Waterpressure from OTGW [solved]

For OpenTherm-gateway related questions in Domoticz

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Waterpressure from OTGW [solved]

Post by azonneveld »

I have the intergas hre 28/24 with honeywell round modulation, and the OTGW with espeasy.

Currently I am not able to receive the waterpressure in domoticz.
In the past I controlled the boiler using the homewizard+heatlink and this setup was showing the waterpressure, so the data is present.

I tried the firmware provided in this topic: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=25937
But with that firmware I have no connection at all!

Who can help me out to get the waterpressure?

OTMonitor is needed, this tool is provided by the OTGW website (free).
1. Disable OTGW hardware in domoticz
2. in the OTMonitor goto >options>connection: connect to the OTGW, using serial or TCP.
3. goto >options>miscellaneous and click: Monitor
4. on the same page, send command: AA=18
5. Now click Gateway.
6. Close OTMonitor, and enable the OTGW in domoticz, the waterpressure is now send to domoticz.
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