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Like said, it is a tight fit.
I wrote a couple a posts back, but got no answer:
Maybe you could answer this. Modification looks not big.
Didn't tried that, because i use the free space in the housing to put 2 solid state relays in it.
Small modification is done and on thingiverse.
I make it a little bit more useful, because I forgot the decimal punt. And the correction is 12.0 mm. Sorry for my mistake.Your sizes are not all usefull, sorry.
Then it is the quality of my printer or the fact that I printed it in draft mode.I printed my housing and don't notice the thinner wall mark on the outside, where the button is. The wall is thinner, to give room for the nut, without making the housing larger.
On page 9 there is a schematic from Funky how to connect the wires.
Could you try in a webbrowser to do: http://ESP32CAM-IP/capture
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