KNX to Domoticz

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KNX to Domoticz

Post by emme »

GREAT NEWS for KNX users out there....

I'm quite enthusiastic to inform you that I finally found a way to sync status and commands (for switch and blinds/dimmer) between Domoticz and the Bus

You will need a MQTT Broker and NodeRed, nothing you don't have already on a Linux version.
You will also need the Group Address map and a IPInterface/Router on the bus side.

Just few days to finalize the code and I'll post di and here in the forum


if there are users that willing to test, just contact me
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Re: KNX to Domoticz

Post by burago »

Hi, i'm very interested about your topic. I recently performed my knx installation at home and i'm running domoticz since last year.
i would like to be able to perform some exchange between both:
- capture knx device information (light, temperature..) to domoticz
- sent the "time" from domoticz to knx device
- perform push from domoticz to knx device to manage day and night behaviour.

could you please provide support?

thank you in advance.

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Re: KNX to Domoticz

Post by Thorgal789 »

There isn't an easier way, without so much software layer (MQTT + Nodered) ?
For exemple with this lib but with python ?
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Re: KNX to Domoticz

Post by burago »

Maybe but i don't knx exactly how. Python is already installed on m'y system tout enable plugins (zigate...) But thé n'est would be to have a plugins ready for domoticz (like it is existing on jeedom)
Do you know how xknx library Can ne used?
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Re: KNX to Domoticz

Post by Thorgal789 »

I think you need to make a complete plugin with it, it's just a lib.
But there is a plugin for Hass inside, and some exemple to make test, and it's seem realy easier than use mqtt.

Code: Select all

"""Example for switching a light on and off."""
import asyncio
from xknx import XKNX
from xknx.devices import Light

async def main():
    """Connect to KNX/IP bus, switch on light, wait 2 seconds and switch it off again."""
    xknx = XKNX()
    await xknx.start()
    light = Light(xknx,
    await light.set_on()
    await asyncio.sleep(2)
    await light.set_off()
    await xknx.stop()

# pylint: disable=invalid-name
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
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Re: KNX to Domoticz

Post by burago »

Hi, Thorgal, unfortunatelly, my knowledge does not enable me to perform a complete plugin.
Is there somebody who would like to help?
i would be enjoy to support this kind of initiative.
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Re: KNX to Domoticz

Post by tex73 »

Hi emme, I'm waiting for the code to let the knx communicate with domoticz. At the moment I can get the knx to communicate with node-red and it works well; with domitcz I have some problems.
I also have a question: using a virtual switch (dummy) in the "on action" field can I put the ip interface link and the group address of the knx device? If so how?
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Re: KNX to Domoticz

Post by leoncornelissen »

any update on this one?
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Re: KNX to Domoticz

Post by burago »

Unfortunatelly no solution is easily available. If someone coule help, it would be great
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