scripts stop working after some time  [SOLVED]

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scripts stop working after some time

Post by snellejellep »

platform: raspberry pi
domoticz version: 4.11506

after some time all scripts stop working and i get this log message:

Code: Select all

2019-12-04 19:44:06.954 Error: EventSystem: Warning!, lua script /home/pi/domoticz/dzVents/runtime/dzVents.lua has been running for more than 10 seconds
what can be wrong?
when i restart domoticz it all works again for some time
just updated again to the latest beta, hope it will be better.
(v 4.11550)
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Re: scripts stop working after some time

Post by waaren »

snellejellep wrote: Wednesday 04 December 2019 21:37 2019-12-04 19:44:06.954 Error: EventSystem: Warning!, lua script /home/pi/domoticz/dzVents/runtime/dzVents.lua has been running for more than 10 seconds
This can be caused by a busy system, -a database lock or -a dzVents user script waiting for an OS call to return and blocking the event system during that wait. It might help to look at the domoticz and system logfile to see what happens in the seconds before this message. Also running a monitoring tool like top or htop could reveal something.
In it self this message should not be too alarming if it only happens a couple of times a day. I see it around the times my test systems make a backup using the domoticz auto backup mechanism.
Debian buster, bullseye on RPI-4, Intel NUC.
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Re: scripts stop working after some time  [SOLVED]

Post by snellejellep »

thank you, have not had it happen since the update to the latest beta.
for future things, where can i find the system and domoticz log files?
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Re: scripts stop working after some time

Post by waaren »

snellejellep wrote: Thursday 05 December 2019 13:18 thank you, have not had it happen since the update to the latest beta.
for future things, where can i find the system and domoticz log files?
The domoticz logfile location and other settings are defined in


the relevant settings are in set to the DAEMON_ARGS var.

as example you could change the file like this

Code: Select all

DAEMON_ARGS="$DAEMON_ARGS -log /var/log/domoticz.log" # or any other OS file 
#DAEMON_ARGS="$DAEMON_ARGS -loglevel  normal,status,error, debug" # debug disabled for now 
DAEMON_ARGS="$DAEMON_ARGS -loglevel  normal,status,error" # these loglevels will make it to th elogfile
#DAEMON_ARGS="$DAEMON_ARGS -debuglevel normal,hardware,received,webserver,eventsystem,python,thread_id"

Code: Select all

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo service domoticz stop
sudo service domoticz start
sudo tail -f  /var/log/domoticz.log
The system and other logfiles can be found with sudo ls -lrt /var/log/*log
Debian buster, bullseye on RPI-4, Intel NUC.
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Re: scripts stop working after some time

Post by snellejellep »

thank you, i will take a look over there once it goes wrong again
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