Problem including new z-wave devices

Information about specific Z-Wave devices

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Problem including new z-wave devices

Post by cbartetzko »


lately I have problems including new z-wave devices into my domoticz.
I do like I did sucessfully with lots of existing devices:
Setup=>Hardware=Z-Wave-Setup=>Node-Managent=>Include Node
The Window pops up "Including Z-Wave node - Press the include button on your device"
I press the include button on my new device and the device signals it has been included into the network.
However the popup window keeps open and waiting forever - not even the "Abort" button shows any reaction.
When I close the browser window, loginto domoticz again and navigate to the Z-Wave-Setup, then I can see the new included device.

What is going wrong here during the inclusion process, that the domoticz interface seems to miss the inclusion process ?

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Re: Problem including new z-wave devices

Post by Skippiemanz »

Same probleem over Here!
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Re: Problem including new z-wave devices

Post by cbartetzko »

Good Morning !

Is there really nobody of the domoticz/z-wave experts able + willing to give an answer ?
That's quite sad.

Have a nice weekend
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Re: Problem including new z-wave devices

Post by DutchHans »

I've had the same.. Not even abort worked.. It ended up with several ghost nodes... I stlll have problems with these... Z-wave is very unstable atm and I've asked in another thread (about z-wave latency) if there is maybe one expert who can help me/us..

Doesnt help you much but at least youre no alone.

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Re: Problem including new z-wave devices

Post by cbartetzko »

I was able to get rid of all ghost nodes with zensys-tool.

I think this is not a problem of Open-Z-Wave.
I'm running more than 40 Z-Wave-nodes since more than one year without any problems in Domoticz.

Even now I can include new devices with no issues if I do it on the Z-Wave-Stick directly.
Only when using the Domticz-Interface to OWZ including/excluding is very buggy/impossible
and I'm quite disappointed that this seems to be of zero interest for the developers.

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Re: Problem including new z-wave devices

Post by DutchHans »

True... I got rid of all my ghost nodes... But they reappeared spontaneously... Maybe they hijack the rest..that Domoticz or the controller is trying to handle them..but they don't physically exist... That that is the main source of the latency problem... I am only guessing..

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Re: Problem including new z-wave devices

Post by Joost347 »


I bought a raspberry pi 4 because nr 1 died. I'v added a z-wave stick and want to add devices. After the include command, my pi is searching and I can't abort that process. It don't detect any devices. I've already disabled the bluetooth. Do you know how to solve this issue?

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Re: Problem including new z-wave devices

Post by jake »

Please check this post, it might be the same issue: ... 71#p219071
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Re: Problem including new z-wave devices

Post by lost »

Joost347 wrote: Sunday 21 July 2019 17:54 I bought a raspberry pi 4 because nr 1 died. I'v added a z-wave stick and want to add devices. After the include command, my pi is searching and I can't abort that process. It don't detect any devices. I've already disabled the bluetooth. Do you know how to solve this issue?
Z-Stick gen5 seems to have a USB standard conformance problem that cause issues with the PI4 USB3 controller. You'll find a thread about this on the PI foundation forum.

For now, the recommended solution is to connect the z-stick to the PI4 using a USB2 hub.

=> IMO, you should check if the /dev/ttyACM0 serial-usb device is there or not with you're z-stick plugged. If not, you probably have this USB3/2 backward compatibility issue induced by z-stick mis-conformance: ... 8&t=245031
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Re: Problem including new z-wave devices

Post by Joost347 »

Bought a brand new USB2 hub and everything is ok now. Thanks for your magnificent solution.
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