Qubino ZMNHSD1 and Domoticz V4.10717

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Qubino ZMNHSD1 and Domoticz V4.10717

Post by Muckydevil »

I've got some of the original ZMNHSD1's the SP1 and SP2 versions which have worked great on my existing Domoticz version 3.5877 (after updating the XML file for these). This is run on a Raspberry PI with the z-wave daughter board and included the devices everytime.

This system now needs replacing so I have tried Domoticz V4.10717 on windows, Raspberry PI using the Aeontec Gen 5 and a Sigma Z-wave USB but it is not displaying all the items associated with the ZMNHSD1 or most time not even its name at inclusion!!

Is there something I'm missing here or is there an issue with the older ZMNHSD1's?


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Re: Qubino ZMNHSD1 and Domoticz V4.10717

Post by Muckydevil »

As am update I have got this working on the newer version of the app but it only works as a switch not a dimmer? However if I change the switch type to push button (mine or momentary) it works via the app but obviously not via the switch :-)

I also noticed that the older version of the app shows up as Qubino ZMNHSDx Din Dimmer the newer version sows it as Qubino ZMNHSDx Din Dimmer+

Any ideas what is happening?

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