Domoticz Pi3B+ - SSD drive, which OS?

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Domoticz Pi3B+ - SSD drive, which OS?

Post by scannie »

I want to install an OS on the PI3B+ with x850 board and SSD.
Which version can be installed and is compatible with Domoticz?

Noobs doesn't startup after copying to an SSD.

Who can me advice?
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Re: Domoticz Pi3B+ - SSD drive, which OS?

Post by HansieNL »

Raspbian is the official operating system for all models of the Raspberry Pi.
The lite version is ok to run Domoticz. You can install additional software later if you need it.
Don’t forget to create a ssh file in the boot part, otherwise it’s not possible to connect via ssh.
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Re: Domoticz Pi3B+ - SSD drive, which OS?

Post by ben53252642 »

Its possible the SSD is using a USB interface to connect to the Pi in which case you should make sure the USB boot mode is programmed on the Pi, see: ... des/
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