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Simple switch to garage door

Posted: Wednesday 10 July 2019 16:27
by teemurama
Hello all!

Please help me a little.
I'd like to install domoticz for operating garage door.
I have motor in door and there is option for external button which toggles open/close.

What is to easiest way to do this ? I'd like to open / close door from my mobile so domoticz would be the best way. I'm already operating air blower in garage with Sonoff relay upgraded to ESPEasy.
I'm quite beginner with domoticz but I have few ESPEasy installed to Domoticz.
Should I use Sonoff relay, would that work ( how do I do it ) ?
I think button should be simple push-button which just toggles state.

Re: Simple switch to garage door

Posted: Wednesday 10 July 2019 17:01
by Markokaa
My setup is:
D1 mini Wemos with ESPeasy firmware
Relay shield Connected straight to D1 mini
D1 connected to my local network with WLAN and domoticz sending command to D1 -> relay -> garagedoor controller.
Only wiring is D1 to garagedoor controller and it's work like a charm ;)

Sonoff needs to 90-230VAC input to operate. Output is same voltage and I think that F-pins can't handle that..

Re: Simple switch to garage door

Posted: Wednesday 10 July 2019 17:05
by teemurama
Markokaa - Finnish ? :)

Re: Simple switch to garage door

Posted: Wednesday 10 July 2019 17:14
by Markokaa
Sure :)

Re: Simple switch to garage door

Posted: Wednesday 10 July 2019 17:57
by Markokaa
I don't have access to write private messages, but i can read those. Can you send me email with private message.