Evohome DHW Setpoint used in the graphs

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Evohome DHW Setpoint used in the graphs

Post by brucemiranda »

Does anyone know where is the DHW Setpoint i.e. 60C coming from on the graphs when you click on the Evohome Hot Water device Log? The reason I ask is that the code only sets the State On/Off for the Hot Water device but somehow the graphs are using this pre-set 60C. I'm trying to find where that is set within the Domoticz code base.

I have found the Evohome command that can query the Evohome controller to get the actual user input setpoint and wanted to change the code to use that instead of the default 60C. However for the life of me I cannot figure out where the graphs are getting the set point information from.
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Re: Evohome DHW Setpoint used in the graphs

Post by brucemiranda »

No one know where the graphs pick up the hardcoded value of 60C from? I now know the command to get the actual Hot Water setpoint stored on the Evohome controller. But I am struggling to figure out how to implement that change in Domoticz.
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Re: Evohome DHW Setpoint used in the graphs

Post by fac13 »

I'm aware you know far more about this than me, but ..
I think the value on the graphs will be coming from the 'SetPoint' column on the 'Temperature' table.
I think therefore that, rather than being a hard-coded default, it gets put in there by whatever is querying the controller - be that the Evohome API code, HGI80 device/emulator code, or whatever.
I hope this helps.
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Re: Evohome DHW Setpoint used in the graphs

Post by brucemiranda »

Sorry the above is not correct and you can test this yourself. Move the setpoint of your DHW to any other temperature besides 60C and you will see the graphs still show it as 60C.
Infact the code, just sets the setpoint to ON/OFF, so somewhere in the Domoticz spaghetti of code that ON is being treated as 60C but the graphing code and the OFF as 0C.
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Re: Evohome DHW Setpoint used in the graphs

Post by brucemiranda »

Mods, could we move this thread to the newly created Evohome subforum?
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