It is possible but I guess there are better ways to do this then using Lua/ dzVents.
In Lua / dzVents it would require reading the file after creation and load it into a table / convert it to the requested format and write it back.
Moderator: leecollings
It is possible but I guess there are better ways to do this then using Lua/ dzVents.
One way to do this in dzVents / Lua would be
Code: Select all
on =
devices =
'convertTrigger', -- change to timer or other trigger
logging = {
level = domoticz.LOG_DEBUG, -- change to domoticz.ERROR when OK
marker = 'convert',
execute = function(dz)
local csvIn = '/tmp/in.csv' -- full qualified filename
local csvOut = '/tmp/out.csv' -- full qualified filename
local function readFile2Table(f)
line, lines = {}, {}
local rowCounter = 1
for row in io.lines(f) do
line = dz.utils.stringSplit(row, '|')
if rowCounter == 1 then
lines[1] = {}
lines[1] = { line[1], line[2] }
elseif rowCounter == 3 then
lines[2] = {}
lines[2] = { line[1], line[2], line[3] }
table.insert(lines[1], line[4])
elseif rowCounter > 3 then
table.insert(lines[2], line[3])
table.insert(lines[1], line[4])
rowCounter = rowCounter + 1
return lines
local function write2File(f, t)
file =, "w")
file:write( table.concat(t[1],'|') .. "\n\n")
file:write( table.concat(t[2],'|') )
csvTable = readFile2Table(csvIn)
-- dz.utils.dumpTable(csvTable) -- debug only
local myHeader = table.concat(csvTable[1],'|')
local myData = table.concat(csvTable[2],'|')
dz.log(myHeader, dz.LOG_DEBUG)
dz.log(myData, dz.LOG_DEBUG)
write2File(csvOut, csvTable)
thanx for your quick respon, i'll try it as soon and report the resultwaaren wrote: ↑Monday 10 May 2021 23:25One way to do this in dzVents / Lua would be
Code: Select all
return { on = { devices = { 'convertTrigger', -- change to timer or other trigger } }, logging = { level = domoticz.LOG_DEBUG, -- change to domoticz.ERROR when OK marker = 'convert', }, execute = function(dz) local csvIn = '/tmp/in.csv' -- full qualified filename local csvOut = '/tmp/out.csv' -- full qualified filename local function readFile2Table(f) line, lines = {}, {} local rowCounter = 1 for row in io.lines(f) do line = dz.utils.stringSplit(row, '|') if rowCounter == 1 then lines[1] = {} lines[1] = { line[1], line[2] } elseif rowCounter == 3 then lines[2] = {} lines[2] = { line[1], line[2], line[3] } table.insert(lines[1], line[4]) elseif rowCounter > 3 then table.insert(lines[2], line[3]) table.insert(lines[1], line[4]) end rowCounter = rowCounter + 1 end return lines end local function write2File(f, t) file =, "w") file:write( table.concat(t[1],'|') .. "\n\n") file:write( table.concat(t[2],'|') ) end csvTable = readFile2Table(csvIn) -- dz.utils.dumpTable(csvTable) -- debug only local myHeader = table.concat(csvTable[1],'|') local myData = table.concat(csvTable[2],'|') dz.log(myHeader, dz.LOG_DEBUG) dz.log(myData, dz.LOG_DEBUG) write2File(csvOut, csvTable) end }
This is not possible for history data as Domoticz stores the history data ( eg for week/month/year graphs) only as a summary per day, not per hour or minute.BartSr wrote: ↑Sunday 01 January 2023 18:43 Hello,
Anyone who can show me how to change the queries in way that data is sent to the CSV-file for monday / friday values of 7.00 in the morning and 19.00 in the evening only?
My goal is to get an overview of gasconsumption every day of the week (except sat and sun) between 7 oclock and 19 oclock
Code: Select all
--==Query for minute data
collects.meters = 'SELECT a.ID Meter, a.Name Name, b.Value Value, b.Usage Usage, b.Date Date '..
' FROM DeviceStatus a , Meter b WHERE a.ID = b.DeviceRowID AND a.ID IN (' .. allMeters .. ')'
I did not say anything different, it is possible but only for the short log which is maximum 1 week if your short log setting is 7 days.
If you need it only once a month you can better use the export to Excel on the monthly report graph. ... graph_data
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-- Trace device changes to Domoticz's log
commandArray = {}
-- loop through all changed devices
for deviceName,deviceValue in pairs(devicechanged) do
if otherdevices[deviceName] ~= nil then
print ("Device based event fired on '"..deviceName.."', value '"..tostring(deviceValue).."'");
return commandArray
Code: Select all
# Extract device/variable changes from Domoticz log file V1.0.0
import glob
import datetime
import pathlib
import getopt
import sys
import os
# Extract device/variable changes from Domoticz log file
def extractChanges(logFile):
fileEncoding = 'ISO-8859-1'
# Open export file, read data and extract it
print('Reading '+logFile+' encoded as '+fileEncoding)
inp = open(logFile, 'rt', encoding=fileEncoding, errors='ignore')
for line in inp.readlines():
pos = line.find('based event fired on') # Must be the same as in device/variable login script
if pos >= 0:
items = line.split("'")
if selectedDevices:
found = items[1] in selectedDevices
found = True
if found:
# *** Main code ***
# Set current working directory to this python file folder
currentPath = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
# Get command file name (without suffix)
currentFileName = pathlib.Path(__file__).stem
# Get command file name (with suffix)
currentFileNameExt = pathlib.Path(__file__).name
# Use command line if given
if sys.argv[1:]:
command = sys.argv[1:]
command = '--trace --input=domoticz.log*'
command = command.split()
# Read arguments
helpMsg = 'Usage: ' + currentFileNameExt + ' [options]' + """
[--device=<name to include>: (partial) device (or variable) name to include (can be repeated)
Select only lines containing this text (enclose it in quote if multiple words)
[--trace]: enable trace
[--input=<input file(s)>]: input file name (can be repeated, default to domoticz.log*)
[--output=<output file>]: output file name (default to <this python file name>.log)
[--help]: print this help message
Extract device/variable changes from Domoticz log file
inputFiles = []
selectedDevices = []
outputFile = currentFileName+'.log'
traceFlag = False
opts, args = getopt.getopt(command, "h",["help", "trace", "device=", "input=", "output="])
except getopt.GetoptError as excp:
print('in >'+str(command)+'<')
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
elif opt == "--device":
# Remove single quote at begining and end of device specs
if arg[0] == "'" and arg[-1] == "'":
arg = arg[1:-1]
# Remove double quote at begining and end of device specs
if arg[0] == '"' and arg[-1] == '"':
arg = arg[1:-1]
elif opt == "--trace":
traceFlag = True
elif opt == '--input':
elif opt == '--output':
outputFile = arg
print('Unknown option >'+opt+'<')
print('in >'+str(command)+'<')
if traceFlag:
print('Input file(s)->'+str(inputFiles))
if outputFile:
print('Output file ->'+str(outputFile))
if selectedDevices:
print('Selected devices->'+str(selectedDevices))
# Open LOG file
out = open(outputFile, 'wt', encoding = 'UTF-8')
# Convert all logs
for specs in inputFiles:
logFiles = glob.glob(specs)
for f in logFiles:
Code: Select all
return {
on = {
devices = {
913, --switch to force the script to run for testpurpose
timer = {
'at 07:00',
'at 19:00',
logging = {
level = domoticz.LOG_INFO,
marker = 'BSOtest',
execute = function(dz, timer)
local gasstand = dz.devices(762).counter -- 762 is IDX gasmeter
local datetimestamp = tostring('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
file ="/home/pi/gas.txt", "a+")
file:write(datetimestamp.." gasstand "..gasstand.."\n")
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