GPIO Status not seen in Domoticz

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GPIO Status not seen in Domoticz

Post by alarm_guy1 »

Hi I have searched the forum and net but cant seem to quite get there.

right guys got my Pi 3 B+ running Domoticz 4.9700 want to use GPIO 25 to detect a switch going closed. i.e. bell push.tried using SYSFS but that didnt seem to go well Domoticz reported No "Sysfs-Gpio Exports" so went for Wiring Pi.
This all seemed to go well except when I push the switch and no change in Domoticz. I have edited
"sudo nano /etc/init.d/" and put the following lines in:
#Run export GPIO Raspberry

Domoticz allows me to add
/usr/bin/gpio export 25 in

The Pi can see the change in state

various screenshots attached

Any reason what bit i'm missing cheers
moba.jpg (205 KiB) Viewed 2997 times
switch.jpg (56.14 KiB) Viewed 2997 times
screenshot.jpg (230.03 KiB) Viewed 2997 times
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