just installed 3.4.0 beta and I have 2 problems
- I have a block in which I show 2 Google calendars combined. One is for my girlfriend and me, the 2nd one is just for me (so she doesn't get too much entries on her smartphone). It is not loading. It just reads 'laden...'
Another calendar is loading fine
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calendars.me = {calFormat: 1 , dateFormat: 'dd DD/MM' , maxitems: 9 };
calendars.me.calendars = [ { calendar:calendars.mine }
, { calendar:calendars.justForMe, color: '#cefad9' }
Normally I add
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if (typeof (device['DewPoint']) !== 'undefined') {
if (single_block) {
blockValues[0].value += ' / ' + device['DewPoint'] + ' °';
} else {
icon: 'wi wi-fog',
idx: idx + '_4',
title: device['Name']+'x',
value: device['DewPoint'],