Re: Xiaomi Mi Temperature and Humidity Monitor 2

Posted: Wednesday 23 August 2023 21:45
by Havym
Since the update of domoticz i'm having problems updating the sensors. I tried with help from someone to fill my credentials and even call the script from root.

The error:

Code: Select all

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/pi/xiaomi-mi-lywsd03mmc/", line 2, in <module>
    import config
  File "/home/pi/xiaomi-mi-lywsd03mmc/", line 14
SyntaxError: invalid syntax