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action when person arrives

Posted: Saturday 04 July 2020 16:25
by loeknl
I use an OnlineChecker script to see if my partners or my phone is at home. The script triggers a virtual switch (on is ‘at home’, off is ‘away’). I would like to have a light switch on if one of us comes at home during the night:
e.g. IF Time > 0:30h and time < 4:00h AND switch person1 OR person2 turns on THEN turn on light.

Problem is that i cannot find a way to Blocky use the ‘changes state’ as a trigger. Now the problem is the script keeps turning the light on because one of our phones are at home. When I use only ‘device’ as a trigger, turning off at our wish the ligt re-triggers the script and therefore keeping the ligt in a ‘on’ loop.
I also thought about setting a user variable if the device is switched off, to prevent a ‘on-loop’ but I cannot work that out either.

Does someone have a solution? i can imagine is is a quite common application..
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Re: action when person arrives

Posted: Saturday 04 July 2020 18:36
by waaren
loeknl wrote: Saturday 04 July 2020 16:25 Problem is that i cannot find a way to Blocky use the ‘changes state’ as a trigger. Now the problem is the script keeps turning the light on because one of our phones are at home. When I use only ‘device’ as a trigger, turning off at our wish the ligt re-triggers the script and therefore keeping the ligt in a ‘on’ loop.
I would not know how to solve it using Blockly. A dzVents solution could look like below script

When not yet familiar with dzVents please start with reading Get started Before implementing (~ 5 minutes). Special attention please for "In Domoticz go to Setup > Settings > Other and in the section EventSystem make sure the checkbox 'dzVents enabled' is checked. Also make sure that in the Security section in the settings you allow to not need a password. dzVents uses that port to send certain commands to Domoticz. Finally make sure you have set your current location in Setup > Settings > System > Location, otherwise there is no way to determine nighttime/daytime state."

Code: Select all

    on =
        devices =
            [ 'phone1' ] = { 'between 00:45 and sunrise' }, -- change names of phone1, phone2
            [ 'phone2' ] = { 'between 00:45 and sunrise' },

        logging =
            level = domoticz.LOG_DEBUG, -- change to domoticz.LOG_ERROR when script is tested and OK

    execute = function(dz, item)
        local light = dz.devices('phoneLight') -- change to name of light

        if and light.state == 'Off' then
            light.switchOff().afterMin(30) -- automatic switchOff after 30 minutes

Re: action when person arrives

Posted: Monday 06 July 2020 21:43
by loeknl
Thanks! Works perfect