Error ToonThermostat

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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by a3vd »

competer wrote: Wednesday 13 March 2019 13:22
MJVR wrote: Friday 08 March 2019 12:33
Now go to: and copy in folder: /volume1/@appstore/domoticz/var/plugins/toonapilib4domoticz by using Winscp on your Synology. Remember to change to excutable.

I did all the steps you provided,

Many many thanx, but one issue

I do not have the toonapilib4domoticz folder in /volume1/@appstore/domoticz/var/plugins/
And i can not create folder manualy, insufficient rights to do so
Use the same user which start the domoticz service ! :idea:

To check out as which user you're logged in use w on the command line
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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by CronoS »

I have successfully installed the Toon API. In domoticz it reads successfully my Toon values, but does the API also SET values? Because this does not work for me? For example, if I change my program to "Away", it's not set when I change it in Domoticz... but if I change it on the Toon, the right value is shown in Domoticz? Thanks!
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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by tne7laa »

Is there any sight on implementing the Toon lights and Smart plugs?

Now i'm using the App Olisto to control my lights an smart plugs connected to Toon.
I really want to use the Domitocz and HomeBridge again to control them...
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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by waspy »

Not yet. I have been occupied with other stuff lately.

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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by tne7laa »

waspy wrote: Tuesday 02 April 2019 17:15 Not yet. I have been occupied with other stuff lately.
I really didn't want to be pushy... :oops:
Any idea? ...weeks...months...year... Maybe it could be not possible...

I ask this because I have to look at something else in the mean time then if not coming soon.
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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by waspy »

Not pushy at all, but I really don't know. Could be weeks. Above all I don't have the hardware myself, so when I prepared something, somebody else needs to test it.

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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by tne7laa »

waspy wrote:Not pushy at all, but I really don't know. Could be weeks. Above all I don't have the hardware myself, so when I prepared something, somebody else needs to test it.
Including myself, I think there are more users who gladly want to test it for you. Image
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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by Twazzle »

Okay. First of all many thanks for creating the plugin.. Noticed Toon not giving any information anymore from Domoticz as well as my Homebridge so suspected a change on the Toon side. Didn't have the patience to Google and search untill now.

I'm having problems installing the plugin. Running Raspberry Pi.

I've installed everything according the instructions on Github, no errors what so ever. However: The plugin isn't showing in Domoticz itself. Anything i can try to troubleshoot this? Seems like i'm the only one with this problem so probably something wrong with me :roll:

EDIT: Yup, running on latest beta.
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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by dressie »

Twazzle wrote:Okay. First of all many thanks for creating the plugin.. Noticed Toon not giving any information anymore from Domoticz as well as my Homebridge so suspected a change on the Toon side. Didn't have the patience to Google and search untill now.

I'm having problems installing the plugin. Running Raspberry Pi.

I've installed everything according the instructions on Github, no errors what so ever. However: The plugin isn't showing in Domoticz itself. Anything i can try to troubleshoot this? Seems like i'm the only one with this problem so probably something wrong with me :roll:

EDIT: Yup, running on latest beta.
Is the "allowed new hardware" on? And did you do a cache refresh in your browser after a restart of Domoticz?

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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by astrapowerrr »

Hi finally got some time to get this thing going.. i thought..
I bumped in trouble i think when i started installing?
Aantekening 2019-04-08 215831.png
Aantekening 2019-04-08 215831.png (170.21 KiB) Viewed 3221 times
i dont know if this was good or wrong.
the rest was clear and simple.
one thing that was strange for me was in the readme file the folder dev-domoticz was used, mine is just called domoticz. so changed that.
maybe this causes the next screenshot?
Aantekening 2019-04-08 220551.png
Aantekening 2019-04-08 220551.png (152.77 KiB) Viewed 3221 times
i hope some once can help me out on this one..

greets marco
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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by astrapowerrr »

Nobody active here anymore?
I have been trying now for 2 whole days
Did about 20 backups.
But I can’t get it working.
I really need some help to get it going...

Greets marco

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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by MJVR »

astrapowerrr wrote: Wednesday 10 April 2019 12:18 Nobody active here anymore?
I have been trying now for 2 whole days
Did about 20 backups.
But I can’t get it working.
I really need some help to get it going...

Greets marco

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It seems like you're not running the beta version of Domoticz but the stable version.
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Error ToonThermostat

Post by astrapowerrr »

MJVR wrote:
astrapowerrr wrote: Wednesday 10 April 2019 12:18 Nobody active here anymore?
I have been trying now for 2 whole days
Did about 20 backups.
But I can’t get it working.
I really need some help to get it going...

Greets marco

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It seems like you're not running the beta version of Domoticz but the stable version.
That could be a problem..
As I did so many backups...
How did you notice that?

In the first or the second screenshot?

Well I indeed it was stable version again.

Now I updated with latest beta.
But still problems
The line sudo pip3 install toonapilib -u gives direct error as posted in screenshot 1.

I managed to kinda solve this but think that’s not correct.
I first use sudo -h pip3 install -u pipenv
And then sudo -h pip3 install -u toonapilib -u

But don’t have a clue what I am doing.
Now in Domoticz in the log Status tab I see toonapilib is started.

But then after a few second/minute Domoticz crashes.
See picture below

Greets marco

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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by Hiu80 »


I am having some problems to get this to work. Everyting seems fine, but the devices do not show their status.
Untitled.png (20.6 KiB) Viewed 3176 times
I am able the add the devices, but they do not work. After i have added the devices, the devices page stops responding. I am running the latest Beta. Am i missing something? Does someone know what is happening?
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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by MJVR »

astrapowerrr wrote: Wednesday 10 April 2019 19:28 [..]
How did you notice that?

In the first or the second screenshot?

The second. TS mentioned the error on page 4 of this threat.

I believe your current problems are related to the version of python installed on your pi. If you start Domoticz, are there any errors in the log where the python version is mentioned?

And overthinking the situation. When was the last time you did any update on your pi?

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by astrapowerrr »

MJVR wrote: Thursday 11 April 2019 18:01
astrapowerrr wrote: Wednesday 10 April 2019 19:28 [..]
How did you notice that?

In the first or the second screenshot?

The second. TS mentioned the error on page 4 of this threat.

I believe your current problems are related to the version of python installed on your pi. If you start Domoticz, are there any errors in the log where the python version is mentioned?

And overthinking the situation. When was the last time you did any update on your pi?

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
i did today all the apt-get rules.
but still not working
when i use

Code: Select all

sudo pip3 install toonapilib -U
i get this message
DEPRECATION: Python 3.4 support has been deprecated. pip 19.1 will be the last one supporting it. Please upgrade your Python as Python 3.4 won't be maintained after March 2019 (cf PEP 429).
The directory '/root/.cache/pip/http' or its parent directory is not owned by the current user and the cache has been disabled. Please check the permissions and owner of that directory. If executing pip with sudo, you may want sudo's -H flag.
The directory '/root/.cache/pip' or its parent directory is not owned by the current user and caching wheels has been disabled. check the permissions and owner of that directory. If executing pip with sudo, you may want sudo's -H flag.
could this be a permission problem?
i had also a little war to install homebridge.. just alot of noob failure but there i ran also in some permission things.
had to sudo chmod 777 some folders back then.

now i tried to do that with the /root/.cache/http and with /root/.cache but those folder doesn't exist.. :?: :?:

Which version is need to run correctly?

Code: Select all

/usr/bin/python3 -V
gives me Python 3.4.2

and if this has to be updated can i use?

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install python 3.7 
or do i need more to fix that?
and when i have to install for example 3.7 can i uninstall 2.7?
my sd card is 91% full... dont know how that is possible..(only domoticz and homebridge installed)..

greets marco
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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by MJVR »

Use -H after sudo.

Python 3.4.2 is not the probleem. I have that version in use. Python 2.7 won't harm either.

If your SD card is on 91% you might consider a fresh install. I don't have experience with Homebridge but probably it is better to use a docker. See: ... ry-pi/amp/

I believe your Dutch. If not use translate.

Fresh install and good advice for running Domoticz at pi see:

After you finished the install of Domoticz restore your database. It will take some time but probably all the current errors will be vanished.

Good luck.
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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by dressie »

This morning I got some errors. Looks like the API is not working well on Eneco's side this morning.

EDIT: I have noticed on there's an update because of a change @Quby. Perhaps the pluging also needs an update? It's not working anymore after running perfectly since the beginning. I made sure the PI had its update&upgrade and I did an update of the toonapilib.
All I'm getting now are these few lines in my log:

2019-04-12 11:47:07.065 (Toon) Could not create a toonapilib object
2019-04-12 11:47:07.065 (Toon) Possible solution:
2019-04-12 11:47:07.065 (Toon) * Check your credentials
2019-04-12 11:47:07.065 (Toon) * Restart Domoticz
2019-04-12 11:47:07.066 (Toon) Check and create Toon devices

I did and "sudo pip3 install -U pip" and it seems to be running again. I'll keep you guys posted.Looks like that needed an update as well.

It's not working. Once in a while something comes through, most of the time I get this:
2019-04-12 14:50:52.775 (Toon) An error occurred updating thermostat state
2019-04-12 14:50:52.775 (Toon) An error occurred updating program state
2019-04-12 14:50:52.775 (Toon) An error occurred updating modulation level
2019-04-12 14:51:52.779 (Toon) An error occurred updating power usage
2019-04-12 14:51:52.779 (Toon) An error occurred updating gas usage
2019-04-12 14:51:52.780 (Toon) An error occurred updating temperature
2019-04-12 14:51:52.780 (Toon) An error occurred updating thermostat set point
2019-04-12 14:51:52.780 (Toon) An error occurred updating burner state
2019-04-12 14:51:52.781 (Toon) An error occurred updating thermostat state
2019-04-12 14:51:52.781 (Toon) An error occurred updating program state
2019-04-12 14:51:52.781 (Toon) An error occurred updating modulation level

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Last edited by dressie on Friday 12 April 2019 14:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by Hiu80 »

dressie wrote: Friday 12 April 2019 9:34 This morning I got some errors. Looks like the API is not working well on Eneco's side this morning.

EDIT: I have noticed on there's an update because of a change @Quby. Perhaps the pluging also needs an update? It's not working anymore after running perfectly since the beginning. I made sure the PI had its update&upgrade and I did an update of the toonapilib.
All I'm getting now are these few lines in my log:

2019-04-12 11:47:07.065 (Toon) Could not create a toonapilib object
2019-04-12 11:47:07.065 (Toon) Possible solution:
2019-04-12 11:47:07.065 (Toon) * Check your credentials
2019-04-12 11:47:07.065 (Toon) * Restart Domoticz
2019-04-12 11:47:07.066 (Toon) Check and create Toon devices

I did and "sudo pip3 install -U pip" and it seems to be running again. I'll keep you guys posted.Looks like that needed an update as well.

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My previous problem has been resolved, Seems like the P1 USB cable i have connected to my smart meter does not work well together with toonapilib, but now i also see this:

2019-04-12 13:40:04.494 (Toon) Could not create a toonapilib object
2019-04-12 13:40:04.496 (Toon) Possible solution:
2019-04-12 13:40:04.496 (Toon) * Check your credentials
2019-04-12 13:40:04.496 (Toon) * Restart Domoticz

Running "sudo pip3 install -U pip" does not work for me. Maybe its time to complete reinstall domoticz.. Or does someone knows what to do when these errors occur?
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Re: Error ToonThermostat

Post by dressie »

Hiu80 wrote: Friday 12 April 2019 13:54
My previous problem has been resolved, Seems like the P1 USB cable i have connected to my smart meter does not work well together with toonapilib, but now i also see this:

2019-04-12 13:40:04.494 (Toon) Could not create a toonapilib object
2019-04-12 13:40:04.496 (Toon) Possible solution:
2019-04-12 13:40:04.496 (Toon) * Check your credentials
2019-04-12 13:40:04.496 (Toon) * Restart Domoticz

Running "sudo pip3 install -U pip" does not work for me. Maybe its time to complete reinstall domoticz.. Or does someone knows what to do when these errors occur?
I would wait, its still not working on my side either.
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