EufyCam E : set security mode fom domoticz

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EufyCam E : set security mode fom domoticz

Post by multinet »


Eufycam is a good solution for home camera (quality / price / no monthly fee etc) BUT Anker/Eufy does NOT provide an api to control security mode or stream flow

After multiple try I succeed in switching security mode of myc eufy homebase directly from domoticz (disarmed; away ; home)
This has been able using the gret work from some guys and shared on github

I don't know if it is used by many people here but I can describe "how-to" even if i'm french :)

PI 2 - Domoticz 2021.1
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Z-Wave.Me ZME_UZB1 USB Stick (6 FGSD002 + 2 FGRM222 + 1 FGS223 + 1 FGMS001-ZW5 + 1 FGRGBWM441 + 1 FGBS001 + 2 FGFS101)
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Re: EufyCam E : set security mode fom domoticz

Post by meel4chris »


Great to hear you have integrated eufy with domoticz! I’m considering to buy the eufy 2 to integrate it with my alarm in domoticz.
Is it possible to control a switch in domoticz from eufy?
For example, when eufy detects a movement a switch is triggered in domoticz?


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Re: EufyCam E : set security mode fom domoticz

Post by lost »

meel4chris wrote: Wednesday 08 July 2020 10:24 Great to hear you have integrated eufy with domoticz! I’m considering to buy the eufy 2 to integrate it with my alarm in domoticz.
Is it possible to control a switch in domoticz from eufy?
For example, when eufy detects a movement a switch is triggered in domoticz?
The cam should be able to send a http command using domoticz JSON API directly... I doubt this is the case. If some FTP setup can be done, you may code a service monitoring FTP on server side (device hosting Domoticz) with short time slices (10s with 3 cams and much more post treatment than described here can be done on a PI3). Pictures present: Store/send them elsewhere and trigger a virtual PIR in Domoticz for instance.

Anyway, why bother with a device that claims to integrate IA capabilities and is only able to do face detection ; just as any basic camera does for focus since more that 10 years: I may be wrong as I don't own this brand (no closed/cloud based devices in my home as a rule of thumb) but no need for IA for such basic function!

Other brands allow this and are not closed products: I have some Dahua references that integrate face detection, on top of usual motion (but much more configurable than many other brands), as well as other advanced features like line crossing (less sensible to artefacts than motion, if the area to monitor allows this: Simple geometry + distance before/after line setup, otherwise this may not be reliable)... 2MPix branded "startlight" devices also have a very good night sensitivity and from aliexpress they usually ship for 40/45€ depending on discounts and €/$ rates.
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Re: EufyCam E : set security mode fom domoticz

Post by meel4chris »

thanks for your input. I'm quite new into the camera's so I appreciate every tip!
I checked the Dahua cameras but couldnt find the face recognization. I like to be able to trigger different actions based on who's approaching.
For example I checked the camera below. ... nal_tabbed
Where is the AI done? in the camera or are you using additional software / hardware?
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Re: EufyCam E : set security mode fom domoticz

Post by lost »

meel4chris wrote: Friday 10 July 2020 17:11 I checked the Dahua cameras but couldnt find the face recognization. I like to be able to trigger different actions based on who's approaching.
For example I checked the camera below. ... nal_tabbed
Where is the AI done? in the camera or are you using additional software / hardware?
For the Dahuas I own, this is face identification (no AI needed), not recognition. But this is enough to maximize chances to have someone that may be identified (with a nice face snapshot!) if needed.

Eufycam does not look to provide recognition as well and cloud shit looks needed, thus not a good deal IMO.
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Re: EufyCam E : set security mode fom domoticz

Post by tomson »

I would be very interested to understand how you have been able to set the security move in Eufy from Domoticz. A small howto would be really appreciated.
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Re: EufyCam E : set security mode fom domoticz

Post by multinet »

tomson wrote: Friday 21 August 2020 21:21 I would be very interested to understand how you have been able to set the security move in Eufy from Domoticz. A small howto would be really appreciated.
I’m back

I will post a detailed solution here next days

We are to be aware using git, python, bash and dzvents.

PI 2 - Domoticz 2021.1
RFXCOM - RFXtrx433 USB 433.92MHz Transceiver (5 DIO 54755 + 2 DIO 54756 + 3 DIO 54798)
Z-Wave.Me ZME_UZB1 USB Stick (6 FGSD002 + 2 FGRM222 + 1 FGS223 + 1 FGMS001-ZW5 + 1 FGRGBWM441 + 1 FGBS001 + 2 FGFS101)
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Re: EufyCam E : set security mode fom domoticz

Post by tomson »

Thnx. I am looking forward to it.
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Re: EufyCam E : set security mode fom domoticz

Post by multinet »


As promise a solution to get eufy security level working with domiticz


First you need to have pip and python (3.7 on my side) installed

As you know, Eufy does not provide any API. So some people have investigate the system and provided some scripts in Python to dos some actions on Eufy System (on Eufy Doorbell but some are reusable on EufyCam)

More precisely, the system state (HOME, AWAY, DISARMED) is activated by a P2P connexion ! So it is not possible to activate a state by an API call.

Luckily we have a GIT with a solution. You need to anderstand that you have to install a first GIT and to override some script but files from another GIT

There are 4 steps :

Step 1/ using pi user (not root user) : Get the python eufy security library and example from the git :
you can download it using wget using this link ... ve/

Step 2/ Install the non P2P version by pip3 utility :
sudo pip3 install python-eufy-security
sudo pip3 install -r requirements_test.txt

Step 3/Replace some file by P2P file (here i have used my pi user in step 1) :
3.1/ in directory /home/pi/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/
rename eufy_security to eufy_security.OLD
cp -R /path_to_eufy_p2pofstep1/eufy_security /home/pi/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/
3.2/ ** USING ROOT USER ** in directory /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages
rename eufy_security to eufy_security.OLD
cp -R /path_to_eufy_p2pofstep1/eufy_security /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages

4/ My 3 scripts in python to change mode in Eufy Security :
********ARMED AWAY************

Code: Select all

import asyncio
import logging
import os

from aiohttp import ClientSession

from eufy_security import async_login
from eufy_security.types import GuardMode


EUFY_EMAIL = "your_email_eufy"
EUFY_PASSWORD = "your_password"

async def main() -> None:
"""Create the aiohttp session and run the example."""
async with ClientSession() as websession:
# Create an API client:
api = await async_login(EUFY_EMAIL, EUFY_PASSWORD, websession)

for station in api.stations.values():
print(f"Station Name: {}")
print(f"Serial Number: {station.serial}")
# print(f"Station params: {station.params}")
print(f"Station type: {station.device_type}")

async with station.connect() as session:
await station.set_guard_mode(GuardMode.AWAY, session)
await asyncio.sleep(10)


********ARMED HOME************

Code: Select all

import asyncio
import logging
import os

from aiohttp import ClientSession

from eufy_security import async_login
from eufy_security.types import GuardMode


EUFY_EMAIL = "your_email_eufy"
EUFY_PASSWORD = "your_password"

async def main() -> None:
"""Create the aiohttp session and run the example."""
async with ClientSession() as websession:
# Create an API client:
api = await async_login(EUFY_EMAIL, EUFY_PASSWORD, websession)

for station in api.stations.values():
print(f"Station Name: {}")
print(f"Serial Number: {station.serial}")
# print(f"Station params: {station.params}")
print(f"Station type: {station.device_type}")

async with station.connect() as session:
await station.set_guard_mode(GuardMode.HOME, session)
await asyncio.sleep(10)


Code: Select all

import asyncio
import logging
import os

from aiohttp import ClientSession

from eufy_security import async_login
from eufy_security.types import GuardMode


EUFY_EMAIL = "your_email_eufy"
EUFY_PASSWORD = "your_password"

async def main() -> None:
"""Create the aiohttp session and run the example."""
async with ClientSession() as websession:
# Create an API client:
api = await async_login(EUFY_EMAIL, EUFY_PASSWORD, websession)

for station in api.stations.values():
print(f"Station Name: {}")
print(f"Serial Number: {station.serial}")
# print(f"Station params: {station.params}")
print(f"Station type: {station.device_type}")

async with station.connect() as session:
await station.set_guard_mode(GuardMode.DISARMED, session)
await asyncio.sleep(10)

**********That's all****
If your scripts are running to can see that the state in Eufy App is correctly changing when you start a script

After that you have to call them by DZVENTS on trigger using a bash script call the python script (dzvents->bash->python). Let me know if you succeded in interact your eufycam

Please note that the current python eufy security seems to be incompatible with my script (may be they run with an old version of the library), another user of the forum use this script (to adapt for each state) and is ok :

Code: Select all

import asyncio
import logging
import os

from aiohttp import ClientSession

from eufy_security import async_login
from eufy_security.types import GuardMode



async def main() -> None:
    """Create the aiohttp session and run the example."""
    async with ClientSession() as websession:
        # Create an API client:
        api = await async_login(EUFY_EMAIL, EUFY_PASSWORD, websession)

        for station in api.stations.values():
            print(f"Station Name: {}")
            print(f"Serial Number: {station.serial}")
            print(f"Station params: {station.params}")
            print(f"Station type: {station.device_type}")

            async with station.connect() as session:
                await station.set_guard_mode(GuardMode.AWAY, session)
                await asyncio.sleep(10)


Here you have my sh scripts that call pyhton and is call by dzvents :

Code: Select all

/usr/bin/python3.7 /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/personnels/ &
Here you have mu dzvents scripts for armed away :

Code: Select all

-- Debug
local LOGGING = true

-- TELEGRAM settings
telegram_token = "****"
telegram_chatid = 00000
local t_actif = true

--Others settings
local version = 'EUFY on ArmedAway v0.0.1 du 2020/07'

local emoji_CocheVerte = '\xE2\x9C\x85'
local emoji_PointExclamationRouge = '\xE2\x9D\x97'
local emoji_CroixRouge = '\xE2\x9D\x8C'
local emoji_Warning = '\xE2\x9A\xA0'

function telegram_EUFY_on_armedaway(message)
if (t_actif) then
os.execute('curl --data chat_id='..telegram_chatid..' --data-urlencode "text='..message..'" "'..telegram ... endMessage" ')

function isempty(s)
return s == nil or s == ''

function round(num, dec)
if num == 0 then
return 0
local mult = 10^(dec or 0)
return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult

return {
active = true,
--on = {['timer'] = {'every minute'}},
on = {security = { domoticz.SECURITY_ARMEDAWAY }},
execute = function(domoticz, item)
-- message pour telegram
local msg = domoticz.time.rawTime..'\n\r'..version..'\n\r\n\r'

if (LOGGING) then
print("Armement de la maison : Activation du mode ABSENT de EufySecurity")

--cmd='/usr/bin/python3.7 /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/personnels/'
--utilisation d'un shell avec l'execution en backgroud pour eviter de bloquer domoticz le temps de l'execution
--local f = assert(io.popen(cmd, 'r'))
--s = assert(f:read('*a'))
msg=msg..'Armement de la maison : Activation du mode ABSENT de EufySecurity'

Have fun
PI 2 - Domoticz 2021.1
RFXCOM - RFXtrx433 USB 433.92MHz Transceiver (5 DIO 54755 + 2 DIO 54756 + 3 DIO 54798)
Z-Wave.Me ZME_UZB1 USB Stick (6 FGSD002 + 2 FGRM222 + 1 FGS223 + 1 FGMS001-ZW5 + 1 FGRGBWM441 + 1 FGBS001 + 2 FGFS101)
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Re: EufyCam E : set security mode fom domoticz

Post by tomson »

Thanks for sharing this. I took me a bit longer than expected, because I needed to upgrade my whole PI and Domoticz. I needed to do that for a long time already, so thanks for the push :D

The howto worked for me. Thanks! I am now able to arm my Eufy security from Domoticz.

The only step I didn't need to take is to copy eufy-security to /home/pi/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/. I don't have anything python related in my local lib folder.
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Re: EufyCam E : set security mode fom domoticz

Post by multinet »


Great news

Too bad that eufy/année does not provide an API like all others competitors.

Thanks to all guys that put public a solution for us ;)

Have a good day
PI 2 - Domoticz 2021.1
RFXCOM - RFXtrx433 USB 433.92MHz Transceiver (5 DIO 54755 + 2 DIO 54756 + 3 DIO 54798)
Z-Wave.Me ZME_UZB1 USB Stick (6 FGSD002 + 2 FGRM222 + 1 FGS223 + 1 FGMS001-ZW5 + 1 FGRGBWM441 + 1 FGBS001 + 2 FGFS101)
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Re: EufyCam E : set security mode fom domoticz

Post by diskhub »

multinet wrote: Thursday 27 August 2020 19:48

Code: Select all

import asyncio
import logging
import os

from aiohttp import ClientSession

from eufy_security import async_login
from eufy_security.types import GuardMode



async def main() -> None:
    """Create the aiohttp session and run the example."""
    async with ClientSession() as websession:
        # Create an API client:
        api = await async_login(EUFY_EMAIL, EUFY_PASSWORD, websession)

        for station in api.stations.values():
            print(f"Station Name: {}")
            print(f"Serial Number: {station.serial}")
            print(f"Station params: {station.params}")
            print(f"Station type: {station.device_type}")

            async with station.connect() as session:
                await station.set_guard_mode(GuardMode.AWAY, session)
                await asyncio.sleep(10)


I am trying to run the above piece of code in local machine and it always cannot connect.
It fails at
EufySecurityP2PError(f"Could not connect to {}")
eufy_security.errors.EufySecurityP2PError: Could not connect to eufy HomeBase2

in particular it fails in this function in

Code: Select all

   async def connect(self, addr: str = None):
        dsk_key_resp = await self._api.request(
            "post", "app/equipment/get_dsk_keys", json={"station_sns": [self.serial]}
        for item in dsk_key_resp.get("data")["dsk_keys"]:
            if item["station_sn"] == self.serial:
                p2p_session = P2PSession(
                is_connected = await p2p_session.connect(addr)
                if is_connected:
                        yield p2p_session
                        await p2p_session.close()
                    raise EufySecurityP2PError(f"Could not connect to {}")
            raise EufySecurityP2PError(f"Could not find discovery key for {}")

Any reason that you can think of? It also get False in the is_connected.
Despite i explicitly assign station.station_info["ip_addr"] to the addr, it still cannot connect.

Did I do anything wrong?
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Re: EufyCam E : set security mode fom domoticz

Post by diskhub »

Ok. It's because i am behind VPN. it's solved now.
The code works perfectly
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Re: EufyCam E : set security mode fom domoticz

Post by diskhub »

What's the enum value for the GeoFencing guard mode?
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Re: EufyCam E : set security mode fom domoticz

Post by Benoit50 »

Great, it works perfectly with Jeedom.
Thanks for the solution
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Re: EufyCam E : set security mode fom domoticz

Post by multinet »

diskhub wrote: Wednesday 30 September 2020 12:26 What's the enum value for the GeoFencing guard mode?
No but if you found it please share it
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Re: EufyCam E : set security mode fom domoticz

Post by wishmaster84 »

This is awesome! I was totally bumped out that Eufy doesn't have an API.
This let's me create (working) Geofencing AND scheduling.

Great work and thanks for sharing.

By the way if someone would like to enable the schedule. The value is exactly that. So: Guardmode.SCHEDULE
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Re: EufyCam E : set security mode fom domoticz

Post by multinet »

I agree that it is totally weird not to provide an API !
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Z-Wave.Me ZME_UZB1 USB Stick (6 FGSD002 + 2 FGRM222 + 1 FGS223 + 1 FGMS001-ZW5 + 1 FGRGBWM441 + 1 FGBS001 + 2 FGFS101)
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Re: EufyCam E : set security mode fom domoticz

Post by Alain »

We just installed a Eufy system with four homebases, four camera's and a multitude of door sensors and motion detectors. Shame Eufy doesn't support interconnecting of homebases. I hope to at least be able to switch modes on two homebases at once with a single Domoticz switch command.

I'll be starting this project probably next week.
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Re: EufyCam E : set security mode fom domoticz

Post by wishmaster84 »

Hi All,

Starting today my scripts suddenly stopped working when running them.
Anybody else having this problem?
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