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Get Chinese rim lock working with Domoticz

Posted: Friday 26 June 2020 23:23
by hvds
Hi All,

I purchased a H206D *smart lock* rim lock on 433 MHz on AliExpress (
2 Remote controls were included.

Unfortunately I can't learn the code from the remote control. I enabled all protocols in Domoticz but at no result.

Can anybody point me into the right direction?



Re: Get Chinese smart lock working with Domoticz

Posted: Friday 26 June 2020 23:33
by cogliostrio
What are you enabeling in domoticz? RFXCom?

Is it listed as supported with the 433MHz receiver you are using?

It is likely that is using a some sort of roling security code which cant be connected to.

Re: Get Chinese smart lock working with Domoticz

Posted: Friday 26 June 2020 23:59
by hvds
I use Rfxcom.
It is not listed as supported, but I hoped that there should be a method to get this working.

Re: Get Chinese rim lock working with Domoticz

Posted: Monday 29 June 2020 9:51
by hvds
I initially posted this as a smart lock. Actually it is a rim lock which locks and unlock on 433 MHz hand transmitters.
Does that make any difference?

If I am unable to capture and resend the code of these transmitters, than I have to connect a PiFace to my Raspberry Pi to control this transmitter. Pretty dirty solution in my opinion :)
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