how to add an extra OTGW device (solar boiler)

For OpenTherm-gateway related questions in Domoticz

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how to add an extra OTGW device (solar boiler)

Post by dupudude »

Hi, I added an OTGW to Domoticz and found 28 new devices.

Because I added AA=28 I also got the return temperature from my Remeha Calenta. And with AA=29 I could see the solar boiler temperature sensor in otmonitor. But it's not listed as a device Domoticz.

How can I add the solar boiler sensor?
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Re: how to add an extra OTGW device (solar boiler)

Post by dupudude »

After reading up on the forum here I think that adding the Solar Storage Temperature sensor is less obvious than I was expecting. :|

Domoticz apparently takes the "Print Summary" output and the Solar Storage Temperature is simply not in there. I guess Schelte did not regard it as one of "the most interesting parameters on demand" to be included. Granted, very few boilers support it anyway.

The issue has been discussed here:

Maybe a more elegant approach would be to update both the gateway firmware and OTGWBase and include more parameters. I wonder if this could be done without breaking backwards compatibility.

What do you think?
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Re: how to add an extra OTGW device (solar boiler)

Post by jake »

I am the topic starter is the topic that you refer to. I asked the creator of the otgw (firmware) if it was possible to update good software with this feature and he told me I should do it myself and compile it afterwards. This was above my level.
The node solution is working flawlessly ever since! Whenever I install a new os, I use my own manual to do the necessary installations and then it runs smooth again.

The forum with the mentioned discussion about firmware update:
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