Script to restart Domoticz if it crashes Topic is solved

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Script to restart Domoticz if it crashes

Post by fisics »

Hey guys,

Thought I share a (very basic) script that I use to check if Domoticz has crashed (offline) and restart it, I have this setup on a cron job running every ten minutes.

My script basically launches a Telnet session to Domoticz on port 8080, if it fails to connect it removes the 2 temporary DB files -shm and -wal and relaunches the service.

This code could probably be written in one line by one of you geniuses, but as I'm not a coder - it works for me!

Hope that helps someone else who has frequent offline crashes...


Code: Select all


# This is a script to check if Domoticz is running or crashed, if crashed delete the 2 db files and relaunch - my script lives in a folder called domo-alive-test

echo open 8080
sleep 2
echo "exit"
) | telnet > /home/pi/domo-alive-test/info-output.txt

sleep 5

# Telnet connection check, lets open info-out and make sure it contains the failed telnet output otherwise stop.

grep -Po '\?Invalid command' /home/pi/domo-alive-test/info-output.txt > /home/pi/domo-alive-test/telnet-connection-test.txt

sed -i '1!d' /home/pi/domo-alive-test/telnet-connection-test.txt

info=$(cat /home/pi/domo-alive-test/telnet-connection-test.txt)

rm /home/pi/domo-alive-test/telnet-connection-test.txt

if [ "$info" = "?Invalid command" ]
	# Telnet connection refused
	rm /home/pi/domo-alive-test/info-output.txt
	rm /home/pi/domoticz/domoticz.db-wal
	rm /home/pi/domoticz/domoticz.db-shm
	sudo service start
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Re: Script to restart Domoticz if it crashes

Post by fisics »

Just had another thought on this, you could probably do it much easier using:

sudo service status

To check if it returns

"[FAIL] domoticz is not running ... failed!"
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Re: Script to restart Domoticz if it crashes

Post by Derik »

looks great..
And better than the watchdog....

For sharing :D :D
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Re: Script to restart Domoticz if it crashes

Post by simonrg »

A different approach is documented on the Wiki using the Watchdog service on the Raspberry pi - ... i_watchdog - this runs on the Raspberry Pi, so is self-contained and copes with the Raspberry Pi crashing itself rebooting the Raspberry Pi.

@Derik why Watchdog not good?
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Re: Script to restart Domoticz if it crashes

Post by SweetPants »

I'm using 'monit' on Raspberry and Ubuntu. You can also use it to monitor/restart other processes like nginx


check process domoticz with pidfile /var/run/
start program "/etc/init.d/ start"
stop program "/etc/init.d/ stop"


check process nginx with pidfile /var/run/
start program "/etc/init.d/nginx start"
stop program "/etc/init.d/nginx stop"
if failed host port 80
protocol http then restart
if 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout

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Re: Script to restart Domoticz if it crashes

Post by nigels0 »

simonrg wrote:A different approach is documented on the Wiki using the Watchdog service on the Raspberry pi - ... i_watchdog - this runs on the Raspberry Pi, so is self-contained and copes with the Raspberry Pi crashing itself rebooting the Raspberry Pi.

@Derik why Watchdog not good?
I looked for the domoticz.log file in /tmp, but it doesn't exist - so the watchdog doesn't start up.
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Re: Script to restart Domoticz if it crashes

Post by CopyCatz »

As stated in the manual, specify the log location in the command line parameters:

-log file_path

Then point the watchdog to the log file.
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Re: Script to restart Domoticz if it crashes

Post by nigels0 »

I guess the danger of having the log being written to the SD or USB repeatedly is why the log is not switched on by default
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Re: Script to restart Domoticz if it crashes

Post by sincze »

nigels0 wrote:I guess the danger of having the log being written to the SD or USB repeatedly is why the log is not switched on by default
I'm writing the log to RAM or NAS. ;-)

It seems that NGINX is crashing a lot. (I configured monit to send me an e-mail so now I know exactly how many times and it is a lot).
10+ times per day it will be restarted by Monit. Is this a known issue? Should I tweak the nginx configuration.
Unfortunately I did not look at the nginx log file to see if it is maybe the known php issue.

Also Domoticz interface sometimes stalls... several seconds and then moves on again. (Nginx related??)

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Re: Script to restart Domoticz if it crashes

Post by ThinkPad »

Moved topic to 'Scripts' section.
I am not active on this forum anymore.
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Re: Script to restart Domoticz if it crashes

Post by frave »

Hi, I was looking into a more simpler approach just like fisics opted a few posts back. The reason why is because I found out Domoticz ocassionally crashes. It does not happen a lot but it is frustrating when finding out the moment you would like to flip a switch. I have found a way to interpret the output of "sudo service status" and it works flawlessly. So to help others with the same problem I thought I will make my first post here.

I just made a file called "" and inserted the following code:

Code: Select all

while true

DomoticzState=`sudo service status`

if [[ $DomoticzState == "domoticz is running." ]]
                echo 'Domoticz is running. Nothing to do.'
elif [[ $DomoticzState == "domoticz is not running ... failed!" ]]
                echo 'Domoticz is not running. Restarting Domoticz...'
                sudo service restart
                echo 'Domoticz restarted.'

sleep 15
I just start the script with "nohup ./ &" and it runs in the background. As you can see in the code it checks the state of Domoticz every 15 seconds and when it finds out Domoticz stopped working it performs a simple restart.
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Re: Script to restart Domoticz if it crashes

Post by Derik »

@ Fisics....

How do you do this?
and where do you place the files??
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Re: Script to restart Domoticz if it crashes

Post by roblom »

There is also an example of a script in the monit wiki.
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Re: Script to restart Domoticz if it crashes

Post by Ingmar »

frave wrote:Hi, I was looking into a more simpler approach just like fisics opted a few posts back. The reason why is because I found out Domoticz ocassionally crashes. It does not happen a lot but it is frustrating when finding out the moment you would like to flip a switch. I have found a way to interpret the output of "sudo service status" and it works flawlessly. So to help others with the same problem I thought I will make my first post here.

I just made a file called "" and inserted the following code:

Code: Select all

while true

DomoticzState=`sudo service status`

if [[ $DomoticzState == "domoticz is running." ]]
                echo 'Domoticz is running. Nothing to do.'
elif [[ $DomoticzState == "domoticz is not running ... failed!" ]]
                echo 'Domoticz is not running. Restarting Domoticz...'
                sudo service restart
                echo 'Domoticz restarted.'

sleep 15
I just start the script with "nohup ./ &" and it runs in the background. As you can see in the code it checks the state of Domoticz every 15 seconds and when it finds out Domoticz stopped working it performs a simple restart.
Thanks, works perfectly!

I added the "nohup /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/ &" command in the rc.local file (in /etc) so that it automatically starts when the Pi starts up.
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Re: Script to restart Domoticz if it crashes

Post by frave »

Thanks for your success story :) and of course your addition of the automatic startup. I think I have solved that differently. But your solution is plain and simple.
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Re: Script to restart Domoticz if it crashes

Post by frave »

I am writing this just to inform anyone that wants to use this script and is not running on a Raspberry Pi. I recently migrated Domoticz to new hardware with a standard Debian 8 (jessie) installation so I stopped using my Raspberry Pi for Domoticz. I then came to know the script I wrote above does not work anymore. I therefore edited it as followes.

Code: Select all

while true

DomoticzState=`sudo service domoticz status`

if [[ $DomoticzState == *"active (running)"* ]]
                echo 'Domoticz is running. Nothing to do.'
elif [[ $DomoticzState == *"inactive (dead)"* ]]
                echo 'Domoticz is not running. Restarting Domoticz...'
                sudo service domoticz restart
                echo 'Domoticz restarted.'

sleep 15
### Done
Then start the script the same way, with the command "nohup ./ &", to run in the background.
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Re: Script to restart Domoticz if it crashes

Post by HvdW »

A perfect script.
Thanks a lot!

This unexpected stall of Domoticz on the Rasperry affects everyone (I think)
The code resolves the problem in a very simple manner.

Code: Select all

    DomoticzState=`sudo service status`

    if [[ $DomoticzState == "domoticz is running." ]]
                    echo 'Domoticz is running. Nothing to do.'
    elif [[ $DomoticzState == "domoticz is not running ... failed!" ]]
                    echo 'Domoticz is not running. Restarting Domoticz...'
                    sudo service restart
                    echo 'Domoticz restarted.'

sudo chmod +x

crontab -e
*/5 * * * * /home/pi/scripts/

However I removed the loop and made a cronjob which makes the script run every 5 minutes
Bugs bug me.
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Re: Script to restart Domoticz if it crashes

Post by Derik »


Very simple script...
I give your srcipt a try, because it is very very simple..

Please Can you make a option when your script is restart Domotic that the board is sending a email?
I think that is a great option
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Re: Script to restart Domoticz if it crashes

Post by Derik »

Try the script on my RPi, works great..

Try it on my CB: not...
I have:
ScreenShot042.jpg (36.77 KiB) Viewed 56562 times
I have:

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sudo chmod +x
I have:

Code: Select all

*/3 * * * * sudo /home/linaro/scripts/
The same as on my RPi..
I changed the pad..

Some one please, where do i go wrong?

Found a solution..
Changed restart in start
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Re: Script to restart Domoticz if it crashes

Post by tjabas »

Im really new to this Linux and rasberry, but how do i install this script?

I have lot of problems with Domoticz freezing, so i guess this script would do the trick.
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