Accuweather configuration

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Accuweather configuration

Post by jensc »

Beta 2020.3
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After adding the Accuweather service "hardware", no device appears. The only thing relevant in the logs is: "AccuWeather: Worker stopped..." and no evidence that it tried to start. Where to from here?

EDIT: After some time, this appears in the error log: "Error: AccuWeather: Error getting http data!"
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Re: Accuweather configuration

Post by mojojojo490 »

Hi, you have to make a API key on de developers site from Accuweather.
Also the longitude, latitude must be reversed from the description next to it.
Than you will see directly on devices the new devices.
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Re: Accuweather configuration

Post by NRJMons »

Well, same problem here.

The API key is correct, I tested it on accuweather website
The location is 962177 and is also correct, as tested on accuweather website.

The location in setup screen has been set as follows:
50.475,3.907 (doesn't work), although it's the Long LAt given by accuweather itself in the response to the queries
3.907,50.475 (doesn't work), reversed as indicated

There must be something wrong elsewhere because nothing works

Is there a way to check the code that is run by Domoticz somewhere in the logs?

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Re: Accuweather configuration

Post by NRJMons »

Some additionnal info:

the link: ... tails=true

(I changed some characters in the API key => the link above will not work as such)

But the link does work with the right key and proves that the APi and location are correct. These are the only parameters you can enter in the Hardware definition.

I also checked the code in ... eather.cpp

The code looks ok although there are multiple places that can return "Error: Error parsing http request" that I get repeatedly in my log.
What's wrong then? I don't know. Hard to say without debug.

There is a debug mode foreseen in the code that refers to loading the data from a local file "E:\\AccuWeather_LocationSearch.json", but it seems to be for Windows users, which I'm not. Strange indeed that it's hardcoded like that.

So, I'm stuck, the only other option I have is OpenWeather or develop the lua scripts myself and provide the json-decoded data to virtual sensors. But that's really a pity.

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Re: Accuweather configuration

Post by HM31 »

I'm digging up this old topic because I get exactly the same behavior. I'm using locationkey instead of lat/long because accuwetaher API only refer to this and when using an http request taken from code (after replacing variable parts) it works flowlessly ...
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Re: Accuweather configuration

Post by desertdog »

Same here, I have tried with locationkey and lat,long, but when adding the hardware, no devices appear. Nor do I get an error in the log. Anyone got this working?
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Re: Accuweather configuration

Post by epierre »

same here, seems an issue from domoiticz since api is correct and valid
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