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Domoticz app for YunoHost

Posted: Saturday 12 January 2019 17:03
by anubis
Hello all,
YunoHost is a trendy OS to host your services at home in a easy way; I won't extend much on the presentation as everything is explained on their site.
I just would inform that I started to create a Domoticz package for this plateform to make installation easier for those who doesn't want to dig into Linux and compiling things ;)

This app is fresh, so currently experimental (be carefull on production servers); but your feedbacks will be welcome !
Hoping this will help to spread Domoticz :)

Quick discussions possible on xmpp:[email protected]?join

Re: Domoticz app for YunoHost

Posted: Sunday 05 January 2020 19:26
by anubis
For info the app has been updated to V4.10717 :
Feedback are welcomed.