Pushing a button on a Fadini Birio TR8 remote, how?

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Pushing a button on a Fadini Birio TR8 remote, how?

Post by rgroothuis »

I've a remote control, brand/model: Fadini Birio TR8 to open a garage door. I do not have access to the main equipment as this is an outside controlled garage door. I only have the remote control on which I push the button to open de garage door. I would like to automate this, control this from Domoticz.

Can I simply solder to wires on top of the little switch located on the main PCB (see picture)? And connected the wires to a Fibaro SMART IMPLANT Z-WAVE PLUS (URL: https://www.robbshop.nl/smart-implant-f ... gKH5_D_BwE ) Because then I can control the binary switch from Domoticz and simulate a human push on the remote.
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