Error ToonThermostat

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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by kevinvantuyl »

Plantje wrote: Sunday 17 February 2019 13:06
kevinvantuyl wrote: Sunday 17 February 2019 11:49 same here. i decided to switch from a normal (unrooted) Toon to a Rooted Toon. so much better... bye bye Eneco
How did this work out for you? Do you happen to know if there are some easy steps to follow? I should be able to figure it out based on what I can find online, but hey.... if there is an easy step-by-step-guide...

So, now you maintain the weekly program in Domoticz? And remotely you control the thermostat through Domoticz as well? No more monthly fee for Eneco?

I think it is rubbish anyway that Eneco says they cannot support you in estimating your usage compared to your monthly amount if you're not with Eneco. They have the data....should work the same!

Edit: And can you still maintain that program on the Toon itself?
it worked out real good, it took some trial and error but in the end it works just fine. there are some good step bij step guides online, i dont know if i can give url's from those sites.
toon just stays the same, you can manage your weekly program in toon itself. with domoticz yoy can check on usage, boilerpressure, incoming temp and outgoing temp. even boilermodulation. it can tell if you are using warm water or if the heating is on. there are several apps you can install on toon. its got its own "toonstore". you cant use ToonOpAfstand anymore because it works trough eneco.
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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by astrapowerrr »

Is the plugin working with the 4.10 stable version that has just released?

Or do we still have to be on beta version?

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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by Pandabeer »

Works alsof with the latest stable

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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by competer »

After some testing of the Toon Api is did a compete reinstall of my Domoticz. But now i can not get the it to work again

Using Domoticz version 4.10881 Beta on Synology (with root rights)

Did all these commands in Putty, they where all succesfull

Sudo -i
cd /volume1/@appstore/py3k/usr/local/bin
python3 pip install toonapilib==3.0.9

Created "toonapilib4domoticz" folder in "/volume1/@appstore/domoticz/var/plugins/"
Copied to this folder and set its properties to excutable

Rebooted system, but ToonApiLib not visible in the hardware list.

Am i missing something?
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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by competer »

competer wrote: Monday 10 June 2019 12:25 After some testing of the Toon Api is did a compete reinstall of my Domoticz. But now i can not get the it to work again

Using Domoticz version 4.10881 Beta on Synology (with root rights)

Did all these commands in Putty, they where all succesfull

Sudo -i
cd /volume1/@appstore/py3k/usr/local/bin
python3 pip install toonapilib==3.0.9

Created "toonapilib4domoticz" folder in "/volume1/@appstore/domoticz/var/plugins/"
Copied to this folder and set its properties to excutable

Rebooted system, but ToonApiLib not visible in the hardware list.

Am i missing something?
The ToonApilib is visiable, reinstalled Phyton3 on Synology, that did the trick.

But when changing setting in domoticz, this setting is not forwarded to the Toon, the other way is it working.

In the domoticz log i get these errors when synch starts

2019-06-11 09:55:34.824 Error: (Toon) 'onHeartbeat' failed 'AttributeError'.
2019-06-11 09:55:34.824 Error: (Toon) ----> Line 120 in '/usr/local/domoticz/var/plugins/toonapilib4domoticz/', function onHeartbeat
2019-06-11 09:55:34.824 Error: (Toon) ----> Line 78 in '/usr/local/domoticz/var/plugins/toonapilib4domoticz/', function on_heartbeat
2019-06-11 09:55:34.824 Error: (Toon) ----> Line 101 in '/usr/local/domoticz/var/plugins/toonapilib4domoticz/', function _update_devices
2019-06-11 09:55:34.824 Error: (Toon) ----> Line 34 in '/usr/local/domoticz/var/plugins/toonapilib4domoticz/devices/', function update
2019-06-11 09:55:34.824 Error: (Toon) ----> Line 72 in '/usr/local/domoticz/var/plugins/toonapilib4domoticz/devices/', function update

What to do to resolve this?
there are 10 types of people in this world, those who understand binary and those who dont
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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by rinyheuvelman »

Same issue at this end
Toonerror.jpg (169.76 KiB) Viewed 2720 times
Some additional lines reported in log:
2019-06-30 18:06:15.237 (Toon) Using toonapilib version 3.2.2 by Costas Tyfoxylos <[email protected]>
2019-06-30 18:06:15.237 (Toon) Debug logging is on
2019-06-30 18:06:15.237 (Toon) Creating toonapilib object
2019-06-30 18:06:15.338 (Toon) Could not create a toonapilib object

Already tried updating toonapilib, same result
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Implemented SmartPlugs

Post by tne7laa »

I have implemented Toon SmartPlugs in the toonapilib4domoticz plugin (GitHub for Domoticz.
I’m running this now for some weeks now and have no problems with it. I'm also using them with homebridge again. :D

I want to ask persons who have SmartPlugs to test this. Please, only if you are comfortable with some manual commands (same as installing the pluging) and know what you are doing.

When installed the new plugin creates 3 devices for each SmartPlug:
  • Status/Switch On/Of
  • Power (Watt)
  • Usage (kWh)
Please use my branch URL for pulling the new plugin.
  • Stop Domoticz
  • Go to the domoticz plugin directory.
There will be the current toonapilib4domoticz directory. You must move it out of this directory because the next command will overwrite it. Maybe you can zip it.
Do NOT rename it and leave it in this directory because you will get double hardware added!
  • Get the new pluging (Raspberry Pi):
git clone
  • Start Domoticz again and go to Devices. If all is OK you will see new Toon devices. ;)
At this time you have to use my github branch for now. When JohnvandeVrugt accepts and commits my branch the normal URL can be used.
Hope you appreciate and enjoy it...
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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by waspy »

It's now in the main repository.
Many thanks!

I did not noticed the pull request.
Better late then... :D
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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by tne7laa »

waspy wrote: Tuesday 02 July 2019 11:06 It's now in the main repository.
Many thanks!

I did not noticed the pull request.
Better late then... :D
Thanks for merge. So users can use the original repository now. Only thing is that the file has to be updated and remove SmartPlugs from ToDo list... :D
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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by waspy »


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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by Ritchie »

Edit, nevermind, user error.
Installation works, will do some testing now!
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Re: Implemented SmartPlugs

Post by rinyheuvelman »

tne7laa wrote: Tuesday 02 July 2019 10:52 Hello,
I have implemented Toon SmartPlugs in the toonapilib4domoticz plugin (GitHub for Domoticz.
I’m running this now for some weeks now and have no problems with it. I'm also using them with homebridge again. :D

I want to ask persons who have SmartPlugs to test this. Please, only if you are comfortable with some manual commands (same as installing the pluging) and know what you are doing.

When installed the new plugin creates 3 devices for each SmartPlug:
  • Status/Switch On/Of
  • Power (Watt)
  • Usage (kWh)
Please use my branch URL for pulling the new plugin.
  • Stop Domoticz
  • Go to the domoticz plugin directory.
There will be the current toonapilib4domoticz directory. You must move it out of this directory because the next command will overwrite it. Maybe you can zip it.
Do NOT rename it and leave it in this directory because you will get double hardware added!
  • Get the new pluging (Raspberry Pi):
git clone
  • Start Domoticz again and go to Devices. If all is OK you will see new Toon devices. ;)
At this time you have to use my github branch for now. When JohnvandeVrugt accepts and commits my branch the normal URL can be used.
Hope you appreciate and enjoy it...
Hello John,

Do you have any idea what;s causing the errors mentioned above?
Even after a fresh Raspbian +domoticz install..?

Many thanks in advance...
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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by rehw124 »

I can't get the toonapi to work. Is there anyone who can post a working backup. I have a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B.
Thanks in advance,
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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by SteGe »

Cool, super nice to see there is finally a solution on the ongoing Toon problems in Domoticz.

I've got it working on my Domoticz which runs on a synology NAS. I need to use the ToonApiLib tag 3.0.9 and toonapiblib4domoticz tag 1.0.14 before it was working.

The only problem is that after adding the devices the device list is empty and the logging is giving the error: Error: WebServer PO exception occurred : 'stoull'

The error isn't giving a lot on information on this forum nor on internet. Did a reboot which wasn't successful. Finally removed the hardware and the device list was full again. Probably it has something to do that my Toon is connected to Stadswarmte? Because it receives all data on the first time but gives directly the following errors in the logging:
(Toon) An error occurred updating gas usage
(Toon) An error occurred updating program state

Could you all give me a help on this?
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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by Micha123 »

i have running it without errors, set update rate to one minute, but t updates only every ~5 minutes.

if i open heat wather, so it will be shown after 5 minutes
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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by cardinal808 »

Im running into some issue, that are mentioned before but couldn't find an answer.
Ive setup all accordingly and also the tester seems to work perfectly.

Code: Select all

pi@raspberrypi:~/domoticz/plugins/toonapilib4domoticz $ python                                                          
Starting toonapilib test
On success the room temperature will be presented
Trying to create a toon object
Room temperature:  23.5
Based on this i can assume ive entered all correct credentials. When i submit them however in Domoticz it immidiatly crashes.

Code: Select all

  File "/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/toonapilib4domoticz/", line 90 in _create_toon_object
  File "/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/toonapilib4domoticz/", line 63 in on_start
  File "/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/toonapilib4domoticz/", line 110 in onStart
2019-08-11 11:48:12.254  Error: Domoticz(pid:15990, tid:15993('PluginMgr')) received fatal signal 11 (Segmentation fault)
2019-08-11 11:48:12.254  Error: siginfo address=0x3e76, address=(nil)
2019-08-11 11:48:16.433  Error: Thread 4 (Thread 0x74dd0220 (LWP 15993)):
2019-08-11 11:48:16.433  Error: #0  __waitpid (options=0, stat_loc=0x74dcc7b0, pid=16008) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/waitpid.c:30
2019-08-11 11:48:16.434  Error: #1  __waitpid (pid=16008, stat_loc=0x74dcc7b0, options=0) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/waitpid.c:25
2019-08-11 11:48:16.434  Error: #2  0x00116620 in dumpstack_gdb(bool) ()
This segment issue is mentioned before, also the behaviour where people complain Domoticz is no longer working. Any suggestion on that im doing wrong? Im using the latest Beta and Python version if that helps.

Code: Select all

Version: 4.11079
Build Hash: 153b33f42
Compile Date: 2019-08-11 09:12:18
dzVents Version: 2.4.28
Python Version: 3.7.3 (default, Apr 3 2019, 05:39:12) [GCC 8.2.0]

Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by mariusklop »

i've just install it. and it works perfect :)
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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by EdwinK »

Tried, and after activating all my settings in domoticz are gone. Deleted the plugin and everything works fine again.

I think it's time to give up on Toon.
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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by Ritchie »

Ea. heeft de hele tijd gewerkt, maar ik krijg sinds een tijd onderstaande foutmeldingen in mijn logfile:

2019-08-19 12:08:43.764 (Toon) Using toonapilib version 3.2.4 by Costas Tyfoxylos <[email protected]>
2019-08-19 12:08:43.764 (Toon) Debug logging is on
2019-08-19 12:08:43.764 (Toon) Creating toonapilib object
2019-08-19 12:08:43.759 Status: (Toon) Entering work loop.
2019-08-19 12:08:43.759 Status: (Toon) Initialized version 1.2.0, author 'John van de Vrugt'
2019-08-19 12:08:44.897 (Toon) Check and create Toon devices
2019-08-19 12:08:44.897 (Toon) Unit 1 exists - nothing to do
2019-08-19 12:08:44.897 (Toon) Unit 2 exists - nothing to do
2019-08-19 12:08:44.897 (Toon) Unit 3 exists - nothing to do
2019-08-19 12:08:44.898 (Toon) Unit 4 exists - nothing to do
2019-08-19 12:08:44.898 (Toon) Unit 5 exists - nothing to do
2019-08-19 12:08:44.898 (Toon) Unit 6 exists - nothing to do
2019-08-19 12:08:44.898 (Toon) Unit 7 exists - nothing to do
2019-08-19 12:08:44.898 (Toon) Unit 8 exists - nothing to do
2019-08-19 12:08:44.898 (Toon) Unit 9 exists - nothing to do
2019-08-19 12:08:44.898 (Toon) Unit 10 exists - nothing to do
2019-08-19 12:08:47.429 Error: (Toon) 'onStart' failed 'IncompleteStatus'.
2019-08-19 12:08:47.430 Error: (Toon) ----> Line 110 in '/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/toonapilib4domoticz/', function onStart
2019-08-19 12:08:47.430 Error: (Toon) ----> Line 66 in '/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/toonapilib4domoticz/', function on_start
2019-08-19 12:08:47.430 Error: (Toon) ----> Line 101 in '/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/toonapilib4domoticz/', function _update_devices
2019-08-19 12:08:47.430 Error: (Toon) ----> Line 34 in '/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/toonapilib4domoticz/devices/', function update
2019-08-19 12:08:47.430 Error: (Toon) ----> Line 50 in '/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/toonapilib4domoticz/devices/', function update
2019-08-19 12:08:47.430 Error: (Toon) ----> Line 408 in '/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/toonapilib/', function power
2019-08-19 12:08:47.430 Error: (Toon) ----> Line 390 in '/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/toonapilib/', function _get_status_value
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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by Martini77 »

Does the still work?
Running Domoticz:
- Main @ LXC (Proxmox);
- Secondary @ Pi4B (for backup / test / alerts)
- Synology (Docker) for alerts on main
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