I did several variations on the ./dumpMqttMapperValues.py but still no luck. Every time error parse. This is on my test server where the user =admin and the password=domoticz. What do I forget?
Code: Select all
pi@raspberrypi:/opt/domoticz/config/plugins/MqttMapper $ ./dumpMqttMapperValues.py --url=http://admin:[email protected]:8080
Starting dumpMqttMapperValues V1.1.0
Warning: Error Failed to parse: http://admin:[email protected]:8080json.htm?type=command¶m=getversion when opening http://admin:[email protected]:8080json.htm?type=command¶m=getversion
Warning: Domoticz API device content will not be displayed
Warning: Error Failed to parse: http://admin:[email protected]:8080backupdatabase.php when opening http://admin:[email protected]:8080backupdatabase.php
Warning: Domoticz database device content will not be displayed
Reading MqttMapper.json
SmartEVSE charge current
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE max current
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/MaxCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE evenergy charged
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE evtotalenergy charged
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVTotalEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE state
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/State', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '19', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': ''}}
SmartEVSE error
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Error', 'type': '244', 'subtype': '73', 'switchtype': '18', 'options': {'SelectorStyle': '1', 'LevelOffHidden': 'false', 'LevelNames': 'None|No Power Available|Communication Error|Temperature High|EV Meter Comm Error|RCM Tripped|Waiting for Solar|Test IO|Flash Error|**Unknown**'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'default': '90', 'values': {'None': '0', 'No Power Available': '10', 'Communication Error': '20', 'Temperature High': '30', 'EV Meter Comm Error': '40', 'RCM Tripped': '50', 'Waiting for Solar': '60', 'Test IO': '70', 'Flash Error': '80', '**Unknown**': '90'}}}
SmartEVSE charge current override
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrentOverride', 'type': '242', 'subtype': '1', 'switchtype': '0', 'options': {'ValueStep': '1', 'ValueMin': '0', 'ValueMax': '200', 'ValueUnit': 'A'}, 'initial': {'nvalue': '0', 'svalue': '0'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}, 'set': {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Set/CurrentOverride', 'digits': 0}}
Error: Failed to connect - Reason code=0
pi@raspberrypi:/opt/domoticz/config/plugins/MqttMapper $ ./dumpMqttMapperValues.py --url=http://admin:[email protected]
Starting dumpMqttMapperValues V1.1.0
Warning: Error HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /?type=command¶m=getversion (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x75bddcd0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known')) when opening http://admin:[email protected]?type=command¶m=getversion
Warning: Domoticz API device content will not be displayed
Warning: Error HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x75be71f0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known')) when opening http://admin:[email protected]
Warning: Domoticz database device content will not be displayed
Reading MqttMapper.json
SmartEVSE charge current
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE max current
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/MaxCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE evenergy charged
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE evtotalenergy charged
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVTotalEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE state
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/State', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '19', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': ''}}
SmartEVSE error
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Error', 'type': '244', 'subtype': '73', 'switchtype': '18', 'options': {'SelectorStyle': '1', 'LevelOffHidden': 'false', 'LevelNames': 'None|No Power Available|Communication Error|Temperature High|EV Meter Comm Error|RCM Tripped|Waiting for Solar|Test IO|Flash Error|**Unknown**'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'default': '90', 'values': {'None': '0', 'No Power Available': '10', 'Communication Error': '20', 'Temperature High': '30', 'EV Meter Comm Error': '40', 'RCM Tripped': '50', 'Waiting for Solar': '60', 'Test IO': '70', 'Flash Error': '80', '**Unknown**': '90'}}}
SmartEVSE charge current override
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrentOverride', 'type': '242', 'subtype': '1', 'switchtype': '0', 'options': {'ValueStep': '1', 'ValueMin': '0', 'ValueMax': '200', 'ValueUnit': 'A'}, 'initial': {'nvalue': '0', 'svalue': '0'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}, 'set': {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Set/CurrentOverride', 'digits': 0}}
Error: Failed to connect - Reason code=0
pi@raspberrypi:/opt/domoticz/config/plugins/MqttMapper $ ./dumpMqttMapperValues.py --url=http://admin:[email protected]:8080
Starting dumpMqttMapperValues V1.1.0
Warning: Error Failed to parse: http://admin:[email protected]:8080json.htm?type=command¶m=getversion when opening http://admin:[email protected]:8080json.htm?type=command¶m=getversion
Warning: Domoticz API device content will not be displayed
Warning: Error Failed to parse: http://admin:[email protected]:8080backupdatabase.php when opening http://admin:[email protected]:8080backupdatabase.php
Warning: Domoticz database device content will not be displayed
Reading MqttMapper.json
SmartEVSE charge current
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE max current
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/MaxCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE evenergy charged
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE evtotalenergy charged
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVTotalEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE state
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/State', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '19', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': ''}}
SmartEVSE error
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Error', 'type': '244', 'subtype': '73', 'switchtype': '18', 'options': {'SelectorStyle': '1', 'LevelOffHidden': 'false', 'LevelNames': 'None|No Power Available|Communication Error|Temperature High|EV Meter Comm Error|RCM Tripped|Waiting for Solar|Test IO|Flash Error|**Unknown**'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'default': '90', 'values': {'None': '0', 'No Power Available': '10', 'Communication Error': '20', 'Temperature High': '30', 'EV Meter Comm Error': '40', 'RCM Tripped': '50', 'Waiting for Solar': '60', 'Test IO': '70', 'Flash Error': '80', '**Unknown**': '90'}}}
SmartEVSE charge current override
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrentOverride', 'type': '242', 'subtype': '1', 'switchtype': '0', 'options': {'ValueStep': '1', 'ValueMin': '0', 'ValueMax': '200', 'ValueUnit': 'A'}, 'initial': {'nvalue': '0', 'svalue': '0'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}, 'set': {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Set/CurrentOverride', 'digits': 0}}
Error: Failed to connect - Reason code=0
pi@raspberrypi:/opt/domoticz/config/plugins/MqttMapper $ ./dumpMqttMapperValues.py --url=http://admin:[email protected]:8080
Starting dumpMqttMapperValues V1.1.0
Warning: Error Failed to parse: http://admin:[email protected]:8080json.htm?type=command¶m=getversion when opening http://admin:[email protected]:8080json.htm?type=command¶m=getversion
Warning: Domoticz API device content will not be displayed
Warning: Error Failed to parse: http://admin:[email protected]:8080backupdatabase.php when opening http://admin:[email protected]:8080backupdatabase.php
Warning: Domoticz database device content will not be displayed
Reading MqttMapper.json
SmartEVSE charge current
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE max current
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/MaxCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE evenergy charged
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE evtotalenergy charged
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVTotalEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE state
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/State', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '19', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': ''}}
SmartEVSE error
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Error', 'type': '244', 'subtype': '73', 'switchtype': '18', 'options': {'SelectorStyle': '1', 'LevelOffHidden': 'false', 'LevelNames': 'None|No Power Available|Communication Error|Temperature High|EV Meter Comm Error|RCM Tripped|Waiting for Solar|Test IO|Flash Error|**Unknown**'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'default': '90', 'values': {'None': '0', 'No Power Available': '10', 'Communication Error': '20', 'Temperature High': '30', 'EV Meter Comm Error': '40', 'RCM Tripped': '50', 'Waiting for Solar': '60', 'Test IO': '70', 'Flash Error': '80', '**Unknown**': '90'}}}
SmartEVSE charge current override
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrentOverride', 'type': '242', 'subtype': '1', 'switchtype': '0', 'options': {'ValueStep': '1', 'ValueMin': '0', 'ValueMax': '200', 'ValueUnit': 'A'}, 'initial': {'nvalue': '0', 'svalue': '0'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}, 'set': {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Set/CurrentOverride', 'digits': 0}}
Error: Failed to connect - Reason code=0
pi@raspberrypi:/opt/domoticz/config/plugins/MqttMapper $ ./dumpMqttMapperValues.py --url=http://admin:[email protected]:8080
Starting dumpMqttMapperValues V1.1.0
Warning: Error Failed to parse: http://admin:[email protected]:8080json.htm?type=command¶m=getversion when opening http://admin:[email protected]:8080json.htm?type=command¶m=getversion
Warning: Domoticz API device content will not be displayed
Warning: Error Failed to parse: http://admin:[email protected]:8080backupdatabase.php when opening http://admin:[email protected]:8080backupdatabase.php
Warning: Domoticz database device content will not be displayed
Reading MqttMapper.json
SmartEVSE charge current
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE max current
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/MaxCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE evenergy charged
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE evtotalenergy charged
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVTotalEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE state
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/State', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '19', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': ''}}
SmartEVSE error
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Error', 'type': '244', 'subtype': '73', 'switchtype': '18', 'options': {'SelectorStyle': '1', 'LevelOffHidden': 'false', 'LevelNames': 'None|No Power Available|Communication Error|Temperature High|EV Meter Comm Error|RCM Tripped|Waiting for Solar|Test IO|Flash Error|**Unknown**'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'default': '90', 'values': {'None': '0', 'No Power Available': '10', 'Communication Error': '20', 'Temperature High': '30', 'EV Meter Comm Error': '40', 'RCM Tripped': '50', 'Waiting for Solar': '60', 'Test IO': '70', 'Flash Error': '80', '**Unknown**': '90'}}}
SmartEVSE charge current override
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrentOverride', 'type': '242', 'subtype': '1', 'switchtype': '0', 'options': {'ValueStep': '1', 'ValueMin': '0', 'ValueMax': '200', 'ValueUnit': 'A'}, 'initial': {'nvalue': '0', 'svalue': '0'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}, 'set': {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Set/CurrentOverride', 'digits': 0}}
Error: Failed to connect - Reason code=0
pi@raspberrypi:/opt/domoticz/config/plugins/MqttMapper $ ./dumpMqttMapperValues.py --url=
Starting dumpMqttMapperValues V1.1.0
Warning: Error Failed to parse:¶m=getversion when opening¶m=getversion
Warning: Domoticz API device content will not be displayed
Warning: Error Failed to parse: when opening
Warning: Domoticz database device content will not be displayed
Reading MqttMapper.json
SmartEVSE charge current
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE max current
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/MaxCurrent', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE evenergy charged
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE evtotalenergy charged
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/EVTotalEnergyCharged', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '23', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}}
SmartEVSE state
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/State', 'type': '243', 'subtype': '19', 'switchtype': '0', 'mapping': {'item': ''}}
SmartEVSE error
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Error', 'type': '244', 'subtype': '73', 'switchtype': '18', 'options': {'SelectorStyle': '1', 'LevelOffHidden': 'false', 'LevelNames': 'None|No Power Available|Communication Error|Temperature High|EV Meter Comm Error|RCM Tripped|Waiting for Solar|Test IO|Flash Error|**Unknown**'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'default': '90', 'values': {'None': '0', 'No Power Available': '10', 'Communication Error': '20', 'Temperature High': '30', 'EV Meter Comm Error': '40', 'RCM Tripped': '50', 'Waiting for Solar': '60', 'Test IO': '70', 'Flash Error': '80', '**Unknown**': '90'}}}
SmartEVSE charge current override
MqttMapper: {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/ChargeCurrentOverride', 'type': '242', 'subtype': '1', 'switchtype': '0', 'options': {'ValueStep': '1', 'ValueMin': '0', 'ValueMax': '200', 'ValueUnit': 'A'}, 'initial': {'nvalue': '0', 'svalue': '0'}, 'mapping': {'item': '', 'multiplier': 0.1}, 'set': {'topic': 'SmartEVSE-5572/Set/CurrentOverride', 'digits': 0}}
Error: Failed to connect - Reason code=0
pi@raspberrypi:/opt/domoticz/config/plugins/MqttMapper $