Sonoff ifan02 how to configure

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Sonoff ifan02 how to configure

Post by cencen »


I managed to flash a Sonoff ifan02 with Tasmota and I can control it via the web interface.
I do not know how to configure Domoticz however, to connect the fan.
In domoticz I configured a selector switch, but that is not working.
Does anybody have experience in configuring ifan02 in domoticz?

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Re: Sonoff ifan02 how to configure

Post by Bizzarrini »

Same problem here, anyone find a solution? I can switch the light on via a virtual switch and created a second virtual switch of type button selector to control fan speed. Not working as expected. I guess the button state (x%) doesn't match the expected input (fanspeed 1 etc). What to do?
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Re: Sonoff ifan02 how to configure

Post by joostvanderlinde »

Old topic but thought i'd post the answer as I just configured it myself.
Make sure MQTT is setup correctly and working (eg with other Tasmota flashed devices(

Fan speed is to be defined as a selector switch in Domoticz (use dummy hardware) , the Idx (Domoticz devices tab) goes into Idx2 in the Tasmota Domoticz Config
Light is to be defined as a switch in Domoticz (use dummy hardware), the Idx (Domoticz devices tab) goes into Idx1 in the Tasmota Domoticz Config

Domoticz on BPI-M2-Pro (compiled on Ubuntu 22.04) and RPI (binary on Raspian 10)
RFXCom, Sonoff Zigbee stick, eBusd Adapter 5, P1, S0, Husdata H60 integration
Zigbee2MQTT AD, MQTT local, AirconWithMe, Ebusd, VolvoRecharge, PSA Car Controller
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