attempt to index local 'fileStorage' (a boolean value), data file empty  [SOLVED]

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attempt to index local 'fileStorage' (a boolean value), data file empty

Post by Freemann »

I'm running the last Beta version .10732 before going to OZW 1.6
Since a couple of weeks now and then I get this error;

Code: Select all

Error: EventSystem: in /home/XXX/dev-domoticz/dzVents/runtime/dzVents.lua: 
/home/XXX/dev-domoticz/dzVents/runtime/EventHelpers.lua:90: attempt to index local 'fileStorage' (a boolean value)
Turn out my __data_global_data.lua has a size of 0(zero);

Code: Select all

-rw-r----- 1 root  root     0 aug 14 06:00  __data_global_data.lua
and almost all my scripting, which depends on dzVents, aren't working anymore.

I can't figure out whats happening here and why I get the "attempt to index local 'fileStorage' (a boolean value)" on a empty file.

Anybody whole can help me into the right direction to solve this?
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Re: attempt to index local 'fileStorage' (a boolean value), data file empty

Post by waaren »

Freemann wrote: Wednesday 14 August 2019 19:15 Since a couple of weeks now and then I get this error;

Code: Select all

Error: EventSystem: in /home/XXX/dev-domoticz/dzVents/runtime/dzVents.lua: 
/home/XXX/dev-domoticz/dzVents/runtime/EventHelpers.lua:90: attempt to index local 'fileStorage' (a boolean value)
Turn out my __data_global_data.lua has a size of 0(zero);
Anybody whole can help me into the right direction to solve this?
The file __data_global_data.lua should either not exist or have a filesize > 0. Somehow the file got corrupted when dzVents was updating it. You can remove it and dzVents will rebuild it on the next cycle. If this happens more then once it might point in the direction of your storage system turning bad.
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Re: attempt to index local 'fileStorage' (a boolean value), data file empty

Post by Freemann »

It happend a couple of times now, the storage is a brand new (2,5 month old) Crucial MX500 250GB SSD with ~10% used.
I dare to say its not the storage.
Domotica/graphs "freak" :)
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Re: attempt to index local 'fileStorage' (a boolean value), data file empty

Post by waaren »

Freemann wrote: Wednesday 14 August 2019 21:45 It happend a couple of times now, the storage is a brand new (2,5 month old) Crucial MX500 250GB SSD with ~10% used.
I dare to say its not the storage.
Can you please keep a log of when this happens ? Maybe we can identify why this happens on your system (power outage / shutdown / other ? )
relevant information can be in domoticz logging (look for dzVents errors) and/or system log files (/var/log/messages, - kernlog, -syslog)
Debian buster, bullseye on RPI-4, Intel NUC.
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Re: attempt to index local 'fileStorage' (a boolean value), data file empty  [SOLVED]

Post by Freemann »

OK, logging is running.
The system uptime is 42 days, while it happend atleast 2 times in de last 3 weeks.
In my opinion shutdown/poweroutages/etc can't be the problem.

Will post as much as possible when it happens again.

Domotica/graphs "freak" :)
Lubuntu 19.04,
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