Change a device to another tab

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Change a device to another tab

Post by cycloneseb »

Dear all;

I'm coming back to you to know if it's possible to change a device to another tab.

I'm using darkSky to obtain weather informations of my town, and by example have access to ozone level.

This information is current displayed under the Tab "measurement", but make me sens toi be displayed under "Weather" tab.

Is it possible to change the device's tab, and in this case send "ozone level" into the weather tab ?

Many thanks



Re: Change a device to another tab

Post by SweetPants »

cycloneseb wrote: Friday 29 March 2019 14:36 Is it possible to change the device's tab, and in this case send "ozone level" into the weather tab ?
As far as i know this is not possible
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Re: Change a device to another tab

Post by emme »

you can:
create floorplans
add devices to the floorplan
select the floorplan in the Favourite page
all devices (of any kind) will be displayed
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Re: Change a device to another tab

Post by Menno »

Did you find a solution to this?
I am experiencing something similar: Openweathermap's cloud cover percentage is displayed under Utilty instead of under Weather.
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Re: Change a device to another tab

Post by waltervl »

There is no solution other than using floorplans to make your own pages or using something like Dashticz.
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