Widget + Google Assistant

Alexa, Google Home and Siri

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Widget + Google Assistant

Post by Johndomo »

Hi all,

I want to start to use my (Androids) phone to control some devices of Domoticz by speech.

I know there are all kind of solution available to integrate Google Assistant in Domoticz, but I hope it can be done more easily.

What I thought of:

1. Paid version of Domoticz can make widgets on your phone that act like a stand-alone app. Just press a button on your phone and device is switched on / off, without opening Domoticz.
2. Google Assistant can open apps on your phone, say Open (start?) <application name> and the application starts.

So, would 1+2 be a simple solution?

Many thanks in advance.
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Re: Widget + Google Assistant

Post by Johndomo »

It seems that this won't work...I tried it and it didn't, but I was hoping that I did something wrong...
I will try to understand the more complex solutions then... :-)
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Re: Widget + Google Assistant

Post by richard89green »

I've tried the same on my pixel device. Google Assistant seems to work perfectly fine. Have you tried checking your assistant settings?
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Re: Widget + Google Assistant

Post by Johndomo »

Hi Richard,

I'm very curious: do you mean that this method works for you?
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