How presentation works?

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How presentation works?

Post by iguaan »

I have created a weather sensor which has hum, temp, baro, predicition and lux.
Aslo i have attached there another ds temp sensor (for node internal temp for safety, since it's ac powered).
Problem is that when i update fw over ota or reboot node, it'll occasionally detect sensors all mixed up:
temp/hum, temp, baro/temp/hum etc... Also when it does that, not all the data will be updated on combined sensros.
Is there a way to present the sensors to domticz so, that it recognises 1 combined weather sensor and then others.
I have tried with all different Sensor ID's 1-4, lux id5 and internal temp id6.
Also tried with giving same sensor ID number to hum, temp, baro and predicition.
Occasionally when Domoticz detects it as a combined sensor, it doesn't update all values after initial value has been sent.
If i monitor the data on myscontroller, all the variables are updating on the node.

What is the correct way to present sensors to domoticz so that i can get one weather data sensor and other data so, that domoticz won't mix them up.

Edit: Maybe there is some other manual besides on the website or wiki that i can look into?
Last edited by iguaan on Friday 31 July 2020 21:20, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How presentation works?

Post by iguaan »

Maybe there is some other manual besides on the website or wiki that i can look into?

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Re: How presentation works?

Post by iguaan »


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Re: How presentation works?

Post by FireWizard »

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Re: How presentation works?

Post by iguaan »

Couldn't find anything helpful. Mostly about http API but this part is handled in gateway which is compiled by mysensors crew and I don't want to interfere there.

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