For a few years I used 1-wire temp probes connected to my raspi, following these instructions w1-gpio/w1-therm and Using DS18B20 Digital Temperature Sensors with the Raspberry Pi. As described in the second link, the 1-wire pins are connected to:
- Sensor Pin 1 connected to P1-06 (Ground)
- Sensor Pin 2 connected to P1-07 (GPIO4)
- Sensor Pin 3 connected to P1-01 (3.3V)
Because of another device, I need to relocate these 3 pins. I have a ground and IO ports available but no 3.3V. I understand that it should be possible to use an IO port as 3.3V source by putting it to high.
Any advice how to program this?
Possibly in,
which already has the following code:sudo nano /boot/config.txt
Code: Select all
which already has the following code:sudo nano /etc/modules
Code: Select all