Domoticz "Failed to fetched server config"

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Domoticz "Failed to fetched server config"

Post by JoXeTe »

Hello to everyone.

I have been using the Domoticz application for several years and I am very happy.
Currently I have it in a Samsung S7 Edge and in a Samsung A5 2017 and they work perfectly.
I recently purchased a Samsung A6 2018 Dual SIM and when setting the
application does not work for me on the mobile network, but on the local network.

The model is:
Samsung A6 2018
Android 8.0.0 -> R16NW.A600FNXXU3ARL1

When I recover the server configuration I get the
message "Failed to fetched server config" and as if the credentials
They were incorrect and they are correct.

any ideas?

Sorry for my English

A greeting
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