One hardware device -> 2 node in zwave config

Information about specific Z-Wave devices

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Domoticz version:

One hardware device -> 2 node in zwave config

Post by multinet »


Using UZB1 on last stable version of domoticz (raspi)

After multiple actions on my zwave device I've now a trouble :

In my zwave device liste i've 2 device for 1 hardware
Capture d’écran 2019-03-29 à 21.58.46.jpg
Capture d’écran 2019-03-29 à 21.58.46.jpg (322.4 KiB) Viewed 2199 times
Devices : 012 = 048 / 022=044 / 029=043 / 032 = 045 / 033=046 / 034= 047

All are FIBARO Smoke sensor FGSD002

I tried multiple things :
- remove from zwave node screen : they reappear
- stop domoticz / edit zwave cfg file (remove all OLD node)/ restart domoticz : they reappear
- go in panel config zwave -> delete node : it doesn't end successfully : : they reappear
- tried to remove from network node : by selecting the remove option in list, press 3 times on smoke sensor ---> it removeds only the correct node in zawave list, the wrong node still present

As you can see in screen shot manufacturer is empty and ID + type are at 0x0000

Of course in my device liste (the other menu) I've multiple entries for each fantom nodes : smoke, general, heat etc.

Do you have any idea on how I can remove them ?

Thank you
PI 2 - Domoticz 2021.1
RFXCOM - RFXtrx433 USB 433.92MHz Transceiver (5 DIO 54755 + 2 DIO 54756 + 3 DIO 54798)
Z-Wave.Me ZME_UZB1 USB Stick (6 FGSD002 + 2 FGRM222 + 1 FGS223 + 1 FGMS001-ZW5 + 1 FGRGBWM441 + 1 FGBS001 + 2 FGFS101)
6 sondes DS18B20
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