GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by Jackb »

Kun je ook de Gemeente Assen toevoegen? Die zijn sinds 1-1-2024 overgestapt van Afvalwijzer naar
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by jvdz »

Jackb wrote: Wednesday 03 January 2024 13:33 Kun je ook de Gemeente Assen toevoegen? Die zijn sinds 1-1-2024 overgestapt van Afvalwijzer naar
I had a quick look there and used some postalcode/housnr combo to test, but the Afvalkalender doesn't give me any response.
Does it work for you, and if so, please share the details with me via PM so I can have a look?
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by Jackb »

jvdz wrote: Wednesday 03 January 2024 14:05
Jackb wrote: Wednesday 03 January 2024 13:33 Kun je ook de Gemeente Assen toevoegen? Die zijn sinds 1-1-2024 overgestapt van Afvalwijzer naar
I had a quick look there and used some postalcode/housnr combo to test, but the Afvalkalender doesn't give me any response.
Does it work for you, and if so, please share the details with me via PM so I can have a look?
Thanks for the quick response.
At the moment it does not work for me either. I also tried Reinigingsdienst Midden Nederland. That one also does not work at the moment. Looks like there is a problem with the site. Maybe try again tomorrow.

Edit: It seems to work again now, it's just a bit slow.
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by jvdz »

Turns out that Assen is using the burgerportaal website which is also used by RMN and BAR, and I have already an RMN module.
So i decided to rename the m_rmn to m_burgerportaal and adding an extra config field where you define which of these 3 garbage collectors you have like:

Code: Select all

Housenrsuf= ""
-- or --
-- or --

This update is committed to the latest github master branch, so download the latest version and give this a try please.
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by Jackb »

It's works! Thanks, great work.
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by remko2000 »

Maybe a stupid question but I try to follow this wiki.
I get stuck by
To allow for notifications and alternative text in the domoticz device, you need to define a line for each garbage type returned by the webrequest. To determine what these garbagetypes should be, you simply run the script the first time with variable "mydebug = true -- (true/false)". This will always process the datafile and tell you about the missing garbage types in the domoticz log like this:
How do I do this?

I put all the files in my lua folder.
If I try ' script_time_garbagecalendar.lua mydebug = true' I get 'command not found' What am I doing wrong?
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by jvdz »

The Wiki page where you found that text starts with this:
Create personal config
Go into directory "garbagecalendar/" and copy file "garbagecalendarconfig_model.lua" to "garbagecalendarconfig.lua" to create your personal config file. "garbagecalendarconfig.lua" will contain your personal setup and preferences used by the process. This file isn't updated when you upgrade the scripts from Github, so you will have to do this manually in case of changes/additions.
So all information found on this page are setting to be done in your personal config file garbagecalendarconfig.lua.
After you have defined your address information and Garbage module, you run the script for the first time and the LOG file will tell you which garbage types are found and even give you an example for the entries to be made in your configfile for garbagetype_cfg = { .
In case you have issues, just email me a zip file containing your garbagecalendarconfig.lua and the generated log files in a zip file and I'll have a look for you.
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by remko2000 »

Nice script, works fine!
What's the easiest way tot send a mqttmessage with ex. 'GFT, next friday). I've a button plus with a small display which works only with mqtt. How do I get only this (short) info out of this script to a topic?
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by jvdz »

Should be pretty simple....
Just define this field in your config: EventNotificationscript
Notificationscript = '' -- Specify personal notification script/command eg: lua sendmessage.lua "@TEXT@" (where @TEXT@ will be replaced by the notification text.)
This can shell the mosquitto_pub with the appropriate parameters or you can run an Lua or Shell script that does that.
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by remko2000 »

I don't have much experience with this, so I hope someone can help me with this:
I have activated the above line in my script:

what is the next step now?

How do I setup 'notification_event_script.lua'? I don't wanna switch a lamp, I just want a simple mqtt topic out with day and type of garbagebin (ex. next friday, PMD)
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by jvdz »

Just update the example file and get rid of all you do not need and replace the logic by whatever you need in the script...
Could be as simple as this:

Code: Select all

-- garbagecalendar notification script
--[[=== Available variables from the mainscript :
			Notify_type     = GarbageType as defined as key in "garbagetype_cfg" and coming from the internet.
			Notify_text     = Formed text sentence using the settings from the "notificationtext" field
			Notify_date     = Formatted notification date using the config variable "notificationdate"
			Notify_mtitle   = Formatted Title sentence using the settings from the "notificationtitle" field
			Notify_mtext    = Description from "garbagetype_cfg" "text" field
			Notify_reminder = Formatted content for the config variable "notificationreminder"
-- ensure they are all initialised to avoid errors.
Notify_type = Notify_type or ''
Notify_text = Notify_text or ''
Notify_date = Notify_date or ''
Notify_mtitle = Notify_mtitle or ''
Notify_mtext = Notify_mtext or ''
Notify_reminder = Notify_reminder or ''
-- Start your logic here in the appropriate section
os.execute("mosquitto_pub -h -t 'TheRequiredTopic' -m '" .. Notify_text .. "'") 
This script will send the formatted Notify_text, as defined in the config, to the topic you defined as TheRequiredTopic.
You can ofcourse also use any of the variables listed in the header to form your own message text.
I would advise to make a copy of the current 'notification_event_script.lua' and give it a new name to ensure it isn't overridden with upgrades.
Then define that new name in the configfile.
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by remko2000 »


I use the script above(and changed the name).

If I use Notify_text (os.execute("mosquitto_pub -h -t 'TheRequiredTopic' -m '" .. Notify_text .. "'") )and change this in my config:

I only get: 'Groente, fruit en tuinafval' on my mqtttopiq. Why I don't get "@DATE@' in my topic referring to 'notificationtext = '@GARBAGETEXT@ @DAY@''
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by jvdz »

EDIT: Just tried to simulate and get something similar so will have a look and let you know. :)
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by jvdz »

This issue is that I made a mistake in the description at the top, swapping the description for Notify_text and Notify_mtext, of the example script which should be:

Code: Select all

--[[=== Available variables from the mainscript :
			Notify_type     = GarbageType as defined as key in "garbagetype_cfg" and coming from the internet.
			Notify_text     = Description from "garbagetype_cfg" "text" field
			Notify_date     = Formatted notification date using the config variable "notificationdate"
			Notify_mtitle   = Formatted Title sentence using the settings from the "notificationtitle" field
			Notify_mtext    = Formatted text sentence using the settings from the "notificationtext" field
			Notify_reminder = Formatted content for the config variable "notificationreminder"
So you need to change the script to:

Code: Select all

-- garbagecalendar notification script
--[[=== Available variables from the mainscript :
			Notify_type     = GarbageType as defined as key in "garbagetype_cfg" and coming from the internet.
			Notify_text     = Description from "garbagetype_cfg" "text" field
			Notify_date     = Formatted notification date using the config variable "notificationdate"
			Notify_mtitle   = Formatted Title sentence using the settings from the "notificationtitle" field
			Notify_mtext    = Formatted text sentence using the settings from the "notificationtext" field
			Notify_reminder = Formatted content for the config variable "notificationreminder"
-- ensure they are all initialised to avoid errors.
Notify_type = Notify_type or ''
Notify_text = Notify_text or ''
Notify_date = Notify_date or ''
Notify_mtitle = Notify_mtitle or ''
Notify_mtext = Notify_mtext or ''
Notify_reminder = Notify_reminder or ''
-- Start your logic here in the appropriate section
os.execute("mosquitto_pub -h -t 'TheRequiredTopic' -m '" .. Notify_mtext .. "' > test.log")
...and all should work.
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by remko2000 »

This does the job! Many thx!
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by remko2000 »

One more small question. I now only receive a notification on my mqtt topic one day in advance that waste ' x' will be collected tomorrow (notificationtext = '@GARBAGETEXT@ @DAY@'). However, this will remain on my MQTT display until the following week. I would prefer to receive a daily notification with the correct reference when the next emptying is due (for example, in a week, in 6 days, in 5 days, etc.).

How could I set this up and where?
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by jvdz »

That is a different requirement than a notification, but you simply could build your own script that retrieves the text from your current TEXT DEVICE in Domoticz that contains the next 3 garbages collections and modify that to your needs. ;)
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by remko2000 »

Ok thanks for your response. Doesn't sound that simple to me. I'm not very good at making scripts. Is there anyone who could help me on my way?
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by remko2000 »

If I understand correctly, I should use the script:
nano notification_external_script.lua
? what should this look like? to send an mqtt message every day? I'm a bit confused as to where I should set something now. I sent a one-time mqtt message in 'nano notification_event_script' with the line:
os.execute("mosquitto_pub -h -t 'Topic container' -m '" .. Notify_mtext .. "'")
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by jvdz »

remko2000 wrote: Wednesday 06 March 2024 17:13 If I understand correctly, I should use the script:
nano notification_external_script.lua
No, that script will only be ran by the garbagecalendar process when there is a notification happening and that is not what you want.
What I meant was creating a dzvents script that will read the text in the GarbageCalendar text device, change that when required and send it as an MQTT message one time per day. something like this to give you an head start:

Code: Select all

return {
	on = {
		timer = {
			-- 'every minute',           --Use while changing the script -> causes the script to be called every minute
			'at 8:00',                   -- specific time you want to send the MQTT
	execute = function(dz, timer)
		txt = dz.devices("Afval Kalender").text -- Get the current GabageCalendar text device information
		l1txt = txt:match("[^\n]*")             -- retrieve the first line from the text
		dz.log('Full Afval schema:' .. txt, dz.LOG_INFO)   -- show full text in domotics log
		dz.log('Firstline Afval schema:' .. l1txt, dz.LOG_INFO) -- show first line text in domoticz log
		-- os.execute("mosquitto_pub -h -t 'Topic container' -m '" .. l1txt .. "'"   -- uncomment to send the actual MQTT messages
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