Support for Somfy Connexoon and Tahoma

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Re: Support for Somfy Connexoon and Tahoma

Post by madpatrick »

MikeyP wrote: Saturday 04 March 2023 22:12 Thanks MadPatrick, Jan-Jaap and others for building a more stable TaHoma interface!

(replace the "_" with "." below; I can't post with dots referring to ip addresses apparently)

My 2 cents on identifying the unit with pin "1234-5678-9012" by putting the ip address in the /etc/hosts (10_0_0_x 1234-5678-9012_local); via mDNS the unit publishes itself as "gateway-1234_5678_9012" (so you can ping gateway-1234_5678_9012); if that convention is used throughout the code, the ip address doesn't need to be fixed or to be defined explicitly in de DNS.

E. g.:

C:\>ping gateway-1234-5678-9012

Pinging gateway-1234-5678-9012_local [10_0_0_10] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from 10_0_0_10: bytes=32 time=491ms TTL=64
i've made a beta branch.
Can you test ?

Comments can be give on github
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Re: Support for Somfy Connexoon and Tahoma

Post by MikeyP »

Thanks! See my comments on your Github beta for the working outcome without hosts entry: the mDNS effectively responds to (remove space)

Code: Select all

gateway-1234-5678-9012. local
(sorry @MikeyMan; as a new publishing member even the code notation does not allow me to post urls yet :))
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Re: Support for Somfy Connexoon and Tahoma

Post by MikeyMan »

Doesnt seem to work in all cases though:

Code: Select all

Pinging gateway-2011-1111-1111.localdomain [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from Destination host unreachable.
Reply from Destination host unreachable.
Reply from Destination host unreachable.
Reply from Destination host unreachable.

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
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Re: Support for Somfy Connexoon and Tahoma

Post by JanJaap »

I did some reading: translating IP addresses into names only works if you have the relation between the name and the IP address registered. You can do that in a couple of ways: by a DNS server, by your host file or by mDNS casting (part of a theme called zeroconf or zero configuration networks). On your network you most likely do not have a DNS server, you do not want to edit the host file (which I agree is a complicated work around) so that leaves mDNS. This is something that will only work after adding some code. mDNS works in such a way that the client (the Domoticz plugin in this case) needs to broadcast a call for names in its local network and it will then remember the relation name-IP address for those names that end with '.local'. I haven't implemented such a thing so it's not going to work.....

I'm no expert on these networking protocols so if someone can improve this summary, it's appreciated ;)
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Re: Support for Somfy Connexoon and Tahoma

Post by MikeyMan »

Am i the only one currently having issues with the Tahoma?
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Re: Support for Somfy Connexoon and Tahoma

Post by madpatrick »

MikeyMan wrote: Tuesday 07 March 2023 17:28 Am i the only one currently having issues with the Tahoma?
Define your problems.

Mine are working
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Re: Support for Somfy Connexoon and Tahoma

Post by MikeyMan »

Think it was general issues. Somfy homepage was offline for a part of the day. Just reset the box and it's working now ;)
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Re: Support for Somfy Connexoon and Tahoma

Post by MikeyMan »

And, after the reset pinging gateway-2000-0000-0000 is working as well :lol:
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Re: Support for Somfy Connexoon and Tahoma

Post by madpatrick »

MikeyMan wrote: Thursday 09 March 2023 9:43 And, after the reset pinging gateway-2000-0000-0000 is working as well :lol:
Did you have remove the DNS setting ?
And are the devices then working
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Re: Support for Somfy Connexoon and Tahoma

Post by MikeyMan »

madpatrick wrote: Thursday 09 March 2023 10:16
MikeyMan wrote: Thursday 09 March 2023 9:43 And, after the reset pinging gateway-2000-0000-0000 is working as well :lol:
Did you have remove the DNS setting ?
And are the devices then working
I'm pinging from my PC, not the Pi.

Only thing i did before was add the line to the hosts. If i remove that; the plugin will fail i think?
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Re: Support for Somfy Connexoon and Tahoma

Post by TheElectronicBoy »


I also used this plugin and its works verry well.
At this time, I want to implement also the lights because I have the I/O switches.
But it doesn't work to get the state of the light (on or off) in the UpdateDevice function.
Is there someone whit more experience and can say how to fix it?
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Re: Support for Somfy Connexoon and Tahoma

Post by dalonsic »


A Big Thanks you for this plugin !
I use it with my somfy tahoma in local mode and its works perfectly !

I have a question :
- is it possible to open/close devices in discrete/slow mode ?

(with a parameter or overriding the code (a json modification ?))

Thanks !
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Re: Support for Somfy Connexoon and Tahoma

Post by MikeyMan »

Does anyone know if there is an expiry period for the bearer key?
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Re: Support for Somfy Connexoon and Tahoma

Post by Jan Jansen »


After reading this topic, it has not become clear to me whether the plugin also works with the Tahoma switch. It has a local API too.

Can you confirm that the plugin also works with the Tahoma switch?

Thanks in advance
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Re: Support for Somfy Connexoon and Tahoma

Post by MikeyMan »

Jan Jansen wrote: Friday 08 September 2023 16:38 Hello,

After reading this topic, it has not become clear to me whether the plugin also works with the Tahoma switch. It has a local API too.

Can you confirm that the plugin also works with the Tahoma switch?

Thanks in advance
Would have been quick enough to test of course. But yes.
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Re: Support for Somfy Connexoon and Tahoma

Post by Jan Jansen »

MikeyMan wrote: Friday 08 September 2023 16:43
Would have been quick enough to test of course. But yes.
Thanks, it's time to buy one.
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Re: Support for Somfy Connexoon and Tahoma

Post by Rik60 »

Hello Somfy users,

I like to ask a general question. I am using 6 Somfy devices, 3 roller shutters, 2 exterior screens and 1 folding arm awning. Are there users that also controlling a awning with the Plugin and Domoticz? If i running the beta 4.2.20 the 2 exterior screens are continuous updating, even when they are not moving. If i run the master 4.2.16 the awning is not updating. In both plugin version i can control the devices. At the moment i use a combination of both versions, the file from the beta in the plugin version 4.2.16 version of the master.
Has anyone problems with controlling the awning?
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Re: Support for Somfy Connexoon and Tahoma

Post by nene82 »

Hello everybody,
On the advice of MadPatrick, I registered on your forum to try to resolve my problem. Indeed I am trying in vain to implement its Plugin for Velux IO-homecontrol Shutter, and I am currently stuck on this command for tracing the box in the local network which I do not know where to write “ 1234-1234-1234.local”. For the rest I did almost everything from the tutorial.
I can't verify if this works at the moment. Certainly I would have other problems.So, as the English speakers say, Step by step! :)
You will also have understood that in good French I do not speak English and use Google translate, and that at almost 60 years old I am within my limits on the IT side.
There you go, the picture is set, if anyone is interested in sticking to it and dragging a ball, I'm interested.
For useful information,
Config side:
- 4 Velux IO-Homecontrol roof shutters
- 1 Velux IO-Homecontrol roller shutter
- 1 TAHOMA Switch (and/or KLF200 I also tried to use the KLF200 following this tutorialDomoticz, KLF-200 et Velux Integra io homecontrolbut here I am stuck with Node-red)
- Domoticz is installed on a VM directly in my Freebox Delta
- Domoticz version, My box / Router is therefore a Delta freebox
Voili, Voilou, everything is said, thank you for reading me!
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Re: Support for Somfy Connexoon and Tahoma

Post by madpatrick »

Hello Nene82
Welcome on the Domoticz forum.

This is not a setting within Domoticz.
You need to add the IP address with pin-number of the somfybox in your Router in the DNS server section (if this is available).

have your tried to start the plugin ? and what is in the log after starting the plugin ?
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Re: Support for Somfy Connexoon and Tahoma

Post by nene82 »

Hello MadPatrick,
Apparently I saw on other posts that on freeboxes it was not possible, but subject to my good understanding. Attached are the startup logs!
I also saw elsewhere that it was possible to implement the hosts.txt file with this syntax, but I do not know the syntax under putty, and with WinSCP, the file cannot be modified with the editor.
logs démarrage.jpg
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