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Trying to use Forscam camera as motion detector

Posted: Saturday 16 May 2020 1:22
by jackwan1
I am running the 2020.2 version of domoticz-most current and Ubuntu server 18.04LTS.

In Domoticz
I am able to retrieve snapshots from the Forscam camera(using the "cameras" setup) in Domoticz.
In Ubuntu
I am running "motion" in Ubuntu and are able to view images and clips in the /var/lib/motion/ subdirectory. There are lots of files.
Problem in Domoticz
I am trying to set the camera in Domoticz as Dummy HW and install the "motion sensor" device described in the Wiki-Camera Setup, but cannot find a "motion sensor" in the selection. I expect to receive alerts and/or images from Domoticz when "motion" in Ubuntu detects a motion, how can I do it?

I did try to set the HW sensor as "rain sensor" or "general Alert" to no avail and don;t know how to enter Axis value in Custom Sensor.