SmartEvse support

Moderator: leecollings

Posts: 233
Joined: Sunday 30 March 2014 15:24
Target OS: Linux
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Location: Waterland

Re: SmartEvse support

Post by rron »

I made 2 extra devices in the config: EVEnergyCharged and EVTotalEnergyCharged but those two are not updated like the other devices. Is that something to be adapted in the MqttMapper?

Code: Select all

    "SmartEVSE charge current": {
        "topic": "SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrent",
        "type": "243", "subtype": "23", "switchtype": "0",
        "mapping": {"item": "", "multiplier": 0.1}
    "SmartEVSE max current": {
        "topic": "SmartEVSE-5572/MaxCurrent",
        "type": "243", "subtype": "23", "switchtype": "0",
        "mapping": {"item": "", "multiplier": 0.1}
    "SmartEVSE evenergy charged": {
        "topic": "SmartEVSE-5572/EVEnergyCharged",
        "type": "243", "subtype": "23", "switchtype": "0",
        "mapping": {"item": "", "multiplier": 0.1}
    "SmartEVSE evtotalenergy charged": {
        "topic": "SmartEVSE-5572/EVTotalEnergyCharged",
        "type": "243", "subtype": "23", "switchtype": "0",
        "mapping": {"item": "", "multiplier": 0.1}
    "SmartEVSE state": {
        "topic": "SmartEVSE-5572/State",
        "type": "243", "subtype": "19", "switchtype": "0",
        "mapping": {"item": ""}
    "SmartEVSE error": {
        "topic": "SmartEVSE-5572/Error",
        "type": "244", "subtype": "73", "switchtype": "18",
        "options": {"SelectorStyle":"1", "LevelOffHidden": "false", "LevelNames":"None|No Power Available|Communication Error|Temperature High|EV Meter Comm Error|RCM Tripped|Waiting for Solar|Test IO|Flash Error|**Unknown**"},
        "mapping": {"item": "", "default": "90",
            "values": {
                "None": "0",
                "No Power Available": "10",
                "Communication Error": "20",
                "Temperature High": "30",
                "EV Meter Comm Error": "40",
                "RCM Tripped": "50",
                "Waiting for Solar": "60",
                "Test IO": "70",
                "Flash Error": "80",
                "**Unknown**": "90"
    "SmartEVSE charge current override": {
        "topic": "SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrentOverride",
        "type": "242", "subtype": "1", "switchtype": "0",
        "options": {"ValueStep": "1", "ValueMin": "0", "ValueMax": "200", "ValueUnit": "A"},
        "initial": {"nvalue": "0", "svalue": "0"},
        "mapping": {"item": "", "multiplier": 0.1},
        "set": {"topic": "SmartEVSE-5572/Set/CurrentOverride", "digits": 0}
Rpi, RFXcom, klikaan klikuit switch,thermosmart, z-wave, espeasy, smartevse
Posts: 318
Joined: Saturday 27 February 2016 0:30
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: 2020.2

Re: SmartEvse support

Post by FlyingDomotic »

I just wrote a small tool aimed at dumping parameters, API and database data, as well as MQTT related topics.

To get it, just update to last version by

Code: Select all

git pull
then restart plugin (or Domoticz) and run (either by

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

from plugin folder.

If asked (read Warnings at script startup), you may need to install paho-mqtt and/or sqlite3 python module, using

Code: Select all

pip3 install paho-mqtt

Code: Select all

pip3 install sqlite3
Send me dumpMqttMapperValues result by PM (or here).
Posts: 233
Joined: Sunday 30 March 2014 15:24
Target OS: Linux
Domoticz version: Beta
Location: Waterland

Re: SmartEvse support

Post by rron »

Thanks i will try and let it know.
Rpi, RFXcom, klikaan klikuit switch,thermosmart, z-wave, espeasy, smartevse
Posts: 233
Joined: Sunday 30 March 2014 15:24
Target OS: Linux
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Location: Waterland

Re: SmartEvse support

Post by rron »

Code: Select all

024-08-25 11:40:36.319 Status: mapper: Entering work loop.
2024-08-25 11:40:36.320 mapper: Worker thread started.
2024-08-25 11:40:36.320 Status: mapper: Started.
2024-08-25 11:40:36.320 Status: NotificationSystem: thread started...
2024-08-25 11:40:36.321 Status: EventSystem: reset all events...
2024-08-25 11:40:36.324 Status: Slimme meter: Connected to:
2024-08-25 11:40:36.394 Status: dzVents: Write file: /opt/domoticz/userdata/scripts/dzVents/generated_scripts/Bargraph2.lua
2024-08-25 11:40:36.394 Status: EventSystem: reset all device statuses...
2024-08-25 11:40:36.511 Status: PluginSystem: 1 plugins started.
2024-08-25 11:40:36.555 Status: Python EventSystem: Initializing event module.
2024-08-25 11:40:36.556 Status: EventSystem: Started
2024-08-25 11:40:36.556 Status: EventSystem: Queue thread started...
2024-08-25 11:40:36.911 Status: mapper: Initialized version 1.0.44, author 'Flying Domotic'
2024-08-25 11:40:36.919 mapper: 'HardwareID':'54'
2024-08-25 11:40:36.919 mapper: 'HomeFolder':'/opt/domoticz/userdata/plugins/MqttMapper/'
2024-08-25 11:40:36.920 mapper: 'StartupFolder':'/opt/domoticz/'
2024-08-25 11:40:36.920 mapper: 'UserDataFolder':'/opt/domoticz/userdata/'
2024-08-25 11:40:36.920 mapper: 'Database':'/opt/domoticz/userdata/domoticz.db'
2024-08-25 11:40:36.920 mapper: 'Language':'en'
2024-08-25 11:40:36.920 mapper: 'Version':'1.0.44'
2024-08-25 11:40:36.920 mapper: 'Author':'Flying Domotic'
2024-08-25 11:40:36.921 mapper: 'Name':'mapper'
2024-08-25 11:40:36.921 mapper: 'Address':''
2024-08-25 11:40:36.921 mapper: 'Port':'1883'
2024-08-25 11:40:36.921 mapper: 'Key':'MqttMapper'
2024-08-25 11:40:36.921 mapper: 'Mode1':'MqttMapper.json'
2024-08-25 11:40:36.921 mapper: 'Mode6':'Verbose+'
2024-08-25 11:40:36.922 mapper: 'DomoticzVersion':'2024.7'
2024-08-25 11:40:36.922 mapper: 'DomoticzHash':'b317cfab1'
2024-08-25 11:40:36.922 mapper: 'DomoticzBuildTime':'2024-07-13 16:59:31'
2024-08-25 11:40:36.922 mapper: Device count: 7
2024-08-25 11:40:36.923 mapper: Device: 1 - ID: 704, Name: 'SmartEVSE charge current', nValue: 0, sValue: '0.0'
2024-08-25 11:40:36.923 mapper: Device: 2 - ID: 705, Name: 'SmartEVSE max current', nValue: 16, sValue: '16.0'
2024-08-25 11:40:36.923 mapper: Device: 3 - ID: 706, Name: 'SmartEVSE state', nValue: 0, sValue: 'Ready to Charge'
2024-08-25 11:40:36.923 mapper: Device: 4 - ID: 707, Name: 'SmartEVSE error', nValue: 0, sValue: '0'
2024-08-25 11:40:36.924 mapper: Device: 5 - ID: 708, Name: 'SmartEVSE charge current override', nValue: 0, sValue: '0.0'
2024-08-25 11:40:36.924 mapper: Device: 6 - ID: 709, Name: 'SmartEVSE evenergy charged', nValue: 0, sValue: ''
2024-08-25 11:40:36.924 mapper: Device: 7 - ID: 710, Name: 'SmartEVSE evtotalenergy charged', nValue: 0, sValue: ''
2024-08-25 11:40:36.934 mapper: Updating device SmartEVSE charge current
2024-08-25 11:40:36.940 mapper: Updating device SmartEVSE max current
2024-08-25 11:40:36.948 mapper: Updating device SmartEVSE evenergy charged
2024-08-25 11:40:36.955 mapper: Updating device SmartEVSE evtotalenergy charged
2024-08-25 11:40:36.962 mapper: Updating device SmartEVSE state
2024-08-25 11:40:36.968 mapper: Updating device SmartEVSE error
2024-08-25 11:40:36.977 mapper: Updating device SmartEVSE charge current override
2024-08-25 11:40:37.044 mapper: Successful connect to:
2024-08-25 11:40:37.044 mapper: MQTT CONNECT ID: 'Domoticz_MqttMapper_54_1724578837'
2024-08-25 11:40:37.107 Status: Slimme meter: Meter reports as ESMR 5.0
2024-08-25 11:40:37.107 Status: Slimme meter: Current electricity tariff: Low
2024-08-25 11:40:37.159 mapper: testValue="None" (<class 'str'>), readValue="None" (<class 'str'>)
2024-08-25 11:40:37.159 mapper: testValue="No Power Available" (<class 'str'>), readValue="None" (<class 'str'>)
2024-08-25 11:40:37.159 mapper: testValue="Communication Error" (<class 'str'>), readValue="None" (<class 'str'>)
2024-08-25 11:40:37.160 mapper: testValue="Temperature High" (<class 'str'>), readValue="None" (<class 'str'>)
2024-08-25 11:40:37.160 mapper: testValue="EV Meter Comm Error" (<class 'str'>), readValue="None" (<class 'str'>)
2024-08-25 11:40:37.160 mapper: testValue="RCM Tripped" (<class 'str'>), readValue="None" (<class 'str'>)
2024-08-25 11:40:37.160 mapper: testValue="Waiting for Solar" (<class 'str'>), readValue="None" (<class 'str'>)
2024-08-25 11:40:37.160 mapper: testValue="Test IO" (<class 'str'>), readValue="None" (<class 'str'>)
2024-08-25 11:40:37.160 mapper: testValue="Flash Error" (<class 'str'>), readValue="None" (<class 'str'>)
2024-08-25 11:40:37.160 mapper: testValue="**Unknown**" (<class 'str'>), readValue="None" (<class 'str'>)
2024-08-25 11:40:37.161 mapper: Setting SmartEVSE error to 0/0
2024-08-25 11:40:37.166 mapper: Setting SmartEVSE state to >Ready to Charge<
2024-08-25 11:40:37.175 mapper: Setting SmartEVSE max current to 16/16.0
2024-08-25 11:40:37.179 mapper: Setting SmartEVSE charge current to 0/0.0
2024-08-25 11:40:37.183 mapper: Setting SmartEVSE charge current override to 0/0.0
2024-08-25 11:40:37.320 Status: MQTT: Connecting to
I don´t see any warnings in the startup logging. And I did first a git pull.

And this is the logging after restart and ./, but still got the pip3 error. I have to search how to solve this.

Code: Select all

pi@raspberrypi:/opt/domoticz/config/plugins/MqttMapper $ ./
Warning: Python MQTT not installed. Please use 'pip3 install paho-mqtt' to fix it
Warning: MQTT topics content will not being displayed
Warning: Error ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) when opening                                                           n
Warning: Domoticz API device content will not be displayed
Warning: Error ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) when opening
Warning: Domoticz database device content will not be displayed
Reading MqttMapper.json
SmartEVSE charge current
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE max current
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/MaxCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE evenergy charged
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE evtotalenergy charged
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVTotalEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE state
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/State', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '19', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': ''}}
SmartEVSE error
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Error', 'type': '244', 'subtype': '73', 'switchtype': '18', 'options': {'SelectorStyle': '1', 'LevelOffHidden': 'false', 'Le                                                           velNames': 'None|No Power Available|Communication Error|Temperature High|EV Meter Comm Error|RCM Tripped|Waiting for Solar|Test IO|Flash Error|**Unknown**'}, 'mapping                                                           ': {'item': '', 'default': '90', 'values': {'None': '0', 'No Power Available': '10', 'Communication Error': '20', 'Temperature High': '30', 'EV Meter Comm Error': '40                                                           ', 'RCM Tripped': '50', 'Waiting for Solar': '60', 'Test IO': '70', 'Flash Error': '80', '**Unknown**': '90'}}}
SmartEVSE charge current override
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrentOverride', 'type': '242', 'subtype': '1', 'switchtype': '0', 'options': {'ValueStep': '1', 'ValueMin': '0', 'Va                                                           lueMax': '200', 'ValueUnit': 'A'}, 'initial': {'nvalue': '0', 'svalue': '0'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}, 'set': {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Set/Current                                                           Override', 'digits': 0}}
Rpi, RFXcom, klikaan klikuit switch,thermosmart, z-wave, espeasy, smartevse
Posts: 233
Joined: Sunday 30 March 2014 15:24
Target OS: Linux
Domoticz version: Beta
Location: Waterland

Re: SmartEvse support

Post by rron »

Iḿ still not able to install pip3 install paho-mqtt and pip3 install sqlite3 because of the error. Is there a way to solve this? I tried it with Pipx but that didn´t work. My skills are not very good.

Code: Select all

× This environment is externally managed
╰─> To install Python packages system-wide, try apt install
    python3-xyz, where xyz is the package you are trying to
    If you wish to install a non-Debian-packaged Python package,
    create a virtual environment using python3 -m venv path/to/venv.
    Then use path/to/venv/bin/python and path/to/venv/bin/pip. Make
    sure you have python3-full installed.
    If you wish to install a non-Debian packaged Python application,
    it may be easiest to use pipx install xyz, which will manage a
    virtual environment for you. Make sure you have pipx installed.
    See /usr/share/doc/python3.11/README.venv for more information.

note: If you believe this is a mistake, please contact your Python installation or OS distribution provider. You can override this, at the risk of breaking your Python installation or OS, by passing --break-system-packages.
hint: See PEP 668 for the detailed specification.
Rpi, RFXcom, klikaan klikuit switch,thermosmart, z-wave, espeasy, smartevse
Posts: 318
Joined: Saturday 27 February 2016 0:30
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: 2020.2

Re: SmartEvse support

Post by FlyingDomotic »

There are 3 parts in my answer:
1) Concerning paho-mqtt installation, please try

Code: Select all

sudo apt install python3-paho-mqtt
2) Make a git pull to get last version of plugin (and tools)
3) It seems that your Domoticz http server is not at default and/or needs username/password. Please start by

Code: Select all

./ -url=<put here your Domoticz URL, including http://, with user:pass if needed)>
Normally, with that, we should have a complete dump.
Posts: 233
Joined: Sunday 30 March 2014 15:24
Target OS: Linux
Domoticz version: Beta
Location: Waterland

Re: SmartEvse support

Post by rron »

I think that I have the wrong code

Code: Select all

/ --url=, admin:domoticz
I have tried different setting also with but that give the same output. Can you have a look at it?

Code: Select all

[pi@raspberrypi:/opt/domoticz/config/plugins/MqttMapper $ ./ --url=, admin:domoticz
Starting dumpMqttMapperValues V1.1.0
Warning: Error Failed to parse:,json.htm?type=command&param=getversion when opening,json.htm?type=command&param=getversion
Warning: Domoticz API device content will not be displayed
Warning: Error Failed to parse:,backupdatabase.php when opening,backupdatabase.php
Warning: Domoticz database device content will not be displayed
Reading MqttMapper.json
SmartEVSE charge current
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE max current
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/MaxCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE evenergy charged
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE evtotalenergy charged
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVTotalEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE state
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/State', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '19', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': ''}}
SmartEVSE error
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Error', 'type': '244', 'subtype': '73', 'switchtype': '18', 'options': {'SelectorStyle': '1', 'LevelOffHidden': 'false', 'LevelNames': 'None|No Power Available|Communication Error|Temperature High|EV Meter Comm Error|RCM Tripped|Waiting for Solar|Test IO|Flash Error|**Unknown**'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'default': '90', 'values': {'None': '0', 'No Power Available': '10', 'Communication Error': '20', 'Temperature High': '30', 'EV Meter Comm Error': '40', 'RCM Tripped': '50', 'Waiting for Solar': '60', 'Test IO': '70', 'Flash Error': '80', '**Unknown**': '90'}}}
SmartEVSE charge current override
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrentOverride', 'type': '242', 'subtype': '1', 'switchtype': '0', 'options': {'ValueStep': '1', 'ValueMin': '0', 'ValueMax': '200', 'ValueUnit': 'A'}, 'initial': {'nvalue': '0', 'svalue': '0'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}, 'set': {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Set/CurrentOverride', 'digits': 0}}
Error: Failed to connect - Reason code=0/code]
Rpi, RFXcom, klikaan klikuit switch,thermosmart, z-wave, espeasy, smartevse
Posts: 318
Joined: Saturday 27 February 2016 0:30
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: 2020.2

Re: SmartEvse support

Post by FlyingDomotic »


Code: Select all

/ --url=http://admin:[email protected]:8080
... which is the standard way to add username/password into an URL.
Posts: 233
Joined: Sunday 30 March 2014 15:24
Target OS: Linux
Domoticz version: Beta
Location: Waterland

Re: SmartEvse support

Post by rron »

I did several variations on the ./ but still no luck. Every time error parse. This is on my test server where the user =admin and the password=domoticz. What do I forget?

Code: Select all

pi@raspberrypi:/opt/domoticz/config/plugins/MqttMapper $ ./ --url=http://admin:[email protected]:8080
Starting dumpMqttMapperValues V1.1.0
Warning: Error Failed to parse: http://admin:[email protected]:8080json.htm?type=command&param=getversion when opening http://admin:[email protected]:8080json.htm?type=command&param=getversion
Warning: Domoticz API device content will not be displayed
Warning: Error Failed to parse: http://admin:[email protected]:8080backupdatabase.php when opening http://admin:[email protected]:8080backupdatabase.php
Warning: Domoticz database device content will not be displayed
Reading MqttMapper.json
SmartEVSE charge current
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE max current
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/MaxCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE evenergy charged
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE evtotalenergy charged
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVTotalEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE state
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/State', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '19', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': ''}}
SmartEVSE error
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Error', 'type': '244', 'subtype': '73', 'switchtype': '18', 'options': {'SelectorStyle': '1', 'LevelOffHidden': 'false', 'LevelNames': 'None|No Power Available|Communication Error|Temperature High|EV Meter Comm Error|RCM Tripped|Waiting for Solar|Test IO|Flash Error|**Unknown**'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'default': '90', 'values': {'None': '0', 'No Power Available': '10', 'Communication Error': '20', 'Temperature High': '30', 'EV Meter Comm Error': '40', 'RCM Tripped': '50', 'Waiting for Solar': '60', 'Test IO': '70', 'Flash Error': '80', '**Unknown**': '90'}}}
SmartEVSE charge current override
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrentOverride', 'type': '242', 'subtype': '1', 'switchtype': '0', 'options': {'ValueStep': '1', 'ValueMin': '0', 'ValueMax': '200', 'ValueUnit': 'A'}, 'initial': {'nvalue': '0', 'svalue': '0'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}, 'set': {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Set/CurrentOverride', 'digits': 0}}
Error: Failed to connect - Reason code=0
pi@raspberrypi:/opt/domoticz/config/plugins/MqttMapper $ ./ --url=http://admin:[email protected]
Starting dumpMqttMapperValues V1.1.0
Warning: Error HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /?type=command&param=getversion (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x75bddcd0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known')) when opening http://admin:[email protected]?type=command&param=getversion
Warning: Domoticz API device content will not be displayed
Warning: Error HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x75be71f0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known')) when opening http://admin:[email protected]
Warning: Domoticz database device content will not be displayed
Reading MqttMapper.json
SmartEVSE charge current
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE max current
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/MaxCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE evenergy charged
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE evtotalenergy charged
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVTotalEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE state
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/State', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '19', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': ''}}
SmartEVSE error
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Error', 'type': '244', 'subtype': '73', 'switchtype': '18', 'options': {'SelectorStyle': '1', 'LevelOffHidden': 'false', 'LevelNames': 'None|No Power Available|Communication Error|Temperature High|EV Meter Comm Error|RCM Tripped|Waiting for Solar|Test IO|Flash Error|**Unknown**'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'default': '90', 'values': {'None': '0', 'No Power Available': '10', 'Communication Error': '20', 'Temperature High': '30', 'EV Meter Comm Error': '40', 'RCM Tripped': '50', 'Waiting for Solar': '60', 'Test IO': '70', 'Flash Error': '80', '**Unknown**': '90'}}}
SmartEVSE charge current override
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrentOverride', 'type': '242', 'subtype': '1', 'switchtype': '0', 'options': {'ValueStep': '1', 'ValueMin': '0', 'ValueMax': '200', 'ValueUnit': 'A'}, 'initial': {'nvalue': '0', 'svalue': '0'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}, 'set': {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Set/CurrentOverride', 'digits': 0}}
Error: Failed to connect - Reason code=0
pi@raspberrypi:/opt/domoticz/config/plugins/MqttMapper $ ./ --url=http://admin:[email protected]:8080
Starting dumpMqttMapperValues V1.1.0
Warning: Error Failed to parse: http://admin:[email protected]:8080json.htm?type=command&param=getversion when opening http://admin:[email protected]:8080json.htm?type=command&param=getversion
Warning: Domoticz API device content will not be displayed
Warning: Error Failed to parse: http://admin:[email protected]:8080backupdatabase.php when opening http://admin:[email protected]:8080backupdatabase.php
Warning: Domoticz database device content will not be displayed
Reading MqttMapper.json
SmartEVSE charge current
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE max current
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/MaxCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE evenergy charged
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE evtotalenergy charged
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVTotalEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE state
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/State', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '19', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': ''}}
SmartEVSE error
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Error', 'type': '244', 'subtype': '73', 'switchtype': '18', 'options': {'SelectorStyle': '1', 'LevelOffHidden': 'false', 'LevelNames': 'None|No Power Available|Communication Error|Temperature High|EV Meter Comm Error|RCM Tripped|Waiting for Solar|Test IO|Flash Error|**Unknown**'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'default': '90', 'values': {'None': '0', 'No Power Available': '10', 'Communication Error': '20', 'Temperature High': '30', 'EV Meter Comm Error': '40', 'RCM Tripped': '50', 'Waiting for Solar': '60', 'Test IO': '70', 'Flash Error': '80', '**Unknown**': '90'}}}
SmartEVSE charge current override
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrentOverride', 'type': '242', 'subtype': '1', 'switchtype': '0', 'options': {'ValueStep': '1', 'ValueMin': '0', 'ValueMax': '200', 'ValueUnit': 'A'}, 'initial': {'nvalue': '0', 'svalue': '0'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}, 'set': {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Set/CurrentOverride', 'digits': 0}}
Error: Failed to connect - Reason code=0
pi@raspberrypi:/opt/domoticz/config/plugins/MqttMapper $ ./ --url=http://admin:[email protected]:8080
Starting dumpMqttMapperValues V1.1.0
Warning: Error Failed to parse: http://admin:[email protected]:8080json.htm?type=command&param=getversion when opening http://admin:[email protected]:8080json.htm?type=command&param=getversion
Warning: Domoticz API device content will not be displayed
Warning: Error Failed to parse: http://admin:[email protected]:8080backupdatabase.php when opening http://admin:[email protected]:8080backupdatabase.php
Warning: Domoticz database device content will not be displayed
Reading MqttMapper.json
SmartEVSE charge current
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE max current
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/MaxCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE evenergy charged
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE evtotalenergy charged
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVTotalEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE state
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/State', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '19', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': ''}}
SmartEVSE error
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Error', 'type': '244', 'subtype': '73', 'switchtype': '18', 'options': {'SelectorStyle': '1', 'LevelOffHidden': 'false', 'LevelNames': 'None|No Power Available|Communication Error|Temperature High|EV Meter Comm Error|RCM Tripped|Waiting for Solar|Test IO|Flash Error|**Unknown**'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'default': '90', 'values': {'None': '0', 'No Power Available': '10', 'Communication Error': '20', 'Temperature High': '30', 'EV Meter Comm Error': '40', 'RCM Tripped': '50', 'Waiting for Solar': '60', 'Test IO': '70', 'Flash Error': '80', '**Unknown**': '90'}}}
SmartEVSE charge current override
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrentOverride', 'type': '242', 'subtype': '1', 'switchtype': '0', 'options': {'ValueStep': '1', 'ValueMin': '0', 'ValueMax': '200', 'ValueUnit': 'A'}, 'initial': {'nvalue': '0', 'svalue': '0'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}, 'set': {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Set/CurrentOverride', 'digits': 0}}
Error: Failed to connect - Reason code=0
pi@raspberrypi:/opt/domoticz/config/plugins/MqttMapper $ ./ --url=http://admin:[email protected]:8080
Starting dumpMqttMapperValues V1.1.0
Warning: Error Failed to parse: http://admin:[email protected]:8080json.htm?type=command&param=getversion when opening http://admin:[email protected]:8080json.htm?type=command&param=getversion
Warning: Domoticz API device content will not be displayed
Warning: Error Failed to parse: http://admin:[email protected]:8080backupdatabase.php when opening http://admin:[email protected]:8080backupdatabase.php
Warning: Domoticz database device content will not be displayed
Reading MqttMapper.json
SmartEVSE charge current
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE max current
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/MaxCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE evenergy charged
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE evtotalenergy charged
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVTotalEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE state
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/State', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '19', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': ''}}
SmartEVSE error
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Error', 'type': '244', 'subtype': '73', 'switchtype': '18', 'options': {'SelectorStyle': '1', 'LevelOffHidden': 'false', 'LevelNames': 'None|No Power Available|Communication Error|Temperature High|EV Meter Comm Error|RCM Tripped|Waiting for Solar|Test IO|Flash Error|**Unknown**'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'default': '90', 'values': {'None': '0', 'No Power Available': '10', 'Communication Error': '20', 'Temperature High': '30', 'EV Meter Comm Error': '40', 'RCM Tripped': '50', 'Waiting for Solar': '60', 'Test IO': '70', 'Flash Error': '80', '**Unknown**': '90'}}}
SmartEVSE charge current override
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrentOverride', 'type': '242', 'subtype': '1', 'switchtype': '0', 'options': {'ValueStep': '1', 'ValueMin': '0', 'ValueMax': '200', 'ValueUnit': 'A'}, 'initial': {'nvalue': '0', 'svalue': '0'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}, 'set': {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Set/CurrentOverride', 'digits': 0}}
Error: Failed to connect - Reason code=0
pi@raspberrypi:/opt/domoticz/config/plugins/MqttMapper $ ./ --url=
Starting dumpMqttMapperValues V1.1.0
Warning: Error Failed to parse: when opening
Warning: Domoticz API device content will not be displayed
Warning: Error Failed to parse: when opening
Warning: Domoticz database device content will not be displayed
Reading MqttMapper.json
SmartEVSE charge current
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE max current
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/MaxCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE evenergy charged
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE evtotalenergy charged
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVTotalEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE state
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/State', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '19', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': ''}}
SmartEVSE error
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Error', 'type': '244', 'subtype': '73', 'switchtype': '18', 'options': {'SelectorStyle': '1', 'LevelOffHidden': 'false', 'LevelNames': 'None|No Power Available|Communication Error|Temperature High|EV Meter Comm Error|RCM Tripped|Waiting for Solar|Test IO|Flash Error|**Unknown**'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'default': '90', 'values': {'None': '0', 'No Power Available': '10', 'Communication Error': '20', 'Temperature High': '30', 'EV Meter Comm Error': '40', 'RCM Tripped': '50', 'Waiting for Solar': '60', 'Test IO': '70', 'Flash Error': '80', '**Unknown**': '90'}}}
SmartEVSE charge current override
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrentOverride', 'type': '242', 'subtype': '1', 'switchtype': '0', 'options': {'ValueStep': '1', 'ValueMin': '0', 'ValueMax': '200', 'ValueUnit': 'A'}, 'initial': {'nvalue': '0', 'svalue': '0'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}, 'set': {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Set/CurrentOverride', 'digits': 0}}
Error: Failed to connect - Reason code=0
pi@raspberrypi:/opt/domoticz/config/plugins/MqttMapper $
Rpi, RFXcom, klikaan klikuit switch,thermosmart, z-wave, espeasy, smartevse
Posts: 318
Joined: Saturday 27 February 2016 0:30
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: 2020.2

Re: SmartEvse support

Post by FlyingDomotic »

Giving error, it seems you're using an old MQTT API version. I made a change in 1.1.1 to (also) support it.

Would it be possible to update to last version, and retry?
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Re: SmartEvse support

Post by rron »

I did the update and the logging is a lttle bit different but still the errors

Code: Select all

pi@raspberrypi:/opt/domoticz/config/plugins/MqttMapper $ ./ --url=http://admin:[email protected]:8080
Starting dumpMqttMapperValues V1.1.1
Warning: Error Failed to parse: http://admin:[email protected]:8080json.htm?type=command&param=getversion when opening http://admin:[email protected]:8080json.htm?type=command&param=getversion
Warning: Domoticz API device content will not be displayed
Warning: Error Failed to parse: http://admin:[email protected]:8080backupdatabase.php when opening http://admin:[email protected]:8080backupdatabase.php
Warning: Domoticz database device content will not be displayed
Reading MqttMapper.json
SmartEVSE charge current
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE max current
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/MaxCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE evenergy charged
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE evtotalenergy charged
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVTotalEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE state
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/State', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '19', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': ''}}
SmartEVSE error
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Error', 'type': '244', 'subtype': '73', 'switchtype': '18', 'options': {'SelectorStyle': '1', 'LevelOffHidden': 'false', 'LevelNames': 'None|No Power Available|Communication Error|Temperature High|EV Meter Comm Error|RCM Tripped|Waiting for Solar|Test IO|Flash Error|**Unknown**'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'default': '90', 'values': {'None': '0', 'No Power Available': '10', 'Communication Error': '20', 'Temperature High': '30', 'EV Meter Comm Error': '40', 'RCM Tripped': '50', 'Waiting for Solar': '60', 'Test IO': '70', 'Flash Error': '80', '**Unknown**': '90'}}}
SmartEVSE charge current override
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrentOverride', 'type': '242', 'subtype': '1', 'switchtype': '0', 'options': {'ValueStep': '1', 'ValueMin': '0', 'ValueMax': '200', 'ValueUnit': 'A'}, 'initial': {'nvalue': '0', 'svalue': '0'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}, 'set': {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Set/CurrentOverride', 'digits': 0}}
Topic 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrent'='0'
Topic 'SmartEVSE-5572/MaxCurrent'='160'
Topic 'SmartEVSE-5572/State'='Ready to Charge'
Topic 'SmartEVSE-5572/Error'='None'
Topic 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrentOverride'='0'
Rpi, RFXcom, klikaan klikuit switch,thermosmart, z-wave, espeasy, smartevse
Posts: 318
Joined: Saturday 27 February 2016 0:30
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: 2020.2

Re: SmartEvse support

Post by FlyingDomotic »

Could you try with ./ --url=http://admin:[email protected]:8080/ (with an ending "/")?

I'm doing a change to add it automatically if not present.
Posts: 318
Joined: Saturday 27 February 2016 0:30
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: 2020.2

Re: SmartEvse support

Post by FlyingDomotic »

Change done in 1.1.2
Posts: 233
Joined: Sunday 30 March 2014 15:24
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Location: Waterland

Re: SmartEvse support

Post by rron »

Yes, that did the job. Can you see why the 2 extra devices in the config: EVEnergyCharged and EVTotalEnergyCharged but those two are not updated like the other devices. Is that something to be adapted in the MqttMapper? Here is the logging

Code: Select all

pi@raspberrypi:/opt/domoticz/config/plugins/MqttMapper $ ./ --url=http://admin:[email protected]:8080/
Starting dumpMqttMapperValues V1.1.2
Reading MqttMapper.json
SmartEVSE charge current
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
    API: Name='mapper - SmartEVSE charge current', Idx='189', Type='General||', Data='0 A', Color='', Level=''
    Database: Name='mapper - SmartEVSE charge current', Idx='189', Type='243|23|0', nValue='0', sValue='0.0', Color='', LastLevel='0'
SmartEVSE max current
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/MaxCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
    API: Name='mapper - SmartEVSE max current', Idx='190', Type='General||', Data='16 A', Color='', Level=''
    Database: Name='mapper - SmartEVSE max current', Idx='190', Type='243|23|0', nValue='16', sValue='16.0', Color='', LastLevel='0'
SmartEVSE evenergy charged
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
    API: Name='mapper - SmartEVSE evenergy charged', Idx='191', Type='General||', Data='0 A', Color='', Level=''
    Database: Name='mapper - SmartEVSE evenergy charged', Idx='191', Type='243|23|0', nValue='0', sValue='', Color='', LastLevel='0'
SmartEVSE evtotalenergy charged
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVTotalEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
    API: Name='mapper - SmartEVSE evtotalenergy charged', Idx='192', Type='General||', Data='0 A', Color='', Level=''
    Database: Name='mapper - SmartEVSE evtotalenergy charged', Idx='192', Type='243|23|0', nValue='0', sValue='', Color='', LastLevel='0'
SmartEVSE state
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/State', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '19', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': ''}}
    API: Name='mapper - SmartEVSE state', Idx='193', Type='General||', Data='Ready to Charge', Color='', Level=''
    Database: Name='mapper - SmartEVSE state', Idx='193', Type='243|19|0', nValue='0', sValue='Ready to Charge', Color='', LastLevel='0'
SmartEVSE error
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Error', 'type': '244', 'subtype': '73', 'switchtype': '18', 'options': {'SelectorStyle': '1', 'LevelOffHidden': 'false', 'LevelNames': 'None|No Power Available|Communication Error|Temperatur                      e High|EV Meter Comm Error|RCM Tripped|Waiting for Solar|Test IO|Flash Error|**Unknown**'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'default': '90', 'values': {'None': '0', 'No Power Available': '10', 'Communication Error': '20', 'Temperature High'                      : '30', 'EV Meter Comm Error': '40', 'RCM Tripped': '50', 'Waiting for Solar': '60', 'Test IO': '70', 'Flash Error': '80', '**Unknown**': '90'}}}
    API: Name='mapper - SmartEVSE error', Idx='194', Type='Light/Switch||', Data='None', Color='', Level='0'
    Database: Name='mapper - SmartEVSE error', Idx='194', Type='244|73|18', nValue='0', sValue='0', Color='', LastLevel='0'
SmartEVSE charge current override
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrentOverride', 'type': '242', 'subtype': '1', 'switchtype': '0', 'options': {'ValueStep': '1', 'ValueMin': '0', 'ValueMax': '200', 'ValueUnit': 'A'}, 'initial': {'nvalue': '0', 'sva                      lue': '0'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}, 'set': {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Set/CurrentOverride', 'digits': 0}}
    API: Name='mapper - SmartEVSE charge current override', Idx='195', Type='Setpoint||', Data='0', Color='', Level=''
    Database: Name='mapper - SmartEVSE charge current override', Idx='195', Type='242|1|0', nValue='0', sValue='0.0', Color='', LastLevel='0'
Topic 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrent'='0'
Topic 'SmartEVSE-5572/MaxCurrent'='160'
Topic 'SmartEVSE-5572/State'='Ready to Charge'
Topic 'SmartEVSE-5572/Error'='None'
Topic 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrentOverride'='0'
Rpi, RFXcom, klikaan klikuit switch,thermosmart, z-wave, espeasy, smartevse
Posts: 318
Joined: Saturday 27 February 2016 0:30
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: 2020.2

Re: SmartEvse support

Post by FlyingDomotic »

Should you want to help yourself, here are some explanations about output:

First line of each device is device name, followed by 'MqttMapper', containing MqttMapper json file definition, followed by 'API' containing Domoticz API definition, and 'Database' containing database definition.

After all lines from JSON configuration file, dumpMqttMapperValues reads topics related to devices.

What we can see here, it that there's no retained data associated with 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVTotalEnergyCharged' and 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVEnergyCharged' topics.

If topics are not seen, it means either that data topic is effectively sent time to time, but without "Retain" flag (in this case, you can wait longer specifying --wait=<minutes> for a device change to be sent), or that this is not the right topic...
Posts: 233
Joined: Sunday 30 March 2014 15:24
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Location: Waterland

Re: SmartEvse support

Post by rron »

Thanks I shall look at it, and test it .Keep you informed.
Rpi, RFXcom, klikaan klikuit switch,thermosmart, z-wave, espeasy, smartevse
Posts: 233
Joined: Sunday 30 March 2014 15:24
Target OS: Linux
Domoticz version: Beta
Location: Waterland

Re: SmartEvse support

Post by rron »

Iḿ charging right now but still see no difference in the outcome. Is there something I overlook? I can see

Code: Select all

 MQTT: *** 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVTotalEnergyCharged' not seen - No 'retain' flag or don't exist ***

Does that mean the topic doesn´t exist?

Code: Select all

pi@raspberrypi:/opt/domoticz/config/plugins/MqttMapper $ ./ --url=http://admin:[email protected]:8080/
Starting dumpMqttMapperValues V1.2.0
Reading MqttMapper.json
SmartEVSE charge current
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
    API: Name='SmartEVSE charge current', Idx='189', Type='General||', Data='16 A', Color='', Level=''
    Database: Name='SmartEVSE charge current', Idx='189', Type='243|23|0', nValue='16', sValue='16.0', Color='', LastLevel='0'
    MQTT: 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrent'='160'
SmartEVSE max current
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/MaxCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
    API: Name='SmartEVSE max current', Idx='190', Type='General||', Data='16 A', Color='', Level=''
    Database: Name='SmartEVSE max current', Idx='190', Type='243|23|0', nValue='16', sValue='16.0', Color='', LastLevel='0'
    MQTT: 'SmartEVSE-5572/MaxCurrent'='160'
SmartEVSE evenergy charged
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
    API: Name='SmartEVSE evenergy charged', Idx='191', Type='General||', Data='0 A', Color='', Level=''
    Database: Name='SmartEVSE evenergy charged', Idx='191', Type='243|23|0', nValue='0', sValue='', Color='', LastLevel='0'
    MQTT: *** 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVEnergyCharged' not seen - No 'retain' flag or don't exist ***
SmartEVSE evtotalenergy charged
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVTotalEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
    API: Name='SmartEVSE evtotalenergy charged', Idx='192', Type='General||', Data='0 A', Color='', Level=''
    Database: Name='SmartEVSE evtotalenergy charged', Idx='192', Type='243|23|0', nValue='0', sValue='', Color='', LastLevel='0'
    MQTT: *** 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVTotalEnergyCharged' not seen - No 'retain' flag or don't exist ***
SmartEVSE state
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/State', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '19', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': ''}}
    API: Name='SmartEVSE state', Idx='193', Type='General||', Data='Charging', Color='', Level=''
    Database: Name='SmartEVSE state', Idx='193', Type='243|19|0', nValue='0', sValue='Charging', Color='', LastLevel='0'
    MQTT: 'SmartEVSE-5572/State'='Charging'
SmartEVSE error
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Error', 'type': '244', 'subtype': '73', 'switchtype': '18', 'options': {'SelectorStyle': '1', 'LevelOffHidden': 'false', 'LevelNames': 'None|No Power Available|Communication Error|Temperature High|EV Me                                             ter Comm Error|RCM Tripped|Waiting for Solar|Test IO|Flash Error|**Unknown**'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'default': '90', 'values': {'None': '0', 'No Power Available': '10', 'Communication Error': '20', 'Temperature High': '30', 'EV Meter Comm E                                             rror': '40', 'RCM Tripped': '50', 'Waiting for Solar': '60', 'Test IO': '70', 'Flash Error': '80', '**Unknown**': '90'}}}
    API: Name='SmartEVSE error', Idx='194', Type='Light/Switch||', Data='None', Color='', Level='0'
    Database: Name='SmartEVSE error', Idx='194', Type='244|73|18', nValue='0', sValue='0', Color='', LastLevel='0'
    MQTT: 'SmartEVSE-5572/Error'='None'
SmartEVSE charge current override
    MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrentOverride', 'type': '242', 'subtype': '1', 'switchtype': '0', 'options': {'ValueStep': '1', 'ValueMin': '0', 'ValueMax': '200', 'ValueUnit': 'A'}, 'initial': {'nvalue': '0', 'svalue': '0'},                                              'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}, 'set': {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Set/CurrentOverride', 'digits': 0}}
    API: Name='SmartEVSE charge current override', Idx='195', Type='Setpoint||', Data='0', Color='', Level=''
    Database: Name='SmartEVSE charge current override', Idx='195', Type='242|1|0', nValue='0', sValue='0.0', Color='', LastLevel='0'
    MQTT: 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrentOverride'='0'
Rpi, RFXcom, klikaan klikuit switch,thermosmart, z-wave, espeasy, smartevse
Posts: 318
Joined: Saturday 27 February 2016 0:30
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: 2020.2

Re: SmartEvse support

Post by FlyingDomotic »

I confirm I don't see any MQTT messages for SmartEVSE-5572/EVEnergyCharged nor SmartEVSE-5572/EVTotalEnergyCharged.

Are you sure about exact naming of these topics?

Do you see something using Mqtt-Explorer in SmartEVSE-5572 topic? Are you sure these are not subtopics of this topic?
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Re: SmartEvse support

Post by rron »

FlyingDomotic wrote: Sunday 01 September 2024 13:14 I confirm I don't see any MQTT messages for SmartEVSE-5572/EVEnergyCharged nor SmartEVSE-5572/EVTotalEnergyCharged.

Are you sure about exact naming of these topics?

Do you see something using Mqtt-Explorer in SmartEVSE-5572 topic? Are you sure these are not subtopics of this topic?
No I don´t see them in the Mqtt -Explorer either. I have copied the name from one of your earlier post:

¨As per code, it seems you can read the following topics ([MQTTprefix] to be replaced by value stored in ESP preferences, defaulting to SmartEVSE-nnnnnn):
- [MQTTprefix]/connected
- [MQTTprefix]/MainsCurrentL1
- [MQTTprefix]/MainsCurrentL2
- [MQTTprefix]/MainsCurrentL3
- [MQTTprefix]/EVCurrentL1
- [MQTTprefix]/EVCurrentL2
- [MQTTprefix]/EVCurrentL3
- [MQTTprefix]/ESPUptime
- [MQTTprefix]/ESPTemp
- [MQTTprefix]/Mode
- [MQTTprefix]/MaxCurrent
- [MQTTprefix]/ChargeCurrent
- [MQTTprefix]/ChargeCurrentOverride
- [MQTTprefix]/Access
- [MQTTprefix]/RFID
- [MQTTprefix]/RFIDLastRead
- [MQTTprefix]/State
- [MQTTprefix]/Error
- [MQTTprefix]/EVPlugState
- [MQTTprefix]/WiFiSSID
- [MQTTprefix]/WiFiBSSID
- [MQTTprefix]/WiFiRSSI
- [MQTTprefix]/CPPWM
- [MQTTprefix]/CPPWMOverride
- [MQTTprefix]/EVInitialSoC
- [MQTTprefix]/EVFullSoC
- [MQTTprefix]/EVComputedSoC
- [MQTTprefix]/EVRemainingSoC
- [MQTTprefix]/EVTimeUntilFull
- [MQTTprefix]/EVEnergyCapacity
- [MQTTprefix]/EVEnergyRequest
- [MQTTprefix]/EVCCID
- [MQTTprefix]/RequiredEVCCID
- [MQTTprefix]/EVChargePower
- [MQTTprefix]/EVEnergyCharged
- [MQTTprefix]/EVTotalEnergyCharged
- [MQTTprefix]/HomeBatteryCurrent
- [MQTTprefix]/OCPP
- [MQTTprefix]/OCPPConnection
Rpi, RFXcom, klikaan klikuit switch,thermosmart, z-wave, espeasy, smartevse
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Joined: Saturday 27 February 2016 0:30
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: 2020.2

Re: SmartEvse support

Post by FlyingDomotic »

This list has been taken from SmartEvse sources. Some topics can be linked with specific hardware or configuration.

If you don't see them in MqttExplorer, it means that they don't exists in your particular installation.
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