Presence detection for Fritzbox script v2.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router

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Presence detection for Fritzbox script v2.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router

Post by funky »

Hello there,
Since i was not happy with the available presence detection scripts which are worked not very well with iPhone. I made a presence detection script using the TR-064 protocol of my Fritzbox router and get direct information of the router itself.
This saves battery of your smartphone because there is no need of pinging all the time and its more accurate, because the router is made for having the correct information about network devices.

This script is tested with a fritzbox 7581 router but should be working with more routers who has a tr064 protocol implementation.

install script newest version 2.4:

Code: Select all

 git clone 
more information: ... z_fritzbox

Old version 2.3 can be downloaded here:

Code: Select all

git clone -b version-2.3 
wiki: ... ox_router)

FAQ en readme: ... /

Changed 2.4 18 dec 2020
- Now support for multiple repeaters (as many as you want ;-)
- Install script is updated. More checks and a little help by showing the default gateway.
- Config.txt is totally rewritten. Sorry if you update to this version you have to reinstall. Tip: Make a print screen of your old config.txt. You can leave the domoticz settings as is. In the script you can choose to set manually set the settings for the devices. If you want a fresh install? Remove the old devices from domoticz first before you start the script.
- delay time added. Can be set inside the script file. Change only if for some reason your FritzBox is replying slower then the default 2 seconds

Changed 2.3 26 juli 2019
1.Added lightning protection (thnx to allesvanzelf for supporting and added these lines)
2.Some text changes.

Changed 2.2 - 16 march 2019:
1.Check if dependencies are installed is now fixed.
2.Updated FAQ: ... /

Changed 2.0 - 23 februari 2019:
1. Easy installer. Now there is no need to edit script files
2. Add a lot of checks to make the script more reliable.
3. Its now possible to add as many devices as you want.

Changed 1.04 - 4 februari 2019:
1.Devices are now targeted with Mac adresses instead of ipadresses > more reliable and faster.
2.If you don't have a repeater, leave the ip adress of the host_repeater empty. The script will ignore repeater settings.
3.There was a bug , sometimes devices where not updated, its now fixed.

Changed 1.0:
1. Extra checks on availability of fritzhost and / or repeater
2. some nice colors for readability.
Last edited by funky on Friday 25 December 2020 14:00, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v1.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router

Post by andreo »

Hello Funky,

Thx for sharing your script, i have tested this on a fritzbox 7490.
When i run the i get the following output

Code: Select all

pi@raspberrypi:~/domoticz/scripts/python $ python

version:            0.6
model:              FRITZ!Box 7490
After running the script i get the list of active devices on router and extender

Code: Select all

pi@raspberrypi:~/domoticz/scripts/python $ ./
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  1884  100  1884    0     0   429k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  613k
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  1889  100  1889    0     0   453k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  614k
status domoticz device 1 = On
status domoticz device 2 = Off
getting output router
output router devices =
version:            0.6.2
model:              FRITZ!Box 7490

List of registered hosts:

  n: ip              name                       mac                 status

  0: Andre                      -                   -
  1:  Chromecast                 30:FD:38:AD:CA:7D   active
  2:  DESKTOP-33H19JO            00:DB:DF:72:1A:C3   -
  3:  DESKTOP-VN90648            00:26:6C:62:BF:7A   -
  4:  DESKTOP-VN90648            B4:82:FE:61:A1:9F   -
  5:  DMP-BDT120                 CC:7E:E7:E5:86:10   active
  6:  DNR                        00:04:63:10:9A:AE   active
  7:  Domoticz                   4C:66:41:7F:37:28   -
  8:  ESP-0729A1                 B4:E6:2D:07:29:A1   active
  9:  ESP-Easy-0                 5C:CF:7F:02:08:3A   -
 10:  Galaxy-A3-2016             78:00:9E:EB:9F:C2   -
 11:  Galaxy-A3-2017             EC:10:7B:30:88:87   -
 12:  HUAWEI-Mate-9-98d17a4e7c4  8C:0D:76:CB:33:4E   active
 13:  NB0121                     00:1E:65:00:FC:E0   -
 14:  P1Gateway-33               5C:CF:7F:15:B6:6C   active
 15:  PC-192-168-178-35          00:60:34:06:FC:AA   active
 16:  PanasonicWT50              CC:7E:E7:80:F3:69   active
 17:  QNAP                       00:08:9B:C8:77:D3   -
 18:  SYNC                       50:65:83:2C:6D:6D   -
 19:  TV-Samsung-LED28           78:BD:BC:0F:E9:F1   -
 20: VPN                        -                   -
 21:  VPNrouter                  B8:27:EB:7F:7D:F2   active
 22:  android-dd162b810130b789   00:73:E0:77:6F:32   -
 23:  dimmer-TV-links-3          A0:20:A6:21:BC:66   active
 24:  dimmer-TV-rechts-4         A0:20:A6:1A:BB:F9   -
 25:  dimmer-bank-rechts-6       5C:CF:7F:2F:60:3A   -
 26:  dimmer-gang-2              A0:20:A6:1A:BA:43   active
 27:                  34:31:C4:C9:96:9F   active
 28:  fritz.repeater             62:FF:4D:FA:A7:B0   active
 29:  iPad-ac                    B8:FF:61:59:E5:AC   active
 30:  iPad-van-Andre             70:DE:E2:17:4A:02   active
 31:  iPadvanrancoise            5C:97:F3:8D:8E:00   active
 32:  raspberrypi                B8:27:EB:A7:87:3B   active
 33:  test-unit-1-1              18:FE:34:FB:BB:37   -
output extender devices = =
version:            0.6.2
model:              FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 1750E

List of registered hosts:

  n: ip              name                       mac                 status

  0:   Access Point               34:31:C4:C9:96:A1   active
  1:  Chromecast                 30:FD:38:AD:CA:7D   -
  2:  DESKTOP-33H19JO            00:DB:DF:72:1A:C3   -
  3:  DESKTOP-VN90648            B4:82:FE:61:A1:9F   active
  4:  ESP-Easy-0                 5C:CF:7F:02:08:3A   active
  5:  Galaxy-A3-2017             EC:10:7B:30:88:87   active
  6:  PC-192-168-178-20          00:04:63:10:9A:AE   active
  7:  PC-192-168-178-22          B4:E6:2D:07:29:A1   -
  8:  PC-192-168-178-24          24:EC:99:17:E4:CA   -
  9:  PC-192-168-178-25          A0:20:A6:21:BC:66   active
 10:  PC-192-168-178-28          A0:20:A6:1A:BA:43   active
 11:  PC-192-168-178-29          B8:27:EB:A7:87:3B   active
 12:  PC-192-168-178-30          CC:7E:E7:E5:86:10   active
 13:  PC-192-168-178-31          5C:CF:7F:15:B6:6C   active
 14:  PC-192-168-178-34          50:65:83:2C:6D:6D   -
 15:  PC-192-168-178-35          00:60:34:06:FC:AA   -
 16:  PC-192-168-178-42          00:26:6C:62:BF:7A   -
 17:  PC-192-168-178-45          B8:27:EB:7F:7D:F2   active
 18:  PC-192-168-178-46          8C:0D:76:CB:33:4E   -
 19:  PC-192-168-178-47          5C:CF:7F:2F:60:3A   -
 20:  PC-192-168-178-48          CC:7E:E7:80:F3:69   active
 21:  PC-192-168-178-52          78:BD:BC:0F:E9:F1   -
 22:  Samsung-Galaxy-S7-edge     4C:66:41:7F:37:28   -
 23:  android-dd162b810130b789   00:73:E0:77:6F:32   -
 24:  dimmer-TV-rechts-4         A0:20:A6:1A:BB:F9   active
 25:  fritz.repeater             7C:FF:4D:FA:A7:AE   active
 26:  iPad-ac                    B8:FF:61:59:E5:AC   active
 27:  iPad-van-Andre             70:DE:E2:17:4A:02   active
 28:  iPadvanrancoise            5C:97:F3:8D:8E:00   -
 29:  test-unit-1-1              18:FE:34:FB:BB:37   active
status router device 1 =  12:  HUAWEI-Mate-9-98d17a4e7c4  8C:0D:76:CB:33:4E   active
status router device 2 =
status extender device 1 =
status extender device2 =   5:  Galaxy-A3-2017             EC:10:7B:30:88:87   active
Wed 30 Jan 22:35:14 UTC 2019 status router and domoticz for Mate9 are simular, we do nothing
Wed 30 Jan 22:35:14 UTC 2019 status router is not simular to status domoticz. We change status domoticz for GalaxyA3 to  On
Also the devices in Domoticz are set to the correct status.

I put the 3 files in the ~/domoticz/scripts/python directory but how do i run the script automactily? do i have to run the sh script by cronjob?
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Greetz Andre.
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v1.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router

Post by funky »

Hi Andreo,

I made a cronjob to run the script. I run it every 30 seconds.

* * * * * /home/pi/domoticz/ >> /home/pi/logs/presence2.log
* * * * * ( sleep 30 ; /home/pi/domoticz/ >> /home/pi/logs/presence2.log
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v1.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router

Post by andreo »

it's working :D
after trying many solutions, this is finally the first presence detection that works accurately :!:
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Greetz Andre.
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v1.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router

Post by funky »

Nice to hear!
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v1.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router

Post by emme »

I'm working on the same on NodeRed

the ARP table on fritz seems to be really accurate!!!
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v1.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router

Post by gerbenvanasselt »

I am very eager to install this presence detection, but cannot even complete the first step.
I am heaving trouble installing

pip install fritzconnection and the pip install lxml requests

Building wheels for collected packages: lxml
Running bdist_wheel for lxml ... \

It sort of crashes and nothing happens. Anyone having the same problem?

Hope to hear from you.
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v1.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router

Post by funky »

You can skip step 1 Because fritzconnection is already part of the bundel. You dont need pip , pip is not crashing you have to wait for a very long time, but forget Using pip

Just install the dependencies step 2 like this:

sudo apt-get install jq Python
sudo apt-get install python3.6 LXML
sudo apt-get install python-lxml REQUEST
Sudo apt-get install python-requests and go further with step 3 and so on

I have changed the readme on github. Removed step 1.
Good luck!
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v1.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router

Post by AllesVanZelf »

I tried this presence detection with my Fritzbox 7390, but sometimes a samsung s7 isn't detected and other times an iPhone X isn't detected. I have better results with the arping method found here
Domoticz 2020.1 (12230) on Raspberry Pi 3B with Raspian Buster. Besides Domoticz, Rpi is running Pi-Hole.
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v1.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router

Post by gerbenvanasselt »

The script part i Managed, The script is talking to my fritzbox 7490.

But now i am struggling with the dependencies. I installed python 3.6.5, but the first dependency (JQ) is saying that it cannot find the package Python. The same with the lxml can't find package 3.6. I don't have a clue, what are the options?
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v1.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router

Post by funky »

gerbenvanasselt wrote: Saturday 02 February 2019 17:31 The script part i Managed, The script is talking to my fritzbox 7490.

But now i am struggling with the dependencies. I installed python 3.6.5, but the first dependency (JQ) is saying that it cannot find the package Python. The same with the lxml can't find package 3.6. I don't have a clue, what are the options?
The problem is that in my first suggestion I made a typo I tested it for you use the following code below:

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install python jq python-lxml python-requests
and after that

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
then everything is updated and it should work now.
edit the script, change parameters and
Start the script with sudo bash
Last edited by funky on Sunday 03 February 2019 10:30, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v1.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router

Post by funky »

AllesVanZelf wrote: Saturday 02 February 2019 17:18 I tried this presence detection with my Fritzbox 7390, but sometimes a samsung s7 isn't detected and other times an iPhone X isn't detected. I have better results with the arping method found here
Do you have a fritzbox extender / repeater? and did you add the extender to this script? When you don't do this and your iPhone is switched to the extender then the script can't detect it anymore because its looking to the fritzbox table. you can add the extender by searching for its ip adres and add it to the script. The script will look for your iPhone on the extender and on the fritzbox and then it should work.
Look for the line: host_extender= (or if you downloaded the newest version of my script look for: host_repeater=)
and put there the ip adress of the extender. For example: host_extender= || or host_repeater=

Go to http://fritz.repeater, login with same password as fritzbox
and there you see the ip adress of your repeater.

When you enable de debug mode in the script by setting debug=on
Then you see at the end the following lines. here is my example:
21: fritz.repeater 7C:FF:4D:24:6C:C4 active
22: iPadvanPatrick 78:FD:94:85:BA:63 -
23: iPhone7GertJan AB:1F:74:41:2C:62 active
24: iPhonevjkshoorn 24:EE:28:C1:EE:B0 active
status router device 1 =
status router device 2 =
status repeater device 1 = 23: iPhone7GertJan AB:1F:74:41:2C:62 active
status repeater device2 = 24: iPhonevjkshoorn 24:EE:28:C1:EE:B0 active
za feb 2 22:58:06 UTC 2019status router is not simular to status domoticz. We change status domoticz for Iphone GJ to On
za feb 2 22:58:06 UTC 2019 status router is not simular to status domoticz. We change status domoticz for Iphone Pat to On

In the above example you see that status router device 1 is empty and status repeater device 1 is filled. In this case both iPhones are found on the repeater and not on the router it self. The script will automatically take the state of the repeater and set it to domoticz

If you have more then 1 repeater, let me know I will change the script for you.

And your suggestion with arp.. I used it before and its the reason I created this script, because when a iPhone goes to screensaver mode arping is not accurate anymore. And this script is using the table of the router and is always accurate even when the iPhone is in screensaver mode
Last edited by funky on Sunday 03 February 2019 0:03, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v1.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router

Post by funky »

Thnx guys for all the feedback. I realize my instructions where a bit messy. I updated the and the script lines! If you have any problems just post here I will help you (im from the Netherlands (ik zie dat veel van jullie dit ook zijn :) .. so if you want to speak dutch you can send me a PM, please do not speak dutch in this forum).
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v1.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router

Post by AllesVanZelf »

And what do I do with the script when I do not have an extender?
I tried to remove the parts of the extender. But maybe it went wrong there.
Domoticz 2020.1 (12230) on Raspberry Pi 3B with Raspian Buster. Besides Domoticz, Rpi is running Pi-Hole.
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v1.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router

Post by funky »

AllesVanZelf wrote: Sunday 03 February 2019 0:09 And what do I do with the script when I do not have an extender?
I tried to remove the parts of the extender. But maybe it went wrong there.
Good point. I will change the script (after this weekend) so that If you leave the repeater empty it will pass the repeater lines in the code.
I already found a problem in the script that may cause your problem. I will fix it and let you know.
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v1.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router

Post by gerbenvanasselt »

I have installed python from you're instructions and all the python dependencies are installed. When i run the script (sudo bash i get the following error. Looked in the scripts but could not find anything in line 113 position 11 that could cause the error. Any suggestions?

There is a list in the output, but the devices that I wan to use for presence detection are not in the list. The list is not complete. I am missing more devices. Is there an explaination for this. I looked into some things, but it is a mixture of 2,4ghz and 5 ghz devices. I miss my oneplus 6 and my wives nokia 6.

Code: Select all

sudo bash
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  1894  100  1894    0     0   125k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  132k
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  1894  100  1894    0     0   233k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  264k
status domoticz device 1 = Off
status domoticz device 2 = Off
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/presence_detection/", line 196, in <module>
  File "/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/presence_detection/", line 193, in main
  File "/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/presence_detection/", line 190, in _print_status
  File "/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/presence_detection/", line 113, in print_hosts
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xa0' in position 11: ordinal not in range(128)
getting output router
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/presence_detection/", line 196, in <module>
  File "/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/presence_detection/", line 193, in main
  File "/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/presence_detection/", line 190, in _print_status
  File "/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/presence_detection/", line 103, in print_hosts
    hosts = fh.get_hosts_info()
  File "/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/presence_detection/", line 77, in get_hosts_info
    while index < self.host_numbers:
  File "/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/presence_detection/", line 59, in host_numbers
    result = self.action('GetHostNumberOfEntries')
  File "/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/presence_detection/", line 51, in action
    return self.fc.call_action(SERVICE, actionname, **kwargs)
  File "/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/presence_detection/", line 405, in call_action
    action = self._get_action(service_name, action_name)
  File "/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/presence_detection/", line 378, in _get_action
    raise ServiceError('Unknown Service: ' + service_name)
fritzconnection.ServiceError: Unknown Service: Hosts:1
output router devices =
version:            0.6.2
model:              FRITZ!Box 7490
Last edited by gerbenvanasselt on Sunday 03 February 2019 21:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v1.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router

Post by funky »

gerbenvanasselt wrote: Sunday 03 February 2019 16:46 I have installed python from you're instructions and all the python dependencies are installed. When i run the script (sudo bash i get the following error. Looked in the scripts but could not find anything in line 113 position 11 that could cause the error. Any suggestions?
  • sudo bash
    % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
    Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
    100 1894 100 1894 0 0 125k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 132k
    % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
    Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
    100 1894 100 1894 0 0 233k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 264k
    status domoticz device 1 = Off
    status domoticz device 2 = Off
This is an authentication problem. Or the ip adres of the router is not correct or your password is not correct. Use the password of the fritzbox browser login. If you didn't change the password its located on the fritzbox itself.

you can quickly check to do the following:
sudo python -i <here your ip adress of your router> -p <here your password of your router>
for example sudo python -i -pmypassword

If it works then change the settings inside presence
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v1.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router

Post by gerbenvanasselt »


This is an authentication problem. Or the ip adres of the router is not correct or your password is not correct. Use the password of the fritzbox browser login. If you didn't change the password its located on the fritzbox itself.

you can quickly check to do the following:
sudo python -I <here your ip adress of your router> -p <here your password of your router>
for example sudo python -i -pmypassword

If it works then change the settings inside presence

There is a list in the output, but the devices that I want to use for presence detection are not in the list. The list is not complete. I am missing more devices. Is there an explaination for this. I looked into some things, but it is a mixture of 2,4ghz and 5 ghz devices. I miss my oneplus 6 and my wives nokia 6.

Code: Select all

version:            0.6.2
model:              FRITZ!Box 7490

List of registered hosts:

  n: ip              name                       mac                 status

  0:  Chromecast                 :77:33:C0:83:CE   active
  1:  GENM-PC--GenM              :1A:04:FF:C2:9F   active
  2:  GW-A0C9A0D63E89            A0:C9:A0:D6:3E:89   active
  3:  Galaxy-Tab-A-2016         :B5:D0:54:51:0F   active
  4:  Galaxy-Tab-A-2016          :B1:0F:41:E6:88   active
  5:  Google-Home-Mini           :07:0B:50:C6:72   active
  6:  HP9F655E                   :4A:3E:9F:65:5E   active
  7:  HTC-One-A9                 :01:84:D4:22:41   -
  8:  HTC-One-M7                :7A:88:34:79:7A   -
  9:  HenK-BDS280               :1C:50:22:C5:1B   -
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Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v1.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router

Post by funky »

do you have a repeater (extender)? goto http://fritz.repeater

if you have a repeater look for its ip adress and run fritzhosts again with the repeaters ip adres.. Password is the same as the fritzbox.. Are your devices there?
Posts: 74
Joined: Friday 07 September 2018 14:46
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
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Location: Netherlands

Re: Presence detection for Fritzbox script v1.0: using TR064 protocol communication to your router

Post by gerbenvanasselt »

No, I don't have a repeater just the fritz 7490 router

When i place my computer's IP in it it works, but the phones are not detected.
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