ESP32-CAM as doorbell with camera Topic is solved

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Re: ESP32-CAM as doorbell with camera

Post by hoeby »

I tested both.
I like the 120degree over the 160degree.

The 160 degree, there is simple to much environment to see.
Also the image is deformed. On the edge of the image you can see that it gets round. Also have the 160 night version. Yes, it works better with less light. But the quality of the image still gets bad. You can see someone is standing in front of the camera, but details are gone.

The 120 degree gives more detail who is ringing the bell, less environment to see. I prefer to see which person rings the bell, no need to see what is going on at the street.

For nightvision, i therefor added a pir sensor.
If somebody gets near the doorbell, the outdoor light at the front door will go on. This gives enough light for the normal camera.
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Re: ESP32-CAM as doorbell with camera

Post by marktn »

For the pir sensor i need the beta version? And is there a bin file to upload?

Maybe an idea, an option that the esp will send directly a telegram message. Sometimes there is a delay when domoticz is busy.
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Re: ESP32-CAM as doorbell with camera

Post by hoeby »

The pir is added in the development branche.
There is no .bin file ready to upload.

Had a look for telegram to add, so the esp-doorbell could be used by people which don't have domoticz (or any other domotica system). But there is an issue with it:
When you have a live stream active and telegram code part wants to capture a picture. Then the esp crashes. When there is no stream, then it works. But it has to work in both ways, before it could be shared. Have not find a solution (yet) to get it working.
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Re: ESP32-CAM as doorbell with camera

Post by marktn »

hoeby wrote: Saturday 15 May 2021 17:54 The pir is added in the development branche.
There is no .bin file ready to upload.

Had a look for telegram to add, so the esp-doorbell could be used by people which don't have domoticz (or any other domotica system). But there is an issue with it:
When you have a live stream active and telegram code part wants to capture a picture. Then the esp crashes. When there is no stream, then it works. But it has to work in both ways, before it could be shared. Have not find a solution (yet) to get it working.
Something i forgot, how to update easy with FTDI...

I think, just sending a message with telegram is enough. Just in case domoticz is to busy or offline.
After that Domoticz can send the picture.
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Re: ESP32-CAM as doorbell with camera

Post by hoeby »

You don't need to do it by FTDI. But you could do it by FTDI, that also works.
You could build de .bin yourself in visual studio code. ...
Follow steps 1 t/m 4.
In step 4 you will make the firmware.bin file
It is in the folder, where you placed the code (.pio\build\ESP_4096\firmware.bin)

Then go to step 6.
Build don't click on "Upload Filesystem image", but on "Build Filesystem image"
Then the "spifss.bin" is in the same folder als the firmware.bin

Before uploaden spiffs.bin, remember to make a backup of you settings.
If you don't do this, these will be overwritten when uploading the new spiffs.bin
When putting the backups back, check that the name is correct

ESP settings = ESP_CAM_CONFIG.json
Camera settings = ESP_CAM_SETTINGS.json

After the first start you will get a notification in the log that something is missing.
This is correct. Should only be until you saved the cam_config / cam_setting.

For telegram; only text could be an option. But if telegram will be added, i prefer that it also could send an image.
I know we are on a home automation forum, but when the esp-doorbell could also send images, than it also can work without home automation hardware. My parents for example, don't use home automation, but than also can receive images on telegram
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Re: ESP32-CAM as doorbell with camera

Post by marktn »

Only it does not save the "Motion input active" settings? After save, it reboots, and the settings are empty.
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Re: ESP32-CAM as doorbell with camera

Post by hoeby »

You have uploaded both files, not only spiffs.bin, but also firmware.bin?

I tested the code, with the description you made.
Uploaded the files. Needed to setup everything and did a reboot. After reboot the settings are correct.
Removed the power and repowered it after 10 seconds. Check the settings they are there.

If you go to "ESP Settings" and make a "backup conf".
The file that is made, open it with notepad. Search if you could find these options.

Code: Select all

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Re: ESP32-CAM as doorbell with camera

Post by hoeby »

follow steps 1 t/4 on the readme file, then your firmware.bin is made. ...
Search the file on your PC and upload it on the ESP-Doorbell with the "load new file" function

Sorry, i don't going to upload .bin files from a development branch.
This gets confusing, because you can't see if the .bin file is a master branch or development branch.

edit: @marktn, you removed you answer, that you couldn't find the firmware.bin and asked to put it here?
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Re: ESP32-CAM as doorbell with camera

Post by marktn »

hoeby wrote: Sunday 16 May 2021 21:43 follow steps 1 t/4 on the readme file, then your firmware.bin is made. ...
Search the file on your PC and upload it on the ESP-Doorbell with the "load new file" function

Sorry, i don't going to upload .bin files from a development branch.
This gets confusing, because you can't see if the .bin file is a master branch or development branch.

edit: @marktn, you removed you answer, that you couldn't find the firmware.bin and asked to put it here?
First couldn't find the firmware file....Sorry, something with doing multitasking :( .....

The 10 seconds power off did the trick! It works :D
Thank for support!!
Also did an update on my housing, added the PIR.

Sometimes it seems that it needs 5-8 seconds before the doorbell rings. I think domoticz has sometime other priority.
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Re: ESP32-CAM as doorbell with camera

Post by stack »

A bit offtopic, I have now continued with another doorbell project.
I am not satisfied with the quality of the esp32 Cam, especially in the dark.
I am now working on a hack of the doorbell of action lsc have it already working with this hack in Motioneye, now you can i connect the push button with mqtt in domoticz, so as soon as I press I get a notification via domoticz.
Image quality is superb even at night. have blocked the doorbell in my router that it does not connect to the outside.
you only have to use the app to register the bell once.
Here under the link of the Hack
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Re: ESP32-CAM as doorbell with camera

Post by EddyG »

I also have that doorbell see: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=36613&p=277021#p277021
I am interested in how you got mqtt working, please post here: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=36613&p=277021#p277021
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Re: ESP32-CAM as doorbell with camera

Post by Larsoss »

marktn wrote: Saturday 08 May 2021 14:47
hoeby wrote: Tuesday 04 May 2021 11:01 Nice housing.
You glued in the camera?

Do you have a picture from the inside, how everything is positioned?
No glue, just make it in the right dimensions ;)

Did anybody test the difference in camera's ? At his moment a 160 deg.
Heb je een duidelijke foto hoe je de draden precies hebt aangesloten?
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Re: ESP32-CAM as doorbell with camera

Post by hoeby »

See page 9, there is an image how the wires are connected
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Re: ESP32-CAM as doorbell with camera

Post by Larsoss »

hoeby wrote: Saturday 31 July 2021 17:09 See page 9, there is an image how the wires are connected
Seen that picture. But my button has only 4 pins. + and - an 2 commectors with the letters NO / ON.

I want to use the led ring around the button always on.. so soldering the +\- to 3.3v and gnd.

And one pin from NO / ON to GPIO2 on the esp. But nothing happend
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Re: ESP32-CAM as doorbell with camera

Post by hoeby »

The + en - are for the led. Is your led-ring for 3,3vdc?
The other 2 pins are for the push-button. Both have to be connected, not only 1 to a gpio.

Why have you taken gpio 2?
Gpio12 is the one which is used in the code
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Re: ESP32-CAM as doorbell with camera

Post by Larsoss »

hoeby wrote: Saturday 31 July 2021 18:33 The + en - are for the led. Is your led-ring for 3,3vdc?
The other 2 pins are for the push-button. Both have to be connected, not only 1 to a gpio.

Why have you taken gpio 2?
Gpio12 is the one which is used in the code
Because i use home assistant. And it’s easy to program. Thanks in advanced. Its working already
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Re: ESP32-CAM as doorbell with camera

Post by Zjokkeh »


First of all, nice work on the doorbell. Everything works fine. Ik can access the stream on chrome via http://IP/stream. But I cannot open the stream in to agentdvr. Are there other people with the same problem or a solution?
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Re: ESP32-CAM as doorbell with camera

Post by finch666 »

Great project! But a question. I've got the V1 working, but really want the v2 version on the esp32cam. I know my way around the arduino IDE, but Platformio is relatively new to me and keeps throwing an error when I try to compile:

collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
*** [.pio\build\ESP_4096\firmware.elf] Error 1
========================= [FAILED] Took 16.28 seconds =========================
The terminal process "C:\Users\Jan\.platformio\penv\Scripts\platformio.exe 'run', '--environment', 'ESP_4096'" terminated with exit code: 1.

I followed the readme, but can't get it to compile correctly. Must be doing something wrong, but no idea what.....Is there an image file I can use?
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Re: ESP32-CAM as doorbell with camera

Post by hoeby »

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Re: ESP32-CAM as doorbell with camera

Post by finch666 »

hoeby wrote: Monday 02 May 2022 8:19 There are image files on github ... tag/V2.0.0
Oeps, my bad. :oops: Had not seen that! Thank you very much!
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