HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates

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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates

Post by igor »

boe666 wrote: Friday 01 October 2021 16:02 What types of variables are suitable for the homehabit thermostat module? Apart from the temperatures and the modules for setting them, i.e.
There is no mapping for thermostat fan/mode for Domoticz currently.
What kind of thermostat device you have integrated with Domoticz?
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates

Post by waltervl »

I have the same question.
I use an Airconditioning having attached several devices:
- Thermostat Setpoint
- Light/switch switch for On/Off
- Light/switch Selector switch for mode (eg Heat, Cool, Fan, Dry)
- Light/switch Selector switch for fan rate
- Temperature inside
- Temperature outside

I can only use the setpoint and temperature devices
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates

Post by igor »

waltervl wrote: Wednesday 06 October 2021 9:16 - Thermostat Setpoint
- Light/switch switch for On/Off
- Light/switch Selector switch for mode (eg Heat, Cool, Fan, Dry)
- Light/switch Selector switch for fan rate
- Temperature inside
- Temperature outside
I can only use the setpoint and temperature devices
Can you restart the app and upload debug logs from Support screen right after?
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates

Post by waltervl »

igor wrote: Thursday 07 October 2021 21:25
waltervl wrote: Wednesday 06 October 2021 9:16 - Thermostat Setpoint
- Light/switch switch for On/Off
- Light/switch Selector switch for mode (eg Heat, Cool, Fan, Dry)
- Light/switch Selector switch for fan rate
- Temperature inside
- Temperature outside
I can only use the setpoint and temperature devices
Can you restart the app and upload debug logs from Support screen right after?
I just did
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates

Post by igor »

waltervl wrote: Wednesday 06 October 2021 9:16 - Light/switch switch for On/Off
- Light/switch Selector switch for mode (eg Heat, Cool, Fan, Dry)
- Light/switch Selector switch for fan rate
Thanks for uploading the logs.
When you creating a widget through "select item (recommended)" option, do you see these switches/selectors listed as items?
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates

Post by waltervl »

Yes, and I use some of them. In my Domoticz environment I have 2 airco units: "Airco Woonkamer" and "Airco Slaapkamer"
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates

Post by boe666 »

igor wrote: Wednesday 06 October 2021 3:38
boe666 wrote: Friday 01 October 2021 16:02 What types of variables are suitable for the homehabit thermostat module? Apart from the temperatures and the modules for setting them, i.e.
There is no mapping for thermostat fan/mode for Domoticz currently.
What kind of thermostat device you have integrated with Domoticz?
I use OpenTherm Gateway. Domoticz have many particular devices (see attachment). But homehabit see only "temperature" and "termostat" variables.
2021-11-02 23_06_46-Domoticz — Mozilla Firefox.png
2021-11-02 23_06_46-Domoticz — Mozilla Firefox.png (56.67 KiB) Viewed 2242 times
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates

Post by boe666 »

Can U send the defice type working witch thermostat module in HomeHabit ?
The domoticz list (type and subtype) are here:
#define pTypeThermostat 0xF2
#define sTypeThermSetpoint 0x01
#define sTypeThermTemperature 0x02

#define pTypeGeneral 0xF3
#define sTypeVisibility 0x01
#define sTypeSolarRadiation 0x02
#define sTypeSoilMoisture 0x03
#define sTypeLeafWetness 0x04
#define sTypeSystemTemp 0x05
#define sTypePercentage 0x06
#define sTypeFan 0x07
#define sTypeVoltage 0x08
#define sTypePressure 0x09
#define sTypeSetPoint 0x10
#define sTypeTemperature 0x11
#define sTypeZWaveClock 0x12
#define sTypeTextStatus 0x13
#define sTypeZWaveThermostatMode 0x14
#define sTypeZWaveThermostatFanMode 0x15
#define sTypeAlert 0x16
#define sTypeCurrent 0x17
#define sTypeSoundLevel 0x18
#define sTypeUV 0x19
#define sTypeBaro 0x1A
#define sTypeDistance 0x1B
#define sTypeCounterIncremental 0x1C
#define sTypeKwh 0x1D
#define sTypeWaterflow 0x1E
#define sTypeCustom 0x1F
#define sTypeZWaveAlarm 0x20
#define sTypeManagedCounter 0x21
#define sTypeZWaveThermostatOperatingState 0x23

// General Switch
#define pTypeGeneralSwitch 0xF4
#define sSwitchTypeX10 0x00
#define sSwitchTypeARC 0x01
#define sSwitchTypeAB400D 0x02
#define sSwitchTypeWaveman 0x03
#define sSwitchTypeEMW200 0x04
#define sSwitchTypeIMPULS 0x05
#define sSwitchTypeRisingSun 0x06
#define sSwitchTypePhilips 0x07
#define sSwitchTypeEnergenie 0x08
#define sSwitchTypeEnergenie5 0x09
#define sSwitchTypeGDR2 0x0A
#define sSwitchTypeAC 0x0B
#define sSwitchTypeHEU 0x0C
#define sSwitchTypeANSLUT 0x0D
#define sSwitchTypeKambrook 0x0E
#define sSwitchTypeKoppla 0x0F
#define sSwitchTypePT2262 0x10
#define sSwitchTypeLightwaveRF 0x11
#define sSwitchTypeEMW100 0x12
#define sSwitchTypeBBSB 0x13
#define sSwitchTypeMDREMOTE 0x14
#define sSwitchTypeRSL 0x15
#define sSwitchTypeLivolo 0x16
#define sSwitchTypeTRC02 0x17
#define sSwitchTypeAoke 0x18
#define sSwitchTypeTRC02_2 0x19
#define sSwitchTypeEurodomest 0x1A
#define sSwitchTypeLivoloAppliance 0x1B
#define sSwitchTypeBlyss 0x1C
#define sSwitchTypeByronSX 0x1D
#define sSwitchTypeByronMP001 0x1E
#define sSwitchTypeSelectPlus 0x1F
#define sSwitchTypeSelectPlus3 0x20
#define sSwitchTypeFA20 0x21
#define sSwitchTypeChuango 0x22
#define sSwitchTypePlieger 0x23
#define sSwitchTypeSilvercrest 0x24
#define sSwitchTypeMertik 0x25
#define sSwitchTypeHomeConfort 0x26
#define sSwitchTypePowerfix 0x27
#define sSwitchTypeTriState 0x28
#define sSwitchTypeDeltronic 0x29
#define sSwitchTypeFA500 0x30
#define sSwitchTypeHT12E 0x31
#define sSwitchTypeEV1527 0x32
#define sSwitchTypeElmes 0x33
#define sSwitchTypeAster 0x34
#define sSwitchTypeSartano 0x35
#define sSwitchTypeEurope 0x36
#define sSwitchTypeAvidsen 0x37
#define sSwitchTypeBofu 0x38
#define sSwitchTypeBrel 0x39
#define sSwitchTypeRTS 0x3a
#define sSwitchTypeElroDB 0x3b
#define sSwitchTypeDooya 0x3c
#define sSwitchTypeUnitec 0x3d
#define sSwitchTypeSelector 0x3e
#define sSwitchTypeMaclean 0x3f
#define sSwitchTypeR546 0x40
#define sSwitchTypeDiya 0x41
#define sSwitchTypeX10secu 0x42
#define sSwitchTypeAtlantic 0x43
#define sSwitchTypeSilvercrestDB 0x44
#define sSwitchTypeMedionDB 0x45
#define sSwitchTypeVMC 0x46
#define sSwitchTypeKeeloq 0x47
#define sSwitchCustomSwitch 0x48
#define sSwitchGeneralSwitch 0x49
#define sSwitchTypeKoch 0x4a
#define sSwitchTypeKingpin 0x4b
#define sSwitchTypeFunkbus 0x4c
#define sSwitchTypeNice 0x4d
#define sSwitchTypeForest 0x4e
#define sSwitchBlindsT1 0x4f
#define sSwitchMC145026 0x50
#define sSwitchLobeco 0x51
#define sSwitchFriedland 0x52
#define sSwitchBFT 0x53
#define sSwitchNovatys 0x54
#define sSwitchHalemeier 0x55
#define sSwitchGaposa 0x56
#define sSwitchMiLightv1 0x57
#define sSwitchMiLightv2 0x58
#define sSwitchHT6P20 0x59
#define sSwitchTypeDoitrand 0x5a
#define sSwitchTypeWarema 0x5b
#define sSwitchTypeAnsluta 0x5c
#define sSwitchTypeLivcol 0x5d
#define sSwitchTypeBosch 0x5e
#define sSwitchTypeNingbo 0x5f
#define sSwitchTypeDitec 0x60
#define sSwitchTypeSteffen 0x61
#define sSwitchTypeAlectoSA 0x62
#define sSwitchTypeGPIOset 0x63
#define sSwitchLightT1 0x64
#define sSwitchTypeKonigSec 0x65
#define sSwitchTypeRM174RF 0x66
#define sSwitchTypeLiwin 0x67
#define sSwitchAuxiliaryT1 0x68
#define sSwitchBlindsT2 0x69
#define sSwitchLightT2 0x70
#define sSwitchContactT1 0x71
#define sSwitchTypeYW_Secu 0x6a
#define sSwitchTypeMertik_GV60 0x6b
#define sSwitchTypeNingbo64 0x6c
#define sSwitchTypeX2D 0x6d
#define sSwitchTypeHRCMotor 0x6e
#define sSwitchTypeVelleman 0x6f
#define sSwitchTypeRFCustom 0x72
#define sSwitchTypeYW_Sensor 0x73
#define sSwitchTypeLegrandcad 0x74
#define sSwitchTypeSysfsGpio 0x75
#define sSwitchTypeHager 0x76
#define sSwitchTypeFaber 0x77
#define sSwitchTypeDrayton 0x78
#define sSwitchTypeV2Phoenix 0x79
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates

Post by igor »

boe666 wrote: Tuesday 02 November 2021 23:09 I use OpenTherm Gateway. Domoticz have many particular devices (see attachment). But homehabit see only "temperature" and "termostat" variables.
The main issue is that Domoticz does not provide documented list of type/subtype with their data format, so in many cases HomeHabit cannot determine what is that device represents.
It does not help that most of the devices seem to go under various Lighting categories :|

For thermostat mode, the app would map to some kind of selector. It does not look like that's the case for that hardware, and heating/cooling is represented with switches?
If that's the case, it would not be possible to connect that directly to thermostat widget right now. But if those can be recognized as switches, separate widgets can control it

Can you restart the app and upload debug logs right after? The app logs signatures of unsupported devices, so I can get more data there and maybe see if those can be mapped.
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates

Post by waltervl »

How do you communicate with Domoticz? With the http Json API? Which API functions do you use to get data?
I would be glad to help extending the API documentation.
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates

Post by boe666 »

igor wrote: Wednesday 03 November 2021 3:25
boe666 wrote: Tuesday 02 November 2021 23:09 I use OpenTherm Gateway. Domoticz have many particular devices (see attachment). But homehabit see only "temperature" and "termostat" variables.
The main issue is that Domoticz does not provide documented list of type/subtype with their data format, so in many cases HomeHabit cannot determine what is that device represents.
It does not help that most of the devices seem to go under various Lighting categories :|

For thermostat mode, the app would map to some kind of selector. It does not look like that's the case for that hardware, and heating/cooling is represented with switches?
If that's the case, it would not be possible to connect that directly to thermostat widget right now. But if those can be recognized as switches, separate widgets can control it

Can you restart the app and upload debug logs right after? The app logs signatures of unsupported devices, so I can get more data there and maybe see if those can be mapped.
I tried many switches (virtual switches) and selectors and any of them is not recognised by Thermostat module in HomeHabit. I tried to check how HomeHabit see the devices, by changing DType and Stype direct in domoticz's databses - and chceck by Add widget / Select Item. I uploaded dhe logs. But can You send on this forum all DType and Stype recognised by Homehabit ?
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates

Post by waltervl »

It is better that Igor/Homehabit supports the normal devices than you manipulating the switch types in the database.....
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates

Post by boe666 »

waltervl wrote: Wednesday 03 November 2021 12:06 It is better that Igor/Homehabit supports the normal devices than you manipulating the switch types in the database.....
There is not exist "normal devices", are type and subtypes i n any automation system. Home Habit skan all devices from domoticz and allows, basis of internal rules unknown to me - which can be used and which cannot.

I just want to know that rules....

You have to remember - Domoticz have no thermostat module witch status/fan/mode presets..... thats why homehabit is so good app.
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates

Post by MadMedic »

Hi Igor,

We communicated several times via mail already in the early stages of HH.
So I am a huge fan of your software.

Still, after several updates I still come across an issue that is not getting addressed.
Are you aware that the "Allow to be used as homeapp" switch in the settings is not without its issues ?

More then once I noticed that several values freeze up and the webcam images dont update like they should or all values and boxes theyre in seem to be empty. This especially happens while editing pages.
Until I switch the homeapp switch off, return to home and switch on again. Then all resets to normal and boxes are filled with values again.

I don't know the underlaying issue with this, but I thought you should know, to be able to address it.

(FYI: HH is on a Android 6.0 wallmounted tablet which is always on and it consists of 1 dashboard of 6 pages, in portrait configuration. Connected integrations of Domoticz, Google Calendar(not workable btw), Met.no and ToDo, v21.0 of HomeHabit, premium version).
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates

Post by waltervl »

boe666 wrote: Thursday 04 November 2021 8:24
waltervl wrote: Wednesday 03 November 2021 12:06 It is better that Igor/Homehabit supports the normal devices than you manipulating the switch types in the database.....
There is not exist "normal devices", are type and subtypes i n any automation system. Home Habit skan all devices from domoticz and allows, basis of internal rules unknown to me - which can be used and which cannot.

I just want to know that rules....

You have to remember - Domoticz have no thermostat module witch status/fan/mode presets..... thats why homehabit is so good app.
So if Homehabit cannot find the appropriate devices it should list all devices and let us users decide what the correct device is for eg Fan speed and heat/cool/dry mode etc
But Igor has problems in getting the correct devices from Domoticz and the value format for each device. I also already suggested to help by updating the wiki. But if no reaction from Igor I cannot help :-(
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates

Post by boe666 »

waltervl wrote: Thursday 04 November 2021 15:29
boe666 wrote: Thursday 04 November 2021 8:24
waltervl wrote: Wednesday 03 November 2021 12:06 It is better that Igor/Homehabit supports the normal devices than you manipulating the switch types in the database.....
There is not exist "normal devices", are type and subtypes i n any automation system. Home Habit skan all devices from domoticz and allows, basis of internal rules unknown to me - which can be used and which cannot.

I just want to know that rules....

You have to remember - Domoticz have no thermostat module witch status/fan/mode presets..... thats why homehabit is so good app.
So if Homehabit cannot find the appropriate devices it should list all devices and let us users decide what the correct device is for eg Fan speed and heat/cool/dry mode etc
But Igor has problems in getting the correct devices from Domoticz and the value format for each device. I also already suggested to help by updating the wiki. But if no reaction from Igor I cannot help :-(
I will try to check how HH see the devices - it's simply but very time consuming process (every DType and SType) - it will be easy if Igor public the rules....
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates

Post by boe666 »

In new version was a changes with dimmers ?
I use this for a blinds - and now it's work strange - i have no status o blinds - always is open - but working fine. Domoticz show percent fine, same as on-off reaction.
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates

Post by igor »

boe666 wrote: Wednesday 03 November 2021 2:22 Can U send the defice type working witch thermostat module in HomeHabit ?
There is no one-to-one matching list of supported devices with Domoticz. Because many type/subtype values are brand specific, HomeHabit works by finding common values and determining type from that.
For thermostat mode specifically, HomeHabit internal structure is a selector with auto/heat/cool/off values. Since Domoticz does not have a common type for that, it is not possible to match.
I'm not sure why Domoticz does not use specific thermostat mode/state types, since it would be easy to support it then.
waltervl wrote: Thursday 04 November 2021 15:29 So if Homehabit cannot find the appropriate devices it should list all devices and let us users decide what the correct device is for eg Fan speed and heat/cool/dry mode etc
But Igor has problems in getting the correct devices from Domoticz and the value format for each device. I also already suggested to help by updating the wiki. But if no reaction from Igor I cannot help
In general, the app is very flexible in how devices can be mapped when data is processed - as long as there is something that uniquely identifies the type. Unless I'm missing something, there is nothing that identifies thermostat mode device specifically in API.
waltervl wrote: Wednesday 03 November 2021 7:31 How do you communicate with Domoticz? With the http Json API? Which API functions do you use to get data?
I would be glad to help extending the API documentation.
It is not only issue of documentation, but also the API format itself. Type/Subtype/SwitchType are used in many different ways (and other boolean flags), that are not always match the real device. There are many devices that are not a dimmer, but return "HaveDimmer" as true, or SwitchType having contact sensor value or similar.

JSON API is used to get the data (not using websocket):
load data from "json.htm?type=devices&filter=all&used=true"
update data from "json.htm?type=devices&filter=all&used=true&lastupdate="
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates

Post by igor »

boe666 wrote: Friday 05 November 2021 8:18 In new version was a changes with dimmers ?
I use this for a blinds - and now it's work strange - i have no status o blinds - always is open - but working fine. Domoticz show percent fine, same as on-off reaction.
Hmm, there was no recent changes for Domoticz dimmers. Can you describe behavior in more details?
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates

Post by igor »

MadMedic wrote: Thursday 04 November 2021 11:21 More then once I noticed that several values freeze up and the webcam images dont update like they should or all values and boxes theyre in seem to be empty. This especially happens while editing pages.
Until I switch the homeapp switch off, return to home and switch on again. Then all resets to normal and boxes are filled with values again.

I don't know the underlaying issue with this, but I thought you should know, to be able to address it.
Hmm, didn't get any recent reports for this from any other users, so wasn't aware of this issue.

Does it happen after sometime when apps sits idle?
Do you have HomeHabit screensaver or Android screensaver enabled?
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