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Moving installation to another machine

Posted: Wednesday 20 February 2019 8:14
by cincuranet
Hi, I'd like to move my Domoticz instance from RPi 2 to new RPi 3 A+. Is there any recommend approach? Especially as I'm using Z-Stick I don't want to loose whole Z-Wave network (I'll move the Z-Stick as well). My idea was something like this:
  • Create backup of database
  • Stop Domoticz
  • Backup the whole directory
  • Install Domoticz on new HW
  • Restore database
  • Stop Domoticz
  • Plug Z-Stick
  • Check that the zwcfg_XXX.xml is there or take it from backup
  • Start Domoticz
Not sure whether I have to take care of zwcfg_XXX.xml or whether it will be recreated as Domoticz starts with Z-Stick connected.


Re: Moving installation to another machine

Posted: Wednesday 20 February 2019 8:54
by emme
the zwcfg file will be recreated, but settings in there could be NOT reflecting your latest ones... so better to copy it either

Ensure you have the SAME domoticz version from the old to the new installation, maybe an update will be needed in case...

Last: first stop domoticz, then backup the DB and the folder

if you have other installations reinstall then either in the new device (nodered, nodeJs, htop etc etc)
