Presence detection for Fritzbox script v2.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v2.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router
The reason you see the installer is that you use multiple extenders, wich is not supported. I Will work on a update.
The reason you see the installer is that you use multiple extenders, wich is not supported. I Will work on a update.
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v2.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router
In my setup i have 2 extenders but in the configuration currently i only have one.
Code: Select all
device_names=(OPO6T_JG IPAD_JG)
device_macs=(64:A2:F9:F2:57:E5 88:E9:FE:45:1E:F6)
device_idx=(177 178)
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v1.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router
I'm a bit confused about this crontab.
Should I use the first or the second line?
And which crontab, the normal 'crontab -e' or 'sudo crontab -e'
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v2.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router
You have to use both lines. De first line is running every minute. The second line is running every minute with a sleep of 30 seconds wich result in running the script every 30 seconds.
The sudo crontab -e or the normal crontab -e confusing me also. For me crontab -e was working but there are also reports that you should use sudo. Just try wich works for you
The sudo crontab -e or the normal crontab -e confusing me also. For me crontab -e was working but there are also reports that you should use sudo. Just try wich works for you
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v2.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router
@funky, Thanks.
For me the 'sudo crontab -e' works too.
For me the 'sudo crontab -e' works too.
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v2.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router
Hello Funky,
Some month ago I tried your script. Back then the method using arping was working better for me.
Now I had a look at the changes you made, including the install script and MAC-address use. This is a much better version now!! Very good job.
If I run the install I get the following message after each MAC-address input:
(Of course I used the right MAC address instead of XX ...)
The output in Config.txt is okay though.
Is it still necessary to add ">> /home/pi/logs/presence2.log" to the script or crontab? Or did you code the logging to a file in the script?
If I run a tail -f ~/logs/presence2.log it looks like if the script is running continuously. Is this possible?
Some month ago I tried your script. Back then the method using arping was working better for me.
Now I had a look at the changes you made, including the install script and MAC-address use. This is a much better version now!! Very good job.
If I run the install I get the following message after each MAC-address input:
Code: Select all
Enter mac adress of device4 for example: 20:5E:A8:C1:AE:C0 and press [ENTER]:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX regel 329: [: : een geheel-getaluitdrukking werd verwacht
(Of course I used the right MAC address instead of XX ...)
The output in Config.txt is okay though.
Is it still necessary to add ">> /home/pi/logs/presence2.log" to the script or crontab? Or did you code the logging to a file in the script?
If I run a tail -f ~/logs/presence2.log it looks like if the script is running continuously. Is this possible?
Last edited by AllesVanZelf on Wednesday 24 July 2019 15:01, edited 1 time in total.
Domoticz 2020.1 (12230) on Raspberry Pi 3B with Raspian Buster. Besides Domoticz, Rpi is running Pi-Hole.
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v2.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router
The script is not logging automatically. So the cronjob with logging is neccesary. I Will look to the error thnx reporting. The script should run every 30 seconds.
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v2.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router
Should the script run every 30 seconds with the extra sleep line in crontab?
Domoticz 2020.1 (12230) on Raspberry Pi 3B with Raspian Buster. Besides Domoticz, Rpi is running Pi-Hole.
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v2.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router
Yep the 5 stars ***** means the script runs every minute and the second line runs every minute with a sleep of 30 seconds. You can also choose to run the script every minute just remove the second line with the sleep.
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v2.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router
Ok thanks, the latter is what I did. With 5 devices to check, the log is always busy then.
Domoticz 2020.1 (12230) on Raspberry Pi 3B with Raspian Buster. Besides Domoticz, Rpi is running Pi-Hole.
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v2.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router
Good point! Here can see the options for the crontab ... ntab-2.png ... ntab-2.png
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v2.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router
Two phones came home this evening, and both where not updated in domoticz.
I tried to run the script manually as user and as sudo. I see a message: "UTCstatus router is not simular to status domoticz. We change status domoticz for Samsung-A7 to On" But that never happens. As far as I can see the idx is okay and the mac address is oke. Is the device name in config.txt important? Does it have to match with the virtual switch?
Now I see there is even a message in domoticz log: Status: "presence-detection-logging Samsung-A7 = On"
But the switch is not updated to status On.
Something wrong in the script? The second, third and fourth device do not switch, the first and last do switch in domoticz. Tomorrow I will do some experiments with this.
I tried to run the script manually as user and as sudo. I see a message: "UTCstatus router is not simular to status domoticz. We change status domoticz for Samsung-A7 to On" But that never happens. As far as I can see the idx is okay and the mac address is oke. Is the device name in config.txt important? Does it have to match with the virtual switch?
Now I see there is even a message in domoticz log: Status: "presence-detection-logging Samsung-A7 = On"
But the switch is not updated to status On.
Something wrong in the script? The second, third and fourth device do not switch, the first and last do switch in domoticz. Tomorrow I will do some experiments with this.
Domoticz 2020.1 (12230) on Raspberry Pi 3B with Raspian Buster. Besides Domoticz, Rpi is running Pi-Hole.
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v2.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router
Hello Funky,
I figured out what the problem was in my situation.
I already had dummy devices for the phones. I have protected these dummy switches with a password - Light/Switch protection passcode in Domoticz Settings and enabled this password protection in this dummy devices.
The script could not handle these password protected dummy switches.
I made some changes to the script, and now it is possible to enter a 'Light/Switch protection passcode' and this passcode is passed to Domoticz to switch the dummies.
This is the code with additions marked as ## added/changed by Allesvanzelf (of course feel free to remove these):
I'm not sure what happens if you do not enter a passcode here.
In another presence-detection script on the wiki, they use:
domoticzusername = "admin"
domoticzpassword = "admin"
Is this something you have to use either?
I figured out what the problem was in my situation.
I already had dummy devices for the phones. I have protected these dummy switches with a password - Light/Switch protection passcode in Domoticz Settings and enabled this password protection in this dummy devices.
The script could not handle these password protected dummy switches.
I made some changes to the script, and now it is possible to enter a 'Light/Switch protection passcode' and this passcode is passed to Domoticz to switch the dummies.
This is the code with additions marked as ## added/changed by Allesvanzelf (of course feel free to remove these):
Code: Select all
#presence detection 2.2 Fritzbox by G.J Funcke
#License: MIT
#Author: G.J. Funcke
#Making use: of fritzconnection
#License: MIT
#Author: Klaus Bremer
#all variables are stored inside config.txt
#Run install to start a new installation
#Run debug to enable debugging
#run to just start the main functionality
#default variables
#current directory script
cwd=$(cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "$0")" && pwd -P)
#some styling ;-)
NC='\033[0m' # No Color
if [ "$1" = "debug" ]; then
echo "debug enabled"
echo "------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "Presence detection for Domoticz using Fritzbox version 2.2"
echo "------------------------------------------------------------"
#check if config file exist.
if [ ! -f $cwd/config.txt ] || [ "$1" = "install" ]; then
# Load data.
source $cwd/config.txt
#check if all variables are set
if [[ -z $ip_fritzbox || -z $pass_fritzbox || -z $ip_domoticz || -z $device_names || -z $device_macs || -z $device_idx ]]; then
echo "The config file is corrupt!"
read -p "Do you want to run install Y/n " -n 1 -r
#install dependencies
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
sudo bash install
exit 1
# Loop upto size of array
# st
while [ $i -lt ${#device_names[@]} ]
echo "checking:${device_names[i]}"
status_domoticz_device=$(curl -s 'http://'$ip_domoticz'/json.htm?type=devices&rid='${device_idx[i]} | jq -r [.result][][].Data)
status_fritzbox_device=$(python $cwd/ -i $ip_fritzbox -p $pass_fritzbox -d ${device_macs[i]})
sleep 2;
output_router_device=$(grep "NewActive : 1" <<<"$status_fritzbox_device")
if [ -n "$ip_repeater" ]; then
status_repeater_device=$(python $cwd/ -i $ip_repeater -p $pass_fritzbox -d ${device_macs[i]})
sleep 2;
output_repeater_device=$(grep "NewActive : 1" <<<"$status_repeater_device")
if [ -z "$output_router_device" ] && [ -z "$output_repeater_device" ]; then
# device is not active in router and not active in repeater so set it to off
#device is active so we set variable to on
#else if there is no repeater
if [ -z "$output_router_device" ];then
# device is not active in router and not active in repeater so set it to off
#device is active so we set variable to on
if [ "$status_router_device" == "$status_domoticz_device" ]; then
# both are simular so there is nothing to change.
echo $(date -u) "status router and domoticz for ${device_names[i]} are simular, we do nothing"
#router status vs domoticz status are not equal we set domoticz status to router status.
#we change the value in domoticz
echo -e $(date -u)"status router is not simular to status domoticz. ${GREEN} We change status domoticz for ${device_names[i]} to $status_router_device${NC}"
##Added '&passcode=$domoticzpasscode' by Allesvanzelf
wget -q --delete-after "http://$ip_domoticz/json.htm?type=command¶m=switchlight&idx=${device_idx[i]}&switchcmd=$status_router_device&passcode=$domoticzpasscode" >/dev/null 2>&1
#we send logging information to domoticz
wget -q --delete-after "http://$ip_domoticz/json.htm?type=command¶m=addlogmessage&message=presence-detection-logging ${device_names[i]} = $status_router_device" >/dev/null 2>&1
#debug information:
if [ "$show_debug" = 1 ]; then
echo "debug information:"
echo "status domoticz:"
echo "$status_domoticz_device"
echo "-----------------------"
echo "status fritzbox:"
echo "$status_fritzbox_device"
echo "-----------------------"
echo "status repeater:"
echo "$status_repeater_device"
echo "-----------------------"
i=`expr $i + 1`
if [ "$show_debug" = 1 ]; then
echo "dependencies installed:"
echo "installed python version:"
python --version
echo "installed JQ version:"
jq --version
echo "---------------------"
echo "config file variables:"
echo "---------------------"
cat $cwd/config.txt
echo "---------------------"
# install script
if [ "$run_install" = 1 ]; then
# This is a user friendly installer for presence detection fritzbox 2.2
echo "--------------------------------------------------------"
echo " Installer for fritzbox presence detection 2.2"
echo " before you continue make sure you made a virtual dummy in domoticz"
echo " in domoticz and write down the idx numbers of the devices"
echo "--------------------------------------------------------"
#check if config file exist.
if [ -f $cwd/config.txt ]; then
read -p "We found an existing config file, this file will be overwritten are you sure? Y/n " -n 1 -r
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
sudo rm -f $cwd/config.txt
echo "continue install script"
echo "installation aborted"
exit 1
check_jq=$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status} ${Version}\n' jq)
check_python=$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status} ${Version}\n' python)
check_lxml=$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status} ${Version}\n' python-lxml)
check_requests=$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status} ${Version}\n' python-requests)
if [[ $check_jq == *"installed"* ]]; then
echo -e "JQ:${GREEN}[OK]${NC}"
echo -e "JQ:${RED}[not installed!]${NC}"
if [[ $check_python == *"installed"* ]]; then
echo -e "Python:${GREEN}[OK]${NC}"
echo -e "Python:${RED}[not installed!]${NC}"
if [[ $check_lxml == *"installed"* ]]; then
echo -e "Python-lxml :${GREEN}[OK]${NC}"
echo -e "Python-lxml:${RED}[not installed!]${NC}"
if [[ $check_requests == *"installed"* ]]; then
echo -e "Python-requests:${GREEN}[OK]${NC}"
echo -e "Python-requests:${RED}[not installed!]${NC}"
if [ "$check_dep" = 0 ]; then
read -p "There are missing depencencies! Do you want to install dependencies Y/n " -n 1 -r
#install dependencies
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
sudo apt-get install python jq python-lxml python-requests
echo "one or more dependencies are not installed, installation of this script cannot continue. Run: sudo apt-get install python jq python-lxml python-requests"
echo "and reinstall the script with: sudo bash install"
exit 1
#questions for config file
echo -n "Enter ip adres of fritzbox default: and press [ENTER]: "
read ip_fritzbox
echo "ip_fritzbox=$ip_fritzbox" >> config.txt
echo -n "Enter password of fritzbox (web interface password) and press [ENTER]: "
read pass_fritzbox
echo "pass_fritzbox=$pass_fritzbox" >> config.txt
echo -n "Enter ip adres of fritz repeater (leave blank if you dont have any) and press [ENTER]: "
read ip_repeater
echo "ip_repeater=$ip_repeater" >> config.txt
echo -n "Enter ip adres of domoticz including port default: and press [ENTER]: "
read ip_domoticz
echo "ip_domoticz=$ip_domoticz" >> config.txt
## added by Allesvanzelf
echo -n "Enter the Light/Switch protection passcode if you have set this in Domoticz Settings, and or if you have, or want to password protect this dummy switch; and press [ENTER] "
read domoticzpasscode
echo "domoticzpasscode=$domoticzpasscode" >> config.txt
#check status domoticz
status_domoticz=$(curl -s 'http://'$ip_domoticz'/json.htm?type=command¶m=getversion' | jq -r .status)
if [ -z $status_domoticz ]; then
echo "there is a problem retrieving information of domoticz, Restart install script and check domoticz ip settings or check if domoticz is offline"
exit 1
echo -e "Status domoticz ${GREEN}[OK]${NC}"
read -p "Do you want to make virtual hardware and virtual sensors automatically in Domoticz Y/n " -n 1 -r
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
idx_virtual_hardware=$(curl -s 'http://'$ip_domoticz'/json.htm?type=command¶m=addhardware&htype=15&name=presence_detection&enabled=true&datatimeout=0' | jq -r .idx )
if [ -z $idx_virtual_hardware ]; then
echo "there is a problem adding the virtual hardware to domoticz. $idx_virtual_hardware"
exit 1
echo -e "Virtual hardware Presence_detection (IDX: $idx_virtual_hardware) added to domoticz ${GREEN}[OK]${NC}"
echo -n "Enter number of devices you want to add and press [ENTER]: "
read number_of_devices
while [ $i -lt $number_of_devices ]
echo -n "Enter name of device$i use underscore instead of spaces and press [ENTER]:"
read names
#remove spaces in name of device
dev_name=${names// /_}
#add values to array device_name
echo -n "Enter mac adress of device$i for example: 20:5E:A8:C1:AE:C0 and press [ENTER]:"
read -a mac
if [ "$create_auto" -eq "1" ];then
add_virtual_device=$(curl -s 'http://'$ip_domoticz'/json.htm?type=createdevice&idx='$idx_virtual_hardware'&sensorname='$dev_name'&sensormappedtype=0xF449')
status_virtual_device=$(jq -r .status <<< "$add_virtual_device")
idx_virtual_device=$(jq -r .idx <<< "$add_virtual_device")
if [ -z $status_virtual_device ]; then
echo "there is a problem adding the virtual device to domoticz. $add_virtual_device"
exit 1
echo -e "Virtual device $dev_name (IDX: $idx_virtual_device) added to domoticz ${GREEN}[OK]${NC}"
echo -n "Enter IDX of device $i and press [ENTER]:"
read -a idx
# save device_name values inside configfile
for dn in "${device_name[*]}"
echo "device_names=($dn)"
# save device_mac values inside configfile
for dn in "${device_mac[*]}"
echo "device_macs=($dn)"
done >>config.txt
# save device_idx values inside configfile
for dn in "${device_idx[*]}"
echo "device_idx=($dn)"
done >>config.txt
# run presence detection straight away
read -p "Do you want to run presence detection Y/n " -n 1 -r
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
sudo bash
echo "Installation is complete"
echo "you can add: * * * * * $cwd/ to your crontab "
In another presence-detection script on the wiki, they use:
domoticzusername = "admin"
domoticzpassword = "admin"
Is this something you have to use either?
Domoticz 2020.1 (12230) on Raspberry Pi 3B with Raspian Buster. Besides Domoticz, Rpi is running Pi-Hole.
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v2.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router
New version of the script is live on GitHub version 2.3.
now supporting protected light switches (thnx to allesvanzelf for supporting and adding lines of code)
Also make some text changes to the install script.
I tested the script with and without protecting light switches. it works!
now supporting protected light switches (thnx to allesvanzelf for supporting and adding lines of code)
Also make some text changes to the install script.
I tested the script with and without protecting light switches. it works!
Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v2.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router
Hi Funky
Today I installed version 2.3 of the script on domoticz V4.10717 and a FB7581.
It worked right out of the box. The best presence detection in town.
Much better that the ones that use ping or arp. The reliability is great.
Many thanks Funky!
Today I installed version 2.3 of the script on domoticz V4.10717 and a FB7581.
It worked right out of the box. The best presence detection in town.
Much better that the ones that use ping or arp. The reliability is great.
Many thanks Funky!
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v2.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router
Hi Funky,
Switched now fully to your solution as i had to take the Asus router out of my network.
Script runs well so the one line installer with checks works
But i am looking for a similar solution as iDetect that script turned also an additional switch: Anyone Present so you could do easy presence checks just based on the single switch. I tried with Blockly to re-create this (if Phone=On > Anyone Present=On) but somehow this does not work.
Would it possible to implement an extra switch in your script so that if any phone is present the Anyone present = On and if all phones are absent the Anyone present = Off.
Switched now fully to your solution as i had to take the Asus router out of my network.
Script runs well so the one line installer with checks works

But i am looking for a similar solution as iDetect that script turned also an additional switch: Anyone Present so you could do easy presence checks just based on the single switch. I tried with Blockly to re-create this (if Phone=On > Anyone Present=On) but somehow this does not work.
Would it possible to implement an extra switch in your script so that if any phone is present the Anyone present = On and if all phones are absent the Anyone present = Off.
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v2.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router
Hi Prutsium,
I've done this with Blockly. Beside the switches for the different phones, I made a dummy switch for "Anyone home".
My blockly is like this:
Code: Select all
If 'Anyone home' = Off AND Phone1 = On OR Phone2 = On OR Phone3 = On
Set 'Anyone home = On
Else If 'Anyone home' = On AND Phone1 = Off AND Phone2 = Off AND Phone3 = Off
Set 'Anyone home = Off
Domoticz 2020.1 (12230) on Raspberry Pi 3B with Raspian Buster. Besides Domoticz, Rpi is running Pi-Hole.
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v2.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router
Thanks ... was doing it quite similar but made minor mistake your example showed me my mistakeAllesVanZelf wrote: ↑Monday 26 August 2019 15:08 Hi Prutsium,
I've done this with Blockly. Beside the switches for the different phones, I made a dummy switch for "Anyone home".
My blockly is like this:In my case this is working.Code: Select all
If 'Anyone home' = Off AND Phone1 = On OR Phone2 = On OR Phone3 = On Set 'Anyone home = On Else If 'Anyone home' = On AND Phone1 = Off AND Phone2 = Off AND Phone3 = Off Set 'Anyone home = Off

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