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Dashticz - v3.4.9 beta

Posted: Monday 25 May 2020 17:18
by Lokonli
Another small bugfix release, which might result in breaking changes:

In case you have defined a block with as key 'myblock' for Domoticz device 123 as follows:

Code: Select all

    blocks['myblock'] = {
        idx: 123,
then this will have the following consequences:
* The block will have the CSS class '.block_myblock' and not '.block_123'. You may have to change something in 'custom.css'
* On device change the function 'getStatus_myblock(block)' in custom.js will be called, and not 'getStatus_123(block)'

In case device 123 has subdevices:
* They will receive the CSS class '.block_myblock_1', '.block_myblock_2', etc. and not '.block_123_1'.
* The block settings of 'blocks['myblock_1']' and 'blocks['myblock_2]' etc. will be applied, not the block settings of 'blocks['123_1']

I've updated the documentation in the beta branch for this. See:

Release notes

Re: Dashticz - v3.4.9 beta

Posted: Monday 25 May 2020 22:39
by Jimster
Great Lokonli.
I noticed the week starts on Monday now for Dutch, which is great.
But the bars are still not calculated correctly for the week view. The bar from this week (May 25th) contains data from Sunday. So I think somehow the calculation is still based on weeks starting on Sunday.

Some other things I found:
The garbage calendar now shows 'tomorrow' instead of 'Morgen'.
Edit: seems a browser issue, works fine on my phone.

I have a block named 'regen'.
I changed the custom.css to .block_regen, but this didn't work. I found out I have to name it .block_regen_undefined

Re: Dashticz - v3.4.9 beta

Posted: Monday 25 May 2020 23:26
by Lokonli
The '.block_regen_undefined' is my mistake: Should be fixed already in latest beta.

I'll check the graph calculation.

Further, at some places title and values got switched. I've fixed that, but that could mean you have to switch them back again ...

Re: Dashticz - v3.4.9 beta

Posted: Tuesday 26 May 2020 1:20
by HansieNL
Now I can remove a lot of addClass parameters from the blocks. :D

Re: Dashticz - v3.4.9 beta

Posted: Tuesday 26 May 2020 9:25
by Jimster
The device type 'Thermostat' is ignoring the title setting. Now it uses the name in Domoticz.

Code: Select all

blocks['Tado-temp'] = {
  idx: 5,
  width: 6,
  title: 'Doeltemperatuur',

Re: Dashticz - v3.4.9 beta

Posted: Tuesday 26 May 2020 13:21
by Vomera
Yesterday i started to upgrade from 3.4.0 to 3.4.8
I had much to do with the custom.js, but everything works.
So i saw today there was 3.4.9 and i see many things from the custom.css doesnt work any more.

3.4.8 the buttons looks like this : No titles (i coded it like this in the custom.css and and in the config.js

I did not change anything and upgrade to 3.4.9


Also other blockes doesnt change, for example bigger titles.
I posted some code what is displayed in the screenshot


Code: Select all

blocks['s3'] = {} // woonkamer alles aan
blocks['s3']['width'] = 2;
blocks['s3']['title'] = '';
blocks['s3']['icon'] = 'fas fa-toggle-on';
blocks['s3']['hide_data'] = true;

blocks['s10'] = {} //woonkamer uit
blocks['s10']['width'] = 2;
blocks['s10']['hide_data'] = true;
blocks['s10']['icon'] = 'fas fa-toggle-off';
blocks['s10']['title'] = '';

columns[1] = {}
columns[1]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_12',[b]'s3','s10','s4','s1',11094,690,[/b]'blocktitle_10',5079,3509,'longfonds','blocktitle_10','s8','s9','blocktitle_10',11066,7261,3286,3570,7367,'7344_1','blocktitle_10',10925,10926,10921,10922,'blocktitle_10',6973,6972,6974]
columns[1]['width'] = 4;

Another example





Code: Select all

blocks[3962] = {} //buienradar voorspelling
blocks[3962]['title'] = '';
blocks[3962]['width'] = 12;

columns[3] = {}
columns[3]['blocks'] = [frames.buienradar,[b]3962[/b],3960,buttons.autovoor]
columns[3]['width'] = 4;


Code: Select all

/* Regenmelding groter maken */ 

.block_3962 .title {
  font-size: 25px !important;
  position: relative;
  bottom: 15px;
  left: 16px;

I checked the documentation, but i dont use the custom key..
When i update, i download the whole beta branch and i always manual overwrite the files what i use

Re: Dashticz - v3.4.9 beta

Posted: Tuesday 26 May 2020 14:37
by gielie
@ Lokonli
The following code doesnt work anymore on my system in the latest beta

Code: Select all

unction getBlock_233(device,idx){ //change 233 to the idx of your device!
   var html='';
   html+='<div class="col-xs-4 col-icon">';
      if(device['Status']=='Off') html+=iconORimage(idx,'fas fa-toggle-off','','off icon');
      else html+=iconORimage(idx,'fas fa-toggle-on','','on icon');
   html+='<div class="col-xs-8 col-data">';
   html+='<strong class="title">'+device['Name']+'</strong><br />';
   if(device['Status']=='Off') html+='<span class="state">AFWEZIG</span>';
   else html+='<span class="state">AANWEZIG</span>';

   if(showUpdateInformation(idx)) html+='<br /><span class="lastupdate">'+moment(device['LastUpdate']).format(settings['timeformat'])+'</span>';
   return html;
the code is from this wiki page ... omjss.html

Can you help me solve this one, the problem is that i wont get the afwezig/aanwezig istead of the on/off and the date/time when its changed, in fact the dashticz page wont load right if i use the code.

Re: Dashticz - v3.4.9 beta

Posted: Tuesday 26 May 2020 15:57
by Lokonli
Jimster wrote: Tuesday 26 May 2020 9:25 The device type 'Thermostat' is ignoring the title setting. Now it uses the name in Domoticz.

Code: Select all

blocks['Tado-temp'] = {
  idx: 5,
  width: 6,
  title: 'Doeltemperatuur',
ok, noted. Will be fixed.

Re: Dashticz - v3.4.9 beta

Posted: Tuesday 26 May 2020 16:06
by Lokonli
Vomera wrote: Tuesday 26 May 2020 13:21 Yesterday i started to upgrade from 3.4.0 to 3.4.8
I had much to do with the custom.js, but everything works.
So i saw today there was 3.4.9 and i see many things from the custom.css doesnt work any more.

3.4.8 the buttons looks like this : No titles (i coded it like this in the custom.css and and in the config.js

I did not change anything and upgrade to 3.4.9


Also other blockes doesnt change, for example bigger titles.
I posted some code what is displayed in the screenshot


Code: Select all

blocks['s3'] = {} // woonkamer alles aan
blocks['s3']['width'] = 2;
blocks['s3']['title'] = '';
blocks['s3']['icon'] = 'fas fa-toggle-on';
blocks['s3']['hide_data'] = true;

blocks['s10'] = {} //woonkamer uit
blocks['s10']['width'] = 2;
blocks['s10']['hide_data'] = true;
blocks['s10']['icon'] = 'fas fa-toggle-off';
blocks['s10']['title'] = '';

columns[1] = {}
columns[1]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_12',[b]'s3','s10','s4','s1',11094,690,[/b]'blocktitle_10',5079,3509,'longfonds','blocktitle_10','s8','s9','blocktitle_10',11066,7261,3286,3570,7367,'7344_1','blocktitle_10',10925,10926,10921,10922,'blocktitle_10',6973,6972,6974]
columns[1]['width'] = 4;

Another example





Code: Select all

blocks[3962] = {} //buienradar voorspelling
blocks[3962]['title'] = '';
blocks[3962]['width'] = 12;

columns[3] = {}
columns[3]['blocks'] = [frames.buienradar,[b]3962[/b],3960,buttons.autovoor]
columns[3]['width'] = 4;


Code: Select all

/* Regenmelding groter maken */ 

.block_3962 .title {
  font-size: 25px !important;
  position: relative;
  bottom: 15px;
  left: 16px;

I checked the documentation, but i dont use the custom key..
When i update, i download the whole beta branch and i always manual overwrite the files what i use
ok, I admit, 3.4.9 was not the best release :(

Usage of empty strings as title didn't work anymore. Will be fixed.

Further, title and value were mixed up at several places.
I'm now changing it in such a way that title will be the device name, unless a title parameter has been provided in the block definition.
The value will be the value of the device.

If you add the 'switch' parameter, then title and value will be switched on the screen.
(and I still have to decide whether I will switch the css classes then as well...)

So for you that could mean you have to replace '.block_3962 .title ' by '.block_3962 .value'. But wait for the next update first.

Re: Dashticz - v3.4.9 beta

Posted: Tuesday 26 May 2020 16:11
by Lokonli
gielie wrote: Tuesday 26 May 2020 14:37 @ Lokonli
The following code doesnt work anymore on my system in the latest beta

Code: Select all

unction getBlock_233(device,idx){ //change 233 to the idx of your device!
   var html='';
   html+='<div class="col-xs-4 col-icon">';
      if(device['Status']=='Off') html+=iconORimage(idx,'fas fa-toggle-off','','off icon');
      else html+=iconORimage(idx,'fas fa-toggle-on','','on icon');
   html+='<div class="col-xs-8 col-data">';
   html+='<strong class="title">'+device['Name']+'</strong><br />';
   if(device['Status']=='Off') html+='<span class="state">AFWEZIG</span>';
   else html+='<span class="state">AANWEZIG</span>';

   if(showUpdateInformation(idx)) html+='<br /><span class="lastupdate">'+moment(device['LastUpdate']).format(settings['timeformat'])+'</span>';
   return html;
the code is from this wiki page ... omjss.html

Can you help me solve this one, the problem is that i wont get the afwezig/aanwezig istead of the on/off and the date/time when its changed, in fact the dashticz page wont load right if i use the code.
Try the documentation of the beta branch: ... -idx-block

Re: Dashticz - v3.4.9 beta

Posted: Tuesday 26 May 2020 16:30
by Vomera
Lokonli wrote: Tuesday 26 May 2020 16:06
Vomera wrote: Tuesday 26 May 2020 13:21 Yesterday i started to upgrade from 3.4.0 to 3.4.8
I had much to do with the custom.js, but everything works.
So i saw today there was 3.4.9 and i see many things from the custom.css doesnt work any more.

3.4.8 the buttons looks like this : No titles (i coded it like this in the custom.css and and in the config.js

I did not change anything and upgrade to 3.4.9


Also other blockes doesnt change, for example bigger titles.
I posted some code what is displayed in the screenshot


Code: Select all

blocks['s3'] = {} // woonkamer alles aan
blocks['s3']['width'] = 2;
blocks['s3']['title'] = '';
blocks['s3']['icon'] = 'fas fa-toggle-on';
blocks['s3']['hide_data'] = true;

blocks['s10'] = {} //woonkamer uit
blocks['s10']['width'] = 2;
blocks['s10']['hide_data'] = true;
blocks['s10']['icon'] = 'fas fa-toggle-off';
blocks['s10']['title'] = '';

columns[1] = {}
columns[1]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_12',[b]'s3','s10','s4','s1',11094,690,[/b]'blocktitle_10',5079,3509,'longfonds','blocktitle_10','s8','s9','blocktitle_10',11066,7261,3286,3570,7367,'7344_1','blocktitle_10',10925,10926,10921,10922,'blocktitle_10',6973,6972,6974]
columns[1]['width'] = 4;

Another example





Code: Select all

blocks[3962] = {} //buienradar voorspelling
blocks[3962]['title'] = '';
blocks[3962]['width'] = 12;

columns[3] = {}
columns[3]['blocks'] = [frames.buienradar,[b]3962[/b],3960,buttons.autovoor]
columns[3]['width'] = 4;


Code: Select all

/* Regenmelding groter maken */ 

.block_3962 .title {
  font-size: 25px !important;
  position: relative;
  bottom: 15px;
  left: 16px;

I checked the documentation, but i dont use the custom key..
When i update, i download the whole beta branch and i always manual overwrite the files what i use
ok, I admit, 3.4.9 was not the best release :(

Usage of empty strings as title didn't work anymore. Will be fixed.

Further, title and value were mixed up at several places.
I'm now changing it in such a way that title will be the device name, unless a title parameter has been provided in the block definition.
The value will be the value of the device.

If you add the 'switch' parameter, then title and value will be switched on the screen.
(and I still have to decide whether I will switch the css classes then as well...)

So for you that could mean you have to replace '.block_3962 .title ' by '.block_3962 .value'. But wait for the next update first.
Okay then i'm sure i didnt do anything wrong haha. im still using the 3.4.0 version instead before i everthing works with the newer versions, so take your time. i really appreciate you doing this in your time :)

Re: Dashticz - v3.4.9 beta

Posted: Tuesday 26 May 2020 17:26
by HansieNL
Spoiler: show
gielie wrote: Tuesday 26 May 2020 14:37 @ Lokonli
The following code doesnt work anymore on my system in the latest beta

Code: Select all

unction getBlock_233(device,idx){ //change 233 to the idx of your device!
   var html='';
   html+='<div class="col-xs-4 col-icon">';
      if(device['Status']=='Off') html+=iconORimage(idx,'fas fa-toggle-off','','off icon');
      else html+=iconORimage(idx,'fas fa-toggle-on','','on icon');
   html+='<div class="col-xs-8 col-data">';
   html+='<strong class="title">'+device['Name']+'</strong><br />';
   if(device['Status']=='Off') html+='<span class="state">AFWEZIG</span>';
   else html+='<span class="state">AANWEZIG</span>';

   if(showUpdateInformation(idx)) html+='<br /><span class="lastupdate">'+moment(device['LastUpdate']).format(settings['timeformat'])+'</span>';
   return html;
the code is from this wiki page ... omjss.html

Can you help me solve this one, the problem is that i wont get the afwezig/aanwezig istead of the on/off and the date/time when its changed, in fact the dashticz page wont load right if i use the code.
@gielie I'm using the block parameters to change the on/off text:

Code: Select all

blocks['thuis'] = {
	idx: 6,
	textOff: 'AFWEZIG',
	textOn: 'AANWEZIG',
	icon: 'fas fa-home',

Re: Dashticz - v3.4.9 beta

Posted: Tuesday 26 May 2020 20:17
by Lokonli
I've just created

Most annoying bugs should be fixed.
Main goal of the latest releases is to clean up the code, and improve the consistency in behavior. This is necessary to improve the maintainability of the code, as you've noticed. But it's getting better step by step :)

It's almost impossible for me to test all device types with all settings at every code update. So I trust on you for willing to test the beta releases.

Focus now is on solving the remaining bugs. I expect we are close to releasing a new master. After that we will start working on adding functionality again.

Re: Dashticz - v3.4.9 beta

Posted: Tuesday 26 May 2020 22:33
by gielie
HansieNL wrote: Tuesday 26 May 2020 17:26
Spoiler: show
gielie wrote: Tuesday 26 May 2020 14:37 @ Lokonli
The following code doesnt work anymore on my system in the latest beta

Code: Select all

unction getBlock_233(device,idx){ //change 233 to the idx of your device!
   var html='';
   html+='<div class="col-xs-4 col-icon">';
      if(device['Status']=='Off') html+=iconORimage(idx,'fas fa-toggle-off','','off icon');
      else html+=iconORimage(idx,'fas fa-toggle-on','','on icon');
   html+='<div class="col-xs-8 col-data">';
   html+='<strong class="title">'+device['Name']+'</strong><br />';
   if(device['Status']=='Off') html+='<span class="state">AFWEZIG</span>';
   else html+='<span class="state">AANWEZIG</span>';

   if(showUpdateInformation(idx)) html+='<br /><span class="lastupdate">'+moment(device['LastUpdate']).format(settings['timeformat'])+'</span>';
   return html;
the code is from this wiki page ... omjss.html

Can you help me solve this one, the problem is that i wont get the afwezig/aanwezig istead of the on/off and the date/time when its changed, in fact the dashticz page wont load right if i use the code.
@gielie I'm using the block parameters to change the on/off text:

Code: Select all

blocks['thuis'] = {
	idx: 6,
	textOff: 'AFWEZIG',
	textOn: 'AANWEZIG',
	icon: 'fas fa-home',
This is even a simpler solution, thanks for the tip.
Now I have to change all my blocks to this new format, well keeps a man busy these days.

I also noticed something changed with the camera settings, I don't have a moving video anymore only a static picture and it won't refresh (only on f5)

Re: Dashticz - v3.4.9 beta

Posted: Wednesday 27 May 2020 14:33
by Vomera
Lokonli wrote: Tuesday 26 May 2020 16:06
Vomera wrote: Tuesday 26 May 2020 13:21 Yesterday i started to upgrade from 3.4.0 to 3.4.8
I had much to do with the custom.js, but everything works.
So i saw today there was 3.4.9 and i see many things from the custom.css doesnt work any more.

3.4.8 the buttons looks like this : No titles (i coded it like this in the custom.css and and in the config.js

I did not change anything and upgrade to 3.4.9


Also other blockes doesnt change, for example bigger titles.
I posted some code what is displayed in the screenshot


Code: Select all

blocks['s3'] = {} // woonkamer alles aan
blocks['s3']['width'] = 2;
blocks['s3']['title'] = '';
blocks['s3']['icon'] = 'fas fa-toggle-on';
blocks['s3']['hide_data'] = true;

blocks['s10'] = {} //woonkamer uit
blocks['s10']['width'] = 2;
blocks['s10']['hide_data'] = true;
blocks['s10']['icon'] = 'fas fa-toggle-off';
blocks['s10']['title'] = '';

columns[1] = {}
columns[1]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_12',[b]'s3','s10','s4','s1',11094,690,[/b]'blocktitle_10',5079,3509,'longfonds','blocktitle_10','s8','s9','blocktitle_10',11066,7261,3286,3570,7367,'7344_1','blocktitle_10',10925,10926,10921,10922,'blocktitle_10',6973,6972,6974]
columns[1]['width'] = 4;

Another example





Code: Select all

blocks[3962] = {} //buienradar voorspelling
blocks[3962]['title'] = '';
blocks[3962]['width'] = 12;

columns[3] = {}
columns[3]['blocks'] = [frames.buienradar,[b]3962[/b],3960,buttons.autovoor]
columns[3]['width'] = 4;


Code: Select all

/* Regenmelding groter maken */ 

.block_3962 .title {
  font-size: 25px !important;
  position: relative;
  bottom: 15px;
  left: 16px;

I checked the documentation, but i dont use the custom key..
When i update, i download the whole beta branch and i always manual overwrite the files what i use
ok, I admit, 3.4.9 was not the best release :(

Usage of empty strings as title didn't work anymore. Will be fixed.

Further, title and value were mixed up at several places.
I'm now changing it in such a way that title will be the device name, unless a title parameter has been provided in the block definition.
The value will be the value of the device.

If you add the 'switch' parameter, then title and value will be switched on the screen.
(and I still have to decide whether I will switch the css classes then as well...)

So for you that could mean you have to replace '.block_3962 .title ' by '.block_3962 .value'. But wait for the next update first.
Okay i updated to almost everything works, but still not the CSS part (making text bigger or change it with css), so i have to wait for your small update again ? or should i change the .tilte to .value ? :)

Re: Dashticz - v3.4.9 beta

Posted: Wednesday 27 May 2020 14:59
by HansieNL
@Vomera Have you already tried to add switch: true, to the block?
To remove the old title (which is the new value then) you can try:

Code: Select all

.block_3962 .value {		
    display: none !important;

Re: Dashticz - v3.4.9 beta

Posted: Wednesday 27 May 2020 16:15
by Vomera

Everything seems to back and working, only the graph i have to remove the tilte and stuff, i do that later, its just a line in the graph.js.

Re: Dashticz - v3.4.9 beta

Posted: Wednesday 27 May 2020 17:05
by Lokonli
Vomera wrote: Wednesday 27 May 2020 14:33 Okay i updated to almost everything works, but still not the CSS part (making text bigger or change it with css), so i have to wait for your small update again ? or should i change the .tilte to .value ? :)
I will keep the code as-is.

Currently title is the name of the device and value is the value of the text device. That's most logical I would say.

As already indicated by @HansieNL you could add the 'switch' parameter if you want to switch block and title.

if you add switch: true the CSS classes will not switch, meaning the first row will still have the CSS class .title attached to it, but it will show the content of the text device. This behavior is consistent for all (?) blocks.

Re: Dashticz - v3.4.9 beta

Posted: Thursday 28 May 2020 9:22
by jake
While cleaning up code and straightening out differences between several devices types, please have a look on the '.' symbol that separates the 1000 numbers. The one device type has it, others don't have it.

Re: Dashticz - v3.4.9 beta

Posted: Thursday 28 May 2020 10:47
by Vomera
Okay i can see everything is working fine now , so in the next days i can check if every button responds now.

I was wondering if longfonds can also change by color if it get a certain value. Because many things changed in the last versions ... ds#p236662

Also another question. I see there is an option for a customheader in the graph.
I have a temp sensor from outside. The only thing what i want to display in the header is the temp Min and temp Max from this day. from 00:00 till 23:59. Is that possible ?

To disable the custom header on the wiki page there is formatted:

Code: Select all

.graph_header {
  display: none;
but its:

Code: Select all

.graphheader {
  display: none;