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Xiaomi Cube Problem

Posted: Monday 30 September 2019 21:36
by czasas
Hello I have problem with xiaomi Cube im domoticz. After adding this to phoscon app (conbee II) I cannot see new devices in domoticz. I have also added xiaomi switch and this is working fine. Any idea how to deal with this problem ? I dont havent any logs regarding Cube in domoticz. Did any one had this problem?

Re: Xiaomi Cube Problem

Posted: Tuesday 01 October 2019 10:03
by Thorgal789
Hello, can you see it in Phoscon ?
If yes, depend of the plugin version you have, if you have an older one, just restart it, setting/hardware/deconz/update, at every start the plugin re-synchronise deconz with domoticz.
If you still have the problem, enable log ("debug info only") and take a look at startup (when you restart the plugin), you will have helpfull messages.

Re: Xiaomi Cube Problem

Posted: Tuesday 01 October 2019 10:53
by czasas
Logs from conbee said that theres 2 sensors but still I dont have it in any tab in domo, sensors of course are visible in phoscon app:

2019-10-01 10:48:50.689 Status: (Conbee) Firmware version : 0x264a0700
2019-10-01 10:48:50.689 Status: (Conbee) Websocketnotifyall : True
2019-10-01 10:48:50.733 Status: (Conbee) ### deCONZ ready
2019-10-01 10:48:50.733 Status: (Conbee) ### Found 0 Operators, 2 Sensors, 1 Groups, 0 Scenes and 0 others, with 0 Ignored
2019-10-01 10:48:50.784 Status: (Conbee) Launching websocket on port 8088
2019-10-01 10:49:00.647 (Conbee) onHeartbeat called
2019-10-01 10:49:10.661 (Conbee) onHeartbeat called
2019-10-01 10:49:20.381 (Switch) Pushing 'onHeartbeatCallback' on to queue
2019-10-01 10:49:20.385 (Switch) Processing 'onHeartbeatCallback' message
2019-10-01 10:49:20.385 (Switch) Calling message handler 'onHeartbeat'.
2019-10-01 10:49:20.686 (Conbee) onHeartbeat called
2019-10-01 10:49:30.700 (Conbee) onHeartbeat called
2019-10-01 10:49:40.664 (Conbee) onHeartbeat called

Re: Xiaomi Cube Problem

Posted: Tuesday 01 October 2019 13:17
by Thorgal789
Ha ok, so you don't see then in domoticz ? Have you take a look in setting/device, devices are disabled by defaut.
There is too an option in domoticz to disable device adding, setting/parametres/autorise new devices (or something like that)

BTW the cube count for 2 devices, so if you already have a switch, you miss at leat one of them.

On your log (with debug) you will have something like this
2019-10-01 13:08:57.422 (deCONZ) ### Request sensors
2019-10-01 13:08:57.422 (deCONZ) Send Command /api/36E138295E/sensors/ with None (0 in buffer)
2019-10-01 13:08:57.461 (deCONZ) ### Update device (deCONZ - TRÅDFRI remote control) : {'sValue': 'Off', 'BatteryLevel': 16, 'nValue': 0, 'TimedOut': 1}
2019-10-01 13:08:57.467 (deCONZ) ### Device > 7 Name:Mi Magic Cube Type:ZHASwitch Details:{'gesture': None, 'lastupdated': 'none', 'buttonevent': None}
2019-10-01 13:08:57.474 (deCONZ) ### Device > 9 Name:Mi Magic Cube Type:ZHASwitch Details:{'gesture': 8, 'lastupdated': '2019-09-14T10:29:28', 'buttonevent': -1171}
2019-10-01 13:08:57.474 (deCONZ) ### Update device (deCONZ - Cube Xioami) : {'BatteryLevel': 100, 'nValue': 0, 'sValue': 'Off'}, IGNORED , no changes !
If it still not working can you show me the JSON result of the request ?

Code: Select all


Re: Xiaomi Cube Problem

Posted: Tuesday 01 October 2019 17:56
by czasas
Here's result:

{"1":{"config":{"configured":true,"on":true,"sunriseoffset":30,"sunsetoffset":-30},"etag":"f5fd20be21c15aa5b25df5fe1e69ea04","manufacturername":"Philips","modelid":"PHDL00","name":"Daylight","state":{"dark":false,"daylight":true,"lastupdated":"2019-10-01T15:49:14","status":180,"sunrise":"2019-10-01T04:52:39","sunset":"2019-10-01T16:33:09"},"swversion":"1.0","type":"Daylight","uniqueid":"00:21:2e:ff:ff:04:f2:f2-01"},"2":{"config":{"battery":100,"on":true,"reachable":true},"ep":1,"etag":"f5fd20be21c15aa5b25df5fe1e69ea04","manufacturername":"LUMI","mode":1,"modelid":"lumi.sensor_switch","name":"Smart Switch","state":{"buttonevent":1002,"lastupdated":"2019-09-30T16:46:19"},"type":"ZHASwitch","uniqueid":"00:15:8d:00:01:e7:ff:6f-01-0006"}}

And all logs from API:

{"config":{"UTC":"2019-10-01T16:09:22","apiversion":"1.16.0","backup":{"errorcode":0,"status":"idle"},"bridgeid":"00212EFFFF04F2F2","datastoreversion":"60","devicename":"ConBee II","dhcp":true,"factorynew":false,"fwversion":"0x264a0700","gateway":"","internetservices":{"remoteaccess":"disconnected"},"ipaddress":"","linkbutton":false,"localtime":"2019-10-01T16:09:22","mac":"b8:27:eb:9c:7c:bd","modelid":"deCONZ","name":"pawel","netmask":"","networkopenduration":60,"panid":64843,"portalconnection":"disconnected","portalservices":false,"portalstate":{"communication":"disconnected","incoming":false,"outgoing":false,"signedon":false},"proxyaddress":"none","proxyport":0,"replacesbridgeid":null,"rfconnected":true,"starterkitid":"","swupdate":{"checkforupdate":false,"devicetypes":{"bridge":false,"lights":[],"sensors":[]},"notify":false,"text":"","updatestate":0,"url":""},"swupdate2":{"autoinstall":{"on":false,"updatetime":""},"bridge":{"lastinstall":"2019-09-06T16:58:29","state":"allreadytoinstall"},"checkforupdate":false,"install":false,"lastchange":"","lastinstall":"","state":"allreadytoinstall"},"swversion":"2.5.69","timeformat":"12h","timezone":"Etc/GMT","uuid":"331ac8ef-4356-4eb6-8827-af53c094c470","websocketnotifyall":true,"websocketport":8088,"whitelist":{"BD78501B7F":{"create date":"2019-09-26T20:43:34","last use date":"2019-09-26T20:50:53","name":"Phoscon#B980x1700"},"D058EE7D61":{"create date":"2019-09-26T20:54:54","last use date":"2019-10-01T16:09:22","name":"Domoticz"}},"zigbeechannel":15},"groups":{"65520":{"action":{"bri":127,"colormode":"hs","ct":0,"effect":"none","hue":0,"on":false,"sat":127,"scene":null,"xy":[0,0]},"devicemembership":[],"etag":"f5fd20be21c15aa5b25df5fe1e69ea04","id":"65520","lights":[],"name":"All","scenes":[],"state":{"all_on":false,"any_on":false},"type":"LightGroup"}},"lights":{},"resourcelinks":{},"rules":{},"scenes":{},"schedules":{},"sensors":{"1":{"config":{"configured":true,"on":true,"sunriseoffset":30,"sunsetoffset":-30},"etag":"f5fd20be21c15aa5b25df5fe1e69ea04","manufacturername":"Philips","modelid":"PHDL00","name":"Daylight","state":{"dark":false,"daylight":false,"lastupdated":"2019-10-01T16:03:14","status":180,"sunrise":"2019-10-01T04:52:39","sunset":"2019-10-01T16:33:09"},"swversion":"1.0","type":"Daylight","uniqueid":"00:21:2e:ff:ff:04:f2:f2-01"},"2":{"config":{"battery":100,"on":true,"reachable":true},"ep":1,"etag":"f5fd20be21c15aa5b25df5fe1e69ea04","manufacturername":"LUMI","mode":1,"modelid":"lumi.sensor_switch","name":"Smart Switch","state":{"buttonevent":1002,"lastupdated":"2019-09-30T16:46:19"},"type":"ZHASwitch","uniqueid":"00:15:8d:00:01:e7:ff:6f-01-0006"}}}

And I have also enabled Accept new hardware devices,do all should be good. In phoscone my Cube is im Switches no sensors

Re: Xiaomi Cube Problem

Posted: Tuesday 01 October 2019 20:21
by Thorgal789
So the cube is definitively not in the API, and there is not "switch" section in the api, it use only lights/sensors/configs/groups, switch and sensor are in the same section.
You have the internal daylight sensor and the switch. IDK how you can see the cube in phoscon.

How have you included the cube, with "add new sensor" or "add new switch" in phoscon ? I think it will be a good idea to remake the inclusion, without deleting it, it will just be updated.

Re: Xiaomi Cube Problem

Posted: Wednesday 02 October 2019 12:26
by czasas
Guys thank for help , my Cube are visible now , dont ask why , I dont know :D, I have another question.

Is there any option to add clock wise rotate to domoticz, I have only those options:

Level Level name Order
0 Off
10 Shak
20 Wake
30 Drop
40 90°
50 180°
60 Push
70 Tap

Re: Xiaomi Cube Problem

Posted: Wednesday 02 October 2019 15:23
by Thorgal789
Yep, a little bit complicate.
The cube create 3 sensors, one is totally useless and ignored by the plugin, a second is a switch with state (it's the one you are describing), and a third that will be in domoticz mesurement tab.

It's the last that give clock wise value, positive or negative, lower or bigger, but to use it, easier to look for value in domoticz log, the change is fast and not always visible on device widget or device log.

Re: Xiaomi Cube Problem

Posted: Wednesday 02 October 2019 15:50
by czasas
I tego to rotate clock wise (like potentiometr) but i'm log theres no info, only when rotate 90, 180, shake etc, as above, where is mesuremets im domoticz? I cannot see it, plugin add to domoticz only one switch

Re: Xiaomi Cube Problem

Posted: Wednesday 02 October 2019 16:23
by Thorgal789
So you still have a problem during the inclusion ^^.

BTW what have you done to pass from 2 sensors to 3 ? If all is right you need to have 4 sensors now (or 5 in the api)

A tips, when you include a device, make it working during the inclusion, the api detect it better, for exemple if you include a door sensor, use the magnet to make it react during the inclusion. So for your situation , don't delete it, but try add new switch, make the inclusion procedure and rotate the cube.

Are you using the GUI version or headless ? If you have the GUI version, you will have something like that, 3 endpoints for 3 sensors created just for the cube.

On domoticz the "mesurement" tab is just betwwen "meteo" and "setting" but not sure for name in english.

Ok I have check on google, on english version this tab is called "Utility" juste between "Weather" and "setup"

Re: Xiaomi Cube Problem

Posted: Friday 04 October 2019 13:34
by czasas
Thorgal problem rosolved. You have right I add it again iwth shaking etc and its added, thank for help !

Re: Xiaomi Cube Problem

Posted: Friday 04 October 2019 15:16
by Thorgal789
Np, and this tricks is usefull for all devices, in fact during the pairing process the gateway send lot of commands to retreive info, battery device can ignore some of them, but during this process the gateway watch on all reactions from the device, so if you force some reactions the gateway will reconize better the device.