My frontpage screens (Dutch)

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My frontpage screens (Dutch)

Post by domoticzfanman »

I learned a lot on this domoticz forum and used the knowledge from ]this topic....

combined with a lot of my own html to make my frontpages.

This is 1 of the screens......

The rest you can see here....

or in action here...

I have a step by step instructions how i made it in my DUTCH new forum. (sorry) ... 5997a4f7d5
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Re: My frontpage screens (Dutch)

Post by edwin1234 »


Great work!!!!!!
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Re: My frontpage screens (Dutch)

Post by Sjonnie2017 »

Wow! Looks great! As a die hard STNG fan I have to consider this for my Domoticz installation.

Would it be possible to post the step-by-step over here? I am not a big fan of registrations (I am already swamped by a zillion passwords as it is :mrgreen: )


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Re: My frontpage screens (Dutch)

Post by domoticzfanman »

I am still working on the rest of the tutorial in Dutch. If that is finiched i would have to do it all over again here in English.
English is not my native langwitch so that would make it extra hard.
If you have already have a zillion passwords, than 1 more is`t the problem.
I see you are from the Netherlands yourself. If you want you can follow the tutorial and put a translation of it in this forum.
I am still very busy to complete it in Dutch. :-)

Grtz.. DomotivzFan.
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Re: My frontpage screens (Dutch)

Post by Sjonnie2017 »

domoticzfanman wrote: Friday 20 March 2020 11:26 I am still working on the rest of the tutorial in Dutch. If that is finiched i would have to do it all over again here in English.
English is not my native langwitch so that would make it extra hard.
If you have already have a zillion passwords, than 1 more is`t the problem.
I see you are from the Netherlands yourself. If you want you can follow the tutorial and put a translation of it in this forum.
I am still very busy to complete it in Dutch. :-)

Grtz.. DomotivzFan.

When your Dutch tutorial is finished you can send it over to me by PM. I will translate it to English for you and post it here if you don't mind (with the proper credits of course :mrgreen: ).

In the meantime I'll see if I have room in my brain for password zillion+1 ;)


ConBee II - TRÅDFRI lights + switches, loads of ChingLing dimmers and switches, Heiman and Xiaomi sensors
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Re: My frontpage screens (Dutch)

Post by domoticzfanman »

All coding and pages can be found in my Dutch Forum including instructions in Dutch.
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