NRF24L01 on Pi to control DuraMaxx HTF-R1?

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NRF24L01 on Pi to control DuraMaxx HTF-R1?

Post by abjq »

Hi I opened up a DuraMaxx HTF-R1 and spotted that it has a NRF24L01 soldered onto it,
so I ordered another NRF24L01 module and I'm going to experiment with controlling the HTF-R1 radiator valve.

Now, normally these valves are controlled via a proprietary controller, and so I'm expecting to have to discover what the protocol is.
If anyone has any pointers to work in this area I'd appreciate hearing about it. The DuraMaxx controllers are unobtanium so doing an over the air capture might be tricky, unless I can borrow one. However, the valve heads are readily available on eBay quite cheaply.

The first stage of connecting a valve to a controller is a "pairing" step, which I can make happen on the valve manually, so I'll start from there and see if it sends anything. If I have to I'll capture the valve's I2C commands to the NRF24L01 and decode what it's up to.

Amy I right in thinking that I can run the NRF24L01 on the same RPi as the Domoticz server? That will simplify my task.
I've already spotted a few threads in this forum about setting up an NRF24L01 on the RPi.

The end game will be controlling the valves from Domoticz, of course. A lot of things to set up, hack, and reverse-engineer though - such fun!
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