Somfy Blinds stop command Siri

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Somfy Blinds stop command Siri

Post by nitro »

Hello All,

Hopefully you can help me out. I have installed a Somfy blind and that is working well with Domoticz (followed this topic: viewtopic.php?f=44&t=2567&hilit=somfy).

Also i have Domoticz connected to Homebrige (siri). It is now possible to say "Hey Siri open the blinds (In dutch then), and the blinds will open.
If I say "Hey Siri close the blinds, the blind will go down. The only thing that is not working is when I say "Hey Siri, open the blinds 50% or Hey Siri stop the blinds (when the blinds is halfway) or Hey Siri Pause the blinds".

In Domoticz I see 3 commands: On / Off / Stop. But the Stop function is not working with Siri.

The stop function is working when I click on the "Stop button".
Blind.png (11.74 KiB) Viewed 2425 times

I hope you have a sollution for this problem, else if I want to open the blinds for a little bit I need to use the Telis 1 remote control and press the "My" button.

thank you.

Best regards,

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Re: Somfy Blinds stop command Siri

Post by HvdW »

Bugs bug me.
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Re: Somfy Blinds stop command Siri

Post by erem »

How did you connect Domoticz to Siri/apple home?
Homebridge with eDomotiz?
if homebridge, does homebridge show the stop button?

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Re: Somfy Blinds stop command Siri

Post by DewGew »

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Re: Somfy Blinds stop command Siri

Post by erem »

i have no experience with that add-in, but it seems to support the stop button, and positioning if you use the advanced config.
What config did you use?
Does the stop/position button show up in homebridge accessories at all?
it should work from homebridge before Siri can operate it correctly
we know it works from domoticz, so the next step in the chain to check is homebridge.

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Re: Somfy Blinds stop command Siri

Post by DewGew »

If you use hombridge UI its simple.You just add domoticz json request for up/down/stop

Code: Select all

You can also add time, then it works lika e percentage blind.
my config for one of my blinds look like this:

Code: Select all

"accessories": [
         "name": "Bedroom Blind",
         "up_url": "http://localhost:8080/json.htm?type=command&param=switchlight&idx=127&switchcmd=Off",
         "motion_up_time": 28000,
         "down_url": "http://localhost:8080/json.htm?type=command&param=switchlight&idx=127&switchcmd=On",
         "motion_down_time": 28000,
         "stop_url": "http://localhost:8080/json.htm?type=command&param=switchlight&idx=127&switchcmd=Stop",
         "show_stop_button": yes,
         "http_options": {
            "method": "GET"
         "accessory": "BlindsHTTP"
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Re: Somfy Blinds stop command Siri

Post by Hann1BaL »

This topic is a good reference on how to make it work with the eDomoticz plugin in Homebridge ... 73#p294473
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