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ZWave CT101 thermostat not showing Operating State!!!

Posted: Friday 24 January 2020 16:13
by RonWesley
I'm running Domoticz V4.9701 on Linux and zwave is controlled by aeotec zstick.
The thermostat looks like working fine,I can control it as well as showing temperature and humidity but there are no devices showing the operating state, aka when it is on on heating or cooling or idle.
Looking the status I saw:
OpenZWave: Value_Added: Node: 21 (0x15), CommandClass: THERMOSTAT OPERATING STATE, Label: Operating State
and on logs
OpenZWave: Unhandled class: 0x42 (THERMOSTAT OPERATING STATE), NodeID: 21 (0x15), Index: 0, Instance: 1

How can I fix it.
I want to record when the heater is on or off.

Thanks fetlife vshare

Re: ZWave CT101 thermostat not showing Operating State!!!

Posted: Monday 26 February 2024 17:31
by alfredosc8
on domoticz 23.2 it works perfectly, later is completely broken

Re: ZWave CT101 thermostat not showing Operating State!!!

Posted: Monday 26 February 2024 18:20
by waltervl
As the Openzwave project that Domoticz used for its Zwave integration has been abandoned it is wise to switch to Zwave-JS-UI. Zwave-JS-UI has its own user interface and communicates with Domoticz over MQTT.

So for solving Zwave issues you have to migratie to Zwave-JS-UI and update your Domoticz to the latest stable version (2023.3)

See for more info the wiki